Here’s Why You Lack Motivation, Based on Your Sign – And How to Get it Back

Feeling stuck in the same patterns and lacking the motivation for change? Does your astrological sign play a part in this? Expert astrologers, Rachel Lang and Gina Piccalo, provide insights into what might be holding you back, and how to feel inspired again.


RACHEL LANGRACHEL LANG: Rachel Lang is a professionally certified astrologer and healer who works with individuals, small businesses, and corporations. An internationally recognized speaker, she also hosts workshops and offers classes, retreats and meditation groups. Rachel loves helping people identify and heal challenges or roadblocks in life. She supports them in decision-making processes by mapping astrological trends and forecasts to offer a glimpse of what’s ahead. Her favorite part of her job is writing horoscopes and articles for LVBX Magazine. You can find out more or schedule a session online at

GINA PICCALO: Gina Piccalo spent 20 years as a Los Angeles-based journalist and closet astrology student. From 2012-2017, she studied with the master astrologers at Kepler College. Gina now sees clients and hosts workshops in Los Angeles and Nashville. She can be found at

Aquarius (Rachel Lang): When it comes to social change, you can often become fired up and ready to take action. Likewise, you can have enthusiasm and energy to support and help your friends in whatever ways you can. Because of your sign’s planetary association with Uranus, the planet of change and envisioning future possibilities, you love forward motion in many ways. However, in your day-to-day life, you may resist stretching beyond your comfort zone. When things are about to shift in your life, you might notice you lack motivation. Adjusting to change can be a challenge for a fixed sign like you. For example, if you haven’t been to the gym in a while, taking that first step to change up your routine might seem daunting. When you’re ready to motivate yourself, your best bet is to find supportive friends. Community is a key theme for your sign, after all.

Pisces (Rachel Lang): Your sign’s planetary association with the mystic planet Neptune, you can be quite a dreamer, but when it comes to making something happen, you often need external push. With one foot in the spiritual world and one in the material, you might need support in motivating yourself to take the necessary steps to manifest your dreams. Owning your desires without compromise is one of your life path experiences. You can be sensitive to others’ ideas, emotions, and energies. Because of this, you might become overwhelmed by decisions or prioritize others’ needs above your own. For you to get motivated, recruit helpful people. If you’re wanting to cut out sugar or carbs, for example, find an online community of support or invite your partner to do it with you. If you need motivation for launching a side hustle or finishing a creative project, give yourself a hard deadline, create a timeline, and then find an accountability partner. Nothing motivates you like helping others. When you’re heart’s invested, you can be motivated to move mountains.

Aries (Rachel Lang): Born with Mars as your ruling planet, you have boundless energy. Of all the signs, yours is perhaps the one with the most motivation for anything in life, from that killer HIIT workout to climbing the professional ladder. The key for you is passion. When you have it, you can be tireless and truly go the distance. However, if you don’t feel it, you can’t access your internal drive. From time to time, though, you have to complete necessary chores or tasks. Without enthusiasm, you might procrastinate or go into avoidance tactics. To generate motivation in these times, find ways to reward yourself for completion. Right now, your ruling planet Mars appears to be moving backwards in the heavens. This phenomenon (Mars Retrograde) can slow things down for you, and you might not feel a whole lot of passion. This is a time for reflection and reexamination of situations in life. At the end of August, you’ll be fired up and ready to go strong again. For now, take it easy and try to relax, finding good, healthy outlets for any restlessness.

Taurus (Rachel Lang): With Venus as your ruling planet, your sign is about enjoying the physical human experience. Relishing