Rachel Lang + The September Horoscopes

Rachel (1 of 17)

September is here and so are all the things you need to know to navigate by the stars from Astrologer Rachel Lang!



Happy birthday!! This month highlights your unique sensibilities, skills, and talents. In essence, this month is all about you! This is your time to shine. Use this month to promote yourself, and don’t be afraid of stepping into the spotlight.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into partnership-oriented Libra on September 1. This influence suggests closure for ongoing business negotiations and deals. Rework your marketing materials, revisit your sales strategies, and draw on others for support in achieving your goals. Divine timing meets diligent effort, and the result is brilliant. Wave away worries like you might shoo a buzzing insect. Know that those concerns are based on old, outdated fears, and they are a misuse of imagination. There are too many great things happening for you to lose faith in yourself and in a generous Universe. This advice will come in handy on September 8-9, when the Pisces Full Moon triggers reflection on the past and any unresolved emotional turbulence.

If you have been looking for ways to monetize your inventive ideas, this month offers insights galore. Your creativity enables you to intuit solutions to any challenge you face. This is especially true in work and financial matters this month.

Take your time to make sure everything negotiated meets your ultimate needs. Observe every detail, and insist on precision from your subordinates in work projects.

Venus, the planet of love and money inhabits your sign from the 5-29th of September. This influence charges your romantic inclinations. If you are single, Virgo, love and romance could enter the picture, offering you the opportunity for reinvention after the 8th. Personal history aside, this is a whole new beginning. If you are in a relationship, you gain clarity about your future. Making commitments to self-improvement will ultimately strengthen the bonds with your significant other as well. You’re naturally inclined to give, to serve, and to do for others. Now, be your best for you first, then your partner will reap the benefits of your personal expansion.


You are getting a little energetic makeover this month. Have there been subconscious fears, worries, and struggles to which you have been hanging on? It is time to clear and let go of your history and start telling a new story. Reinvent your reality, making changes as needed. Mercury, the planet of communication, ideas, and thoughts, inhabits your sign from the first of the month all the way to the end. Your ideas are radiant, and you have the power of imagination to bring new concepts to fruition. Take time to nurture your creative process. Give yourself space to delve into the deeper quarters of your psyche and explore the depth of those interior spaces. Write, journal, meditate, and pray.

Your creative insights peak from the 14-16, so engage in cerebral activities. Attend a spoken word performance, attend a lecture, or talk with an old friend. After that, your energy will be intensified. This influence is stimulated by Mars, the fiery planet of passion, which will have moved into your solar third house of communication. It’s time to express yourself, no matter who you might disappoint in the process. Taking time for yourself will result in benefit to everyone in your close circle, as you will have more to give in the coming weeks.

If your home life has been in relative upheaval, with changes or renovations, this month gives you clarity on the direction moving forward. It’s okay to say, “No,” when something doesn’t work for you. Just remain aware of what you want, and any temporary indecision will pass.

In love, Libra, remember to remain true to yourself. You have several choices, and you have been evaluating all sides of the decisions facing you. Whether you have been involved with one person for a long time or are just starting a relationship, know that Libras never remain alone for long. Fear can prevent you from making the decision that most supports your highest good. Face those fears and move forward. Whether that is commitment or separation, now is the time for action. This is especially true on the 14th. Be brave. Be bold. Be you.


Enjoy the energy and enthusiasm of the month, as Mars, the fierce planet of passion, inhabits your sign. Take advantage of this time by pursuing new clients, closing business transactions, and finalizing the minute details of work projects. The future is yours to seize. You have success represented in the planetary positions, but you first need to figure out if you have hit a personal glass ceiling. Is it time to break through and strive for a higher level of success? If you have been feeling restless, unsure, or stuck, a little soul-searching will center you on your path.

Personal transformation is key this month. Your words have power and authority, and you can use them to secure promotions and new business. The Full Moon on the 8th highlights your sensitive side. A friend or loved one needs your help. This individual trusts you and believes in you, and your support in a time of need will be life changing. Your loyalty may be tested, but you can pass with flying colors!

Mars moves into Sagittarius on Sept. 14, highlighting some motion in your financial sector. This ingress into your adjacent sign will alleviate some pressure for you. You have been trying to contain your stress and frustration. Blame Mars’ influence for that! Now, it’s smooth sailing for at least another month.

In love, Scorpio, Venus in Virgo asks for your dedication and commitment. What do you want for your long-term future? How do you envision your relationship evolving over the next year? How about the next 5 years? Start making plans for the future. If you’re single, this is the perfect time to create a vision board and define what you want. Make your list, and then accept nothing less than the best!


Your key word this month is: Surprise. That is, if you allow joyful, happy, miraculous surprises to fill your daily experiences. Each day can offer you some magical discovery, if you open yourself up to the possibilities. When you wake up in the morning, set the intention to discover beauty and growth in your immediate environment. Hold hope closely, and you will discover the secrets of Universal Law working in your favor. Live into the reality you want to create.

