July Horoscopes + Rachel Lang

Rachel Lang

Rachel Lang is a professionally certified astrologer and healer who works with individuals, small businesses, and corporations. An internationally recognized speaker, she also hosts workshops and offers classes, retreats and meditation groups. Rachel loves helping people identify and heal challenges or roadblocks in life. She supports them in decision-making processes by mapping astrological trends and forecasts to offer a glimpse of what’s ahead. Her favorite part of her job is writing horoscopes and articles for LVBX Magazine. You can find out more or schedule a session online at http://rachelclang.com.

July starts with fireworks with a Lunar Eclipse at 9:31 pm PDT on July 4. Eclipses shake things up and catalyze change in our lives. This eclipse happens at the same degree as the USA’s Sun, and we can expect more important shifts in our country over the next six months. So much of the truth about corruption in our Capricorn systems (government, corporations, economic, religious institutions) have come out over the past two years. Now, we have a chance to make real, lasting change, though it could come by way of more demonstrations, rallies, and protests. Systemic problems require big movements toward change.

With eclipses, we see an unfolding of change over several months that stems from deep self-awareness around eclipse time. With a lunar eclipse, we experience big aha moments that allow us to clear blocks of fear and move toward the life we’re destined to lead. If you don’t have an idea about your destiny, the eclipse helps you realize it and take action steps to shape it.

Right now, as we head into the month, reflect on these questions:

  1. What am I willing to let go of?

  2. What in my life brings me joy?

  3. What do I need to heal?

With eclipses, you don’t need to excavate the depths of your psyche or dig for truth. Truth, knowledge, and wisdom show themselves to you. You discover aspects about yourself that may be hiding in the shadows. It’s sometimes painful, but it can be graceful if you give yourself the space to be with whatever comes up.

Mars is moving through warrior sign Aries for the next six months. It’s in this sign longer than usual because it will go retrograde in September. This influence heats things, and our tensions can run high. But it’s also a motivator, and it gives you the courage you need to move forward in your life in big ways – to take giant steps forward and leaps of faith.

Mercury goes direct on July 12, and while that would ordinarily be a relief, the next couple of days are intense as the Sun opposes Jupiter (on the 13th), Pluto (on the 15th), and Saturn (on the 20th). These influences make for a whirlwind of a week, especially for Cancers, Libras, Capricorns, and Aries. The Sun’s influence will shine a light on all of the major themes we’ve seen in 2020. A pandemic, an economic crisis, political division, and civil rights. The Sun’s influence that week gives us a collective wake-up call and invites us to greater participation in our lives and the unfolding events of the world. Because things will be pretty intense that week, it’s an excellent time to take a break and travel, especially around the New Moon on the 20th – the second New Moon in the sign of Cancer. You’re more open and receptive to divine guidance, and relaxation is a gateway to spiritual connection. When you’re chilled out, you can center yourself in your intuitive awareness and hear the answers you seek.

On July 22, the Sun enters Leo, and it’s a new day. We gently close out the month, feeling the warmth of connection with loved ones and feeling inspired. We’ll be ready for August after the past few months of retrogrades, eclipses, and outer planet transits. The 2020 transits will heat up in the fall, but the last few weeks of summer give us a brief reprieve.

Read your July horoscope HERE.



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