The Power of Love

An unbreakable bond between a father and his son, a devoted wife who is committed to her loving husband; love is simply beautiful.

Love can deepen the connections we have, and it can remind us of how important these are to us. When we act on the basis of love, we may work our passions into our heart and soul. For the truth can set us free. Love is at no cost and love really can complete us.

It is the power of love that drives us to take action. It is the power of love that drives us to make important decisions – life changing decisions. It is the power of love that holds us so close to our dreams, ambitions and inner desires. The emotional connection we have aligned with love can create purpose. Love is a beautiful and powerful magnet.

In the present of our experiences, we may miss opportunities to share, connect and practice unconditional love. Self-awareness can bring us closer to the love that surrounds us. Love is a powerful force that can teach us to forgive, listen and communicate. Loving and accepting can strengthen the relationships we have with others, and most importantly, the relationship we have with ourselves.

So, are you currently experiencing fear? Or perhaps are you embracing love as you experience it? For it is love that connects us to the world with a much more meaningful purpose. Love is so beautiful, so pure and so intimate. Love really can empower us.

A Survivor of Love
The survivor of love continues to love others when thrown into negative situations. Rejection hits us hard at the most difficult and unexpected periods of our lifetime. We may experience the risk of being rejected by loved ones, which can resurface uncomfortable and hurtful emotions. As human beings, we have the potential to overcome these uncomfortable emotions.

Exchange pain for love: It’s about reaching into our heart and continuing to love with strength and courage. We can heal pain and suffering by giving to those who need it the most. In the most difficult periods we have the strength to continue to give and receive, for love is a powerful force that can never die.

To Love Unconditionally
Unfortunately, for us, negative experiences may change our expectations of love and loss. Our subconscious thoughts support the foundation of our belief system. To love our mind, body and spirit unconditionally means fully accepting all emotions, and our mess-ups as human beings. Our flaws are so beautiful because they are part of us, and accepting this can be empowering. Unconditional love enables us to love ourselves for the whole of who we are. Using this energy, we can make the most of our individuality; our strengths and our imperfections.

Manifesting the Power of Love
– Understand your vision and understand your purpose. Our visions support our deepest desires and who we aspire to become. Our visions become so much more powerful when we feel the emotional connection behind them. Powerful rituals such as visualisations and meditation, can bring us closer to our vision. Display images that create effect and impact. Understand the emotional connection behind these images, and what you desire to achieve.

– Understand ‘Why?’ and apply this to everything you do. For example, “Why do you do the work you do?” Understanding and putting into place a ‘why’ helps us develop meaning. Your work suddenly becomes so much more important and valuable. Love and emotion is the biggest motivator.

– Be consistent with self reflecting and practicing self love: Be conscious of your emotions and remain in the present. Train your mindset to be strong and surrender to be free to explore your own thoughts. Practicing affirmations and journaling down our thoughts can help improve our awareness. Believe all you can achieve is possible, for believing is receiving.

–  Always deliver with gratitude. Acknowledge your gratitudes daily. Continue to strengthen the relationships you have, by creating new experiences and opportunities to be grateful. Ask yourself, “What relationships am I grateful for?” and “How can I make the most of the relationships I have?”.

EmilyDeanUK1Emily Dean is a Female Empowerment Coach. She focuses on empowering women to live rich and fulfilling lives. Her experience as a writer has led her to empower many women from across the globe. Emily‘s beliefs come from finding self love and embracing womanhood. Her work as a teacher has inspired her to teach women the fundamentals of self love. Emily is the founder of the self empowerment blog; The Lady Writes. You can view her work by visiting The Lady Writes Blog. To hear her story, you can message Emily on Facebook.



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