In work, you are met with opportunities for advancement, and you simply have to give your yes. Your biggest challenge will be to decide which one to pursue. You will want to center yourself and really assess your long-term needs and wants before making a commitment.

Your past calls your attention this month, and you have been asked to make peace with challenging situations that have never reached closure. Forgive and offer compassion to others from your past and also to yourself. You have been hard on yourself for the past few months, and it has influenced your self-esteem. It is time to move beyond that pattern, to break out of it, and to realize that your choices have been divinely supported and ordained.

Mars moves into your sign on the 14th, energizing you and triggering your passion. It’s a great time to work with a personal trainer and start a new workout routine. Get outside and run to relieve any internal pressure.

The New Moon on the 23rd expands your ideas of your future, as a new friendship fuels your fires of creativity. Your future will be ignited in the process.

When it comes to romantic matters, you may have contrasting desires. The desire to connect with others may confront your desire for freedom. If you are in a relationship, explore new places, try new restaurants, and add a little spark of excitement to your everyday affairs. Spontaneity and adventure will quell your restless urges. If you are a single Sagittarius, move into new social circles, and you may just meet a special someone. This is a time for play.


The beginning of the month highlights your career goals and ambitions. You may meet a person who plays an instrumental role in your career moving forward. Nurture this new professional relationship, and it will open incredible opportunities for your future. You are attracting powerful people into your life, and this is a significant time for you.

After the 5th, Venus moves into Virgo, a favorable sign, suggesting the opportunity for a little extra income. Are you thinking about asking for a promotion? This is a great time to assert yourself! Likewise, if you are thinking about pursuing a new endeavor, this month, you might consider taking a calculated step in faith.

Travel to new places to expand your philosophical and spiritual insights, especially after the Full Moon on the 8th. A getaway is the best way to connect with your deeper self and perhaps gain some new insights in the process. Your travel plans may involve family or distant friends. You will never regret making time for the important people in your lives. Plus, it’s a great time to stroll down memory lane.

With Pluto in your sign stationing direct after a long, slow retrograde period, you will experience a burst of energy. Things are finally moving forward. That sense is heightened when the Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, followed by a New Moon on the 23rd. The potency of the Autumn Equinox fires up all of your cylinders. You may feel as if life is propelling you forward. Just remember, you created this dynamism. Step up into it and own it!

In your love life, Capricorn, Venus in Virgo stirs your sensual pleasures. If you can get out of the routine, or take a small trip with your special someone, it will rekindle any romantic feelings that may have reached a state of hibernation. Give into indulgence with sweet delights and luscious temptations. Let your loved one spoil you. If you’re a single Capricorn looking for love, the beginning of the month offers promise. Connect with your friends to meet a potential mate. If you’ve had a long-standing crush that seems to be going nowhere, perhaps you might consider letting go after the 15th. Why waste your preciousness on someone unavailable? It’s a big world, so expand your horizons.


You have the most unique outlook of any other sign because you maintain a careful balance between planetary influences Saturn, the planet of structure and commitment, and Uranus, the planet of change and unexpected new beginnings. When change comes like s tidal wave, you know how to find buoyancy and let it carry you. Sure, you may resist. After all, you’re a fixed sign, and as such, you can be a bit stubborn. But ultimately, you feel a generous sense of hope for the future. This month, ride the wave onto another shore. Let it carry you, effortlessly and easily.

Deep feelings from the past have surfaced. What do you need to clear in order to move into a new chapter of your life? This is a spiritual awakening! Let tears flow, and maybe a bit of laughter, too. You can see beneath any personal or societal façade. You are the one who can influence change. You have held back at times for fear of offending others. However, it is part of your destiny to speak truth to power, so with Mercury, the planet of communication, in diplomatic Libra, use your words carefully to achieve your desired objectives.

Professionally speaking, this may be a time to revisit past projects. Sweep off the cobwebs, and feel the joys of completion. You have been itching to start something new, but you need to move into the new beginning completely free from the restraints of the past.

Mars, the planet of energy and passion, moves into friendly Sagittarius on the 13th, propelling you further in pursuit of your dreams. You have extra enthusiasm for life. Use that spirit to connect with new people. Perhaps adventure awaits. Have you ever tried rock climbing, zip lining, or mountain biking? Or maybe you just need a long afternoon in the garden. Either way, enjoy the change of seasons by spending time outside.

In love, the Autumn Equinox on September 22 ushers in the partnership-oriented Libra Sun. This bodes well for you fellow air signs. You are likely to feel a special closeness with others in your life. If you are partnered, use this influence to have deep conversations about your relationship and future. If you are single, read the first paragraph of this horoscope…and prepare yourself to ride the wave of change.


