Meet Leo James Conroy

Tell us about your musical background; what first got you interested in music? My grandad taught me how to play the cornet, which is like a small trumpet, when I was 10 years old. I briefly had piano lessons before that but I stuck with cornet playing and joined brass bands around my hometown in Greater Manchester. I have aways looked up to him and music is our shared love. Since then I have explored all different of avenues of music but it was my Grandad who really lit the spark for me with classical music.

What does being a musician give to or provide you that nothing else can? It allows me to express myself. I am not very good at talking about my feelings or mental state, but I find the writing and performing process to be cathartic. Alongside that, it allows me to meet tons of people and have a lot of fun the whole way. It also provides me discipline and gives me a sense of purpose; to be the best musician I can be.

How does your song writing come about; what are you draw to when you’re writing music? Musically, I love to create ‘mood’. Once I know what I am writing about lyrically, I love the process of finding the best way to translate that mood sonically. I am particularly drawn to the essence of nostalgia. I find that bittersweet memories are my favorite to write about – capturing the balance between heavy/light, sorrow/joy in one piece of music is challenging but rewarding. It allows you to tell a story without saying too much.

The most interesting instrument you’ve ever played – and did you like it? On a couple of occasions I have played the euphonium, which is like a smaller tuba (but still big!). I even played a full brass band show on euphonium when the band were short of a player. It was fun! I can’t promise I played very well though…

What does your music give to you a personal, emotional level? Do you feel music can be a form of therapy, for all those involved in both playing and experiencing? I try not to listen to my own music too much, but as live performances go it is a great emotional vent for me. As a listener though, I absolutely see it is a form of therapy. You can dance, you can cry, you can question the status quo. If there’s something you want to express, in any way, there’s an anthem for it.

Who is your musical muse? Jeff Buckley. He has been since I first heard him as a young teen, and all with just the one album, ‘Grace’. It is a masterpiece.

Most exciting achievement to date? On a personal level, sobering up. It’s not easy to navigate the music industry drink free, but I’m proud to say I quit first time of asking. 15 months in and still going strong.

What’s next for you? My EP ‘Plastic Chairs & Cigarette Fumes’ drops digitally and in vinyl in the next few weeks! Can’t wait to share it with you all!




CURRENT READ: I wish I could give you a more left field type answer, but at the moment I am educating myself on the financial side of music. ‘All You Need To Know About The Music Business’ by Donald Passman (9th edition) is an amazing resource.

ON THE NIGHTSTAND: On my bedside table every night is my copy of ‘The Cornet Method’ by JB Arban, given to me on my 10th birthday by my Grandparents and signed by them. The corners are a little frayed and its got some wear but it is truly one of my most prized possessions.

FAVORITE CITY: MANCHESTER. The people, the music. It is the realest and most honest place I’ve known.







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