The Power of Positive Self-Talk

Each and every day we are faced with experiences that could either boost, or sabotage our self-esteem. At times, when we encounter a negative experience, we may interpret or create a judgement based on our beliefs. Positive self-talk seeks to bring the positive and overwrite the negative voice in your head. Positive self-talk reminds us as women to love our inner voice. Practicing positive self-talk guides us towards a journey of optimism and trust.

The majority of the time we are unaware of the thoughts that our unconscious works with. Self-awareness teaches us to listen carefully, paying attention to any negative thoughts and feelings we can identify. Self-awareness can help us control the positive and negative energies that we consume in various environments.

We consume large amounts of energy stretching ourselves to achieve specific outcomes; be a good daughter, mother, best friend etc. At the same time we have desires to pursue with our wildest dreams. Unfortunately the process of progress may involve a series of struggles, causing one to lack confidence and faith. Why allow a sense of inadequacy to interfere with your desires? It’s time to slow down and tame the negative voice. It’s time to feel loved and make peace with the voices in your head. It’s time to drive confident thoughts into our consciousness.

“The empowered woman can invest in her mind as a means to be fearless in everyday situations. She understands the value in opening up her heart and freeing herself from negativity. She trusts herself to find new capabilities within herself.”

Putting the positive in practice:

Keeping a thought log can really help us become more aware of our thoughts , and how we interpret what we feel may be a ‘negative experience’. Journaling can empower us to voice how we feel in writing, catching  negative thoughts early and using this experience as a valuable reflective practice. Journaling can teach us that each and every day is an opportunity to find a positive and bringing it into awareness, so that we can celebrate this.

Hidden energy
Within each word is a hidden energy that can shift our mindset. Consider the phrases you use as a means to coach yourself and create inner peace. Write a list of words to avoid and a list of words that bring you peace. Say each word slowly, loud and clear with the intention to empower, whereby negative words may release an energy that can be disempowering. You can practice this as a habit practicing self-discipline each time you speak.

Meditation increases self-awareness and gives us the space to work with our emotions. Meditating on a consistent basis can have beneficial results such as grounding the self and reconnecting with your thoughts. Meditation creates a safe space for you to be alone with your thoughts; confronting fears, insecurities, regrets and other difficult emotions. Allow your thoughts to submerge freely and peacefully, making space for more positive thoughts.

Be empowered
Invest in your time wisely ne use each negative thought as an opportunity to grow. Develop the belief that your mind is so powerful. The empowered woman can invest in her mind as a means to be fearless in everyday situations. She understands the value in opening up her heart and freeing herself from negativity. She trusts herself to find new capabilities within herself. There is an essence in a change of a positive mental attitude.

You can take simple steps to work on your mindset. Each action and thought creates a new habit. Our inner voice may always be our inner critic, but also remains as our inner power. Our mindset is powerful. As individuals we each have the unique ability to change the way we think. Positive self-talk influences our actions to progress and create a desired outcome.

Positive self-talk can really empower us.

EmilyDeanUK1Emily Dean is a Female Empowerment Coach. She focuses on empowering women to live rich and fulfilling lives. Her experience as a writer has led her to empower many women from across the globe. Emily‘s beliefs come from finding self love and embracing womanhood. Her work as a teacher has inspired her to teach women the fundamentals of self love. Emily is the founder of the self empowerment blog; The Lady Writes. You can view her work by visiting The Lady Writes Blog. To hear her story, you can message Emily on Facebook.



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