This month proves that you can be in relationships with others without losing yourself, Pisces! You are a giver, and you tend to sacrifice your own needs to help others in your life. Therefore, at times, you may feel pulled in different directions trying to juggle all of the commitments you’ve made. You genuinely love helping others, and you believe in your purpose, to make the world a bit more pleasant for those nearest to you. That’s great! Now, just find a way to fulfill that mission and get adequate rest and nourishment. You can’t save the world if you’re feeling depleted, right?

Financial ups and downs reach a nice balance, and you might consider a new strategy for maintaining your budget. New ideas for favorable financial endeavors come to you on September 14. Pay attention to the signals you receive at that time, from others in your life and also from your financial guides and gurus. There are secrets being revealed. Listen carefully!

The Full Moon in your sign on the 9th offers a deep spiritual connection. Meditate, find a space of stillness within, and prepare for profound transformation. You are awakening. You might consider connecting with a spiritual community at that time, too, or at least get out of the house and have some social time with your closest friends. You are being supported in unimaginable ways right now. Feel free to receive!

This month spices up your love life. If you’ve been single for a while, this is the time to take risks and explore new options. Just date casually right now, and hold out for real love. It is available to you. Patience is a virtue. If you’re in a relationship, expect growth from intense conversations and maybe even some debates. This is a time of major motion forward in your relationship. Big decisions need to be made. First, align yourselves through a complete surrender to compassion. Then, look for the truth. Let your intuition guide you. It’s your most powerful tool!


The travel bug has bit you, Aries. In fact, perhaps you’ve been thinking about starting over in a whole new town. Go ahead and dream a little. Let your imagination carry you to new horizons. Then, look at your current situation. What do you appreciate about where you are right now? Make peace with the present before running to the future. There are a few lessons to learn where you are now. And you might even find the excitement for which you’re looking right in your backyard.

Professional accolades and opportunities are yours for the taking. Network and build your resources. They will ensure a long-term path to success. And you might even be offered a ticket to the hottest gala in town this month.

Your self-expression is heightened right after the Full Moon on the 8th. Determine how you want to be recognized before you promote yourself. Everyone loves your fiery passion and your ability to accomplish more in one hour than some do in a lifetime! Go get ‘em, Aries. Initiate change in your work environment and in your community. You have the power to lead others, so use it.

Buy a big umbrella on the 12th to protect yourself when others want to rain on your parade. Don’t allow anyone to break your stride. Find tactful, careful ways to move through any possible conflicts and remember that there are gentle ways to assert your needs.

It’s also back to school time, and with all your energy, you may feel torn between managing a new routine and taking care of yourself. Budget your time wisely, and draw help and support wherever you can.

If you are single, offer gratitude for your freedom. Uranus is still holding court in your sign, and you have a need for independence and self-reliance. A relationship might interfere with personal growth at this time. At the Autumn Equinox, on September 22, everything changes. That’s when you might realize a new love connection. For those of you in a relationship, use this month to coast along. After the 15th, there will be fireworks in the bedroom.


When the Universe signals change, you can feel it from miles away. You’re deeply connected to the earth and move in rhythm to Her cycles, shifts, and changes. This month let every movement be a dance. Dance with anger if it arises. Dance with joy! Dance with celebration. And dance even when tears fill your eyes and you cannot see where you’re dancing. Most importantly, not to sound cliché, but…dance like no one’s watching, meaning in your own, uncensored way.

You may have been feeling pulled backwards in time, reflecting on the past and making sense of it. You can blame intense Pluto for that. Fortunately, it moves forward again this month on the 22nd, allowing any process of renewal and renovation you have started to reach completion. It’s time for you to shine as brightly as possible. So, open your heart and take a step up onto the stage. Do all in complete faith.

In the meantime, you might consider a personal update especially with your style. We are ushering in a new season, and Venus in earthy Virgo can nicely influence your wardrobe…without draining your budget. It is a great time to pursue any cosmetic procedure as well. Wait until after the 14th to let Mars pass out of your opposing sign, and then take the plunge.

If you have faced some challenges at work, you may be getting the opportunity to express yourself more fully and courageously. Now is the time to maximize your communication skills. Let others participate in helping you achieve success. You have so much self-reliance that you might forget to ask for support.Romance is the definite highlight for your month, Taurus. If you are single, reach out to your social network and connect with new friends and followers. Surprise meetings and social engagements come to you when you relax into the knowledge that love will find you right where you are. You simply have to say, “I’m open,” to the Universe. And then, let go of the need to know how it will happen. Just let it flow. If you’re in a relationship, this month brings you chances to deepen your commitment to your special someone. Rather than waiting for perfection, practice spontaneity. Give random gifts, practice acts of kindness, and whisper sweet nothings in unsuspecting circumstances. Keep your loved one alert, excited, and full of sweetness.


