GET THE RECIPE: Paleo Sweet Potato Dark Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Paleo Sweet Potato Dark Chocolate Chunk Cookies, LVBX Magazine

I’m always on the quest to develop new and interesting (and delicious, of course) paleo recipes. Desserts seem to be my area of interest (or may family’s, at least). In remembrance of the famed chocolate chip cookie I once used to make using chickpeas (those pre-paleo days), I set out to try a version using white sweet potato. On the first try, it was deemed a bit of a success. Here you will find my first-attempt recipe, along with notes and suggestions on a few variations I’d like to try.

Paleo Sweet Potato Chocolate Chunk Cookies, LVBX Magazine

1 cup cooked and mashed white sweet potato*
1 cup almond flour
1/4 cup smooth nut butter
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg
Scant amount of coconut sugar
Chopped dark chocolate (I used 85%)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix all ingredients, minus the dark chocolate, until a smooth dough is achieved. Add in the chopped dark chocolate. Drop from a tablespoon onto a parchment lined baking sheet. Bake for 16-17 minutes, though this will likely vary according to each particular oven – so keep watch! Remove from oven when base is firm and a slight crust has formed around the outer cookie. Let set to cool. These cookies are tender and fluffy, but hold up very well.

Paleo Sweet Potato Dark Chocolate Chunk Cookies, LVBX Magazine
NOTES: *It’s essential that you use a white sweet potato with the creamiest flesh you can find. A few varieties will likely be too dry for this recipe and may require additional wet ingredients. Of course, feel free to test to your likeness.

SUGGESTIONS: I would like to try adding powdered Maca to the recipe to give a hint of nuttiness, as well as amp up the nutritional value. Additionally, I intend to try adding collagen and protein powder to see how it changes the taste and texture.

For more inspiration, visit Nicole Gusé on Instagram and The Primal Gourmet



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