September Horoscopes + Rachel Lang

Rachel Lang
Rachel Lang is a professionally certified astrologer and healer who works with individuals, small businesses, and corporations. An internationally recognized speaker, she also hosts workshops and offers classes, retreats and meditation groups. Rachel loves helping people identify and heal challenges or roadblocks in life. She supports them in decision-making processes by mapping astrological trends and forecasts to offer a glimpse of what’s ahead. Her favorite part of her job is writing horoscopes and articles for LVBX Magazine. You can find out more or schedule a session online at

Since this month starts with a Full Moon in Pisces and the Sun is in Virgo, a sign associated with ritual, I invite you to join me in a September ritual.

Together, let’s envision a world clear of addiction to fear, a society that leads with compassion instead of division, and peace overcoming places of unrest. Let’s imagine a globe of healing light surrounding the planet and connecting us as we move through the last few months of 2020. And so it is. 

Virgo is the sign associated with ritual, sacrifice, discernment, and bringing order to chaos. It’s a productive and hard-working sign, and you can accomplish a lot at the beginning of the month. 


Mars is its sign, Aries, and feels right at home. For a couple of months now, it has helped us fortify boundaries, stand up for causes, and protect our interests in challenging situations. We have been more in touch with anger and frustration. Mars wants to keep moving forward. When it’s retrograde, however, we second-guess ourselves or question our goals. This questioning can lead us to stand still. You may not feel as much passion for or intimacy with your partner during Mars retrograde. You might be more aware of lingering conflicts. We are all more easily triggered during this cycle. So, it’s important to speak and act with compassion. Choose your battles with care. Any crisis of faith is an opportunity to stay strong in your convictions and keep moving forward, accessing the courage you need to succeed despite obstacles. Keep this in mind on September 29, when Mars challenges Saturn. 

With the Sun in industrious Virgo, you could experience a contrast. On the one hand, you are aware of what needs to be accomplished and feel mentally focused on those tasks. On the other hand, you might need more downtime. You might struggle to feel confident, especially if you’re a Cancer, Capricorn, or Libra. Consider this a pep talk for those times. You can do it! Stay strong, and keep going.

The Sun squares the North and South Nodes on September 16, and the New Moon on September 17 will fire up your drive to make a difference in your everyday life. You could be asking yourself these questions:

How can I make more of a contribution? 

How can I participate in the global shifts happening at this time? 

How can I share my gifts with the world? 

If you have been out of work or faced any professional setbacks, you will likely ask these questions and reassess them. This New Moon could plant the seed of an intention that will grow into an opportunity later this year. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, make this a time for a new beginning and step forward in faith.  


Libra is the sign associated with balance, harmony, and peacemaking. However, with Mars going retrograde in the opposite sign, we could experience peace by way of conflict. Balance by going to extremes. In times of disagreement, see from an expanded perspective and consider all sides of the situation. We will learn lessons in diplomacy as we move through October and November. 


First of all, a sign of Virgo is associated with discernment. The symbol for Virgo is the virgin. In ancient times, the Vestal virgins dedicated themselves to the goddess Vesta and tended the sacred fires. They devoted their lives to service, and an exchange, they were offered freedoms that married women did not have and had choices in their lives. Within the sign of Virgo are themes of service, freedom of choice, and ritual activities. With the Sun in Virgo, we have the power to make wise decisions in our lives and adapt daily rituals or habits that support those decisions. Look at the big decisions you face right now. Maybe you’re deciding where to move, determining the direction of a relationship, or seeking a career change. The Sun in Virgo gives you a balance between logic and intuition, and head and heart. Trust yourself to make the decisions that support your best and highest good right now.

Read your September horoscope HERE.




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