You find yourself in a new routine as autumn commences. That word “routine” may sound off alarm bells in your head, Gemini, as your free-spirited airy nature finds a structured schedule a bit stifling. You need change, variety, and spice in your daily life. So, ask yourself if you might budget some time each day for a little magic. Let that be woven into your experience. With back-to-school shopping and caring for little ones in your life, you have had to make charts and graphs for yourself in order to manage your chores and paperwork. When are you going to give yourself a gold star for all that you’ve completed?

You have had to learn to ground your energy to take care of life’s details. With the Sun in Virgo, the devil may find you in those details. When it comes to work, see if you can strike a good balance between your home life and your work life. You have more energy than most people you know, but you need to remember to reserve some energy for yourself before your Gemini mind short-circuits. This is especially true from September 12-15.

Work opportunities abound, and you have all of the ingredients you need to secure new prospects. If you need some solid guidance about how to manage this process, think of those “prospectors” who mined for gold during the gold rush. How many grains of sand did they have to sift through before finding the solid nuggets? You’ve been sifting and panning for a while, and now it is time to cash in your findings. You may discover you have more value than you thought! Good news will be delivered at the end of the month, when the Autumn Equinox ushers in the Libra Sun. Take advantage of September 25 by reaching out and networking. Take big risks for optimum reward.

In love, Gemini, keep your sights set on the future. What do you want? Where is your heart leading you? You may be inclined to forget the glory of the long-term plan when the day-to-day stresses create tension. If you’ve been at odds with your special someone, you may just need a little getaway. Even a spontaneous date night or day trip would do the trick. If you’re single, The New Moon on the 23rd offers the promise of romance. It might even be something that sticks!


How far will you go to live your most purposeful life? This month, you will be asking yourself that question as the Universe pushes you in new and exciting directions. You may have the opportunity to travel (more than just outside of your comfort zone), and adventure finds you around every corner. Commit to yourself to ride the wave.

With children back in school and summer over, you have a slight desire to nest inside for the change of season. Before you get too comfortable, your career calls you to step up a rung on the ladder and grow into a new position. Your own personal glass ceiling has been lifted over the course of the summer, and with the Sun and Venus in Virgo, you are ready to take on more responsibility. You’re also ready to make a little more money, too. The Full Moon in Pisces on the 8th highlights your chances for success through personal contacts and networking.

You have been thinking seriously about your life purpose in light of your career goals. Now is the time to make definitive statements and watch universal law in action. Own your ideals, commit to your path, and you will attract everything you need to allow it to come with grace and ease.

Your mind is sharp and creative insights abound. Use this time to write that bestselling book or start a blog. Let your creative juices flow, and know that the very act of creating is self-nurturing for you. Furthermore, your work will inspire others.

The creative process also works when you are trying to expand your family life. If you’ve been thinking about welcoming a little one into the world, this month offers good news, especially after the 21st.

You have little sparks of desire up to the 15th, when passion meets possibility. Let go and enjoy the process of exploration, especially you single Cancers. If you are in a relationship, trust your intuition about changes moving forward. You have a genuine sense of direction, but you have to trust yourself. Your stomach may get tied in knots if you try to suppress that inner voice of wisdom or ignore it. Take a deep breath and dig deeper inside to find the right answers. They will be illuminated on the 8th.


Your favorite season is drawing to a close. While the sun may be making its move out of your sign and into adjacent Virgo, it is not going into hiding or retreating behind a cloud. You still have time to soak up some rays. That solar energy can illuminate possibilities for you. In fact, September starts out quite favorably for your professional pursuits. If you own your own business or maintain clients, this is an excellent time for assessing your personal resources; the people in your network who can help connect you with a broader web of support. Spend some time fostering those influential relationships this month, especially with those whom you have been out of contact.

Your finances become an area of focus, as you budget based on your priorities and your needs. There are some additional funds coming to you, through work bonuses and special gifts. You receive good news on the 15th, when Mars stirs your passion and drive. Keep your sight aimed toward your desired horizon, while keeping your mind focused on gratitude for the gifts of the present moment.

If you have considered taking a class or attempting a new creative endeavor, this is a great time to learn a new skill. Try an acting class to work on your public presence. Or perhaps you might want to learn how to play a musical instrument. Allow yourself to take the stage, and you may just be discovered.

Your outer appearance has been getting a bit of a makeover. Go ahead and make some adjustments, to your hair, your wardrobe, or even some cosmetic adjustments. The start of a new season is a great time to reassess your personal appearance. Are you happy with how you present yourself to the world?

In romance, Leo, let your passion guide you, especially after the 15th. If you are single, after the New Moon on the 23rd, real romantic possibilities present themselves. If you are in a relationship, you may have questions about the future, so try your best to live in the now. It will be more enjoyable when you do!



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