Get a Summer Reset With These Systems

Who doesn’t love the relaxing feel of summer with flip-flops and fireflies, with warmer weather and extra time off. But does the free flowing vibe of summer knock you off course from your goals, plans, and schedules? Summer can be hard to acclimate to for those who need more structure and rely on schedules to stay on track.

Have you had a harder time focusing or staying on top of your self-improvement resolutions? If so, maybe you need a mid-Summer reset to get you back on track? Setting up systems is a way to create structure. Here are a few suggestions to keep you on schedule while still enjoying the fun and freedom that the summer can offer.

Family Calendar

With kids out of school and work more flex, consider instituting a family calendaring system. Place a calendar in the kitchen or common family area so everyone can literally be on the same page. Color code for each person’s activity.

Set Reminders

Use technology to your advantage. Use your phone to set daily reminders. With more flexible schedules, do you forget to take your daily vitamins or pick up the dry cleaning? Have Siri remind you. For everyday tasks, set a reminder that goes off everyday at a certain time.


With more vacationing and activities, does your mail tend to stack up quicker? Set up a system, not just for summer, but on an ongoing basis. Toss junk mail immediately. Set a mail station in a common space that separates bills and important papers that need to be tended to in a timely manner.

Kids’ Organization

With kids at home more during the summer, your home may be more of a mess than usual. Take time to teach your kids organization. Designate spaces for items, such as sports equipment, using baskets, containers, and caddy spaces so everything has a place.

Despite what it may seem, kids prefer a neat and orderly environment, but are so in the moment and moving on to the next thing that it escapes them to put items back in their place. Set up a reward system for following the new system.

Personal Practices

Has your own meditation practice, fitness program, or other personal practice gone by the wayside since summer? It can be especially difficult to stay on course with less structure in your day and therefore calls for more discipline.

But maybe your practice calls for its own reset. For example, if your meditation practice has been sitting quiet in your office for 20 minutes, maybe a walking meditation would work better with the warmer weather. See if your practice just needs to adapt to the season. And then implement the other systems by marking your designated time off on the family calendar and have Siri remind you!

What systems do you use to stay on track, for yourself or your family? I’d love to hear.

TISHA-MORRISTisha Morris is the best-selling author of Decorating With the Five Elements of Feng Shui (Llewellyn 2015), Mind Body Home: Transform Your Life One Room at a Time (Llewellyn 2012), Feng Shui Your Life: The Quick Guide to DeclutteringYour Home and Renewing Your Life (Turner Publishing 2010). Tisha is based in Los Angeles where she works with homes and business and facilitates trainings. To learn more, visit Earth Home with Tisha Morris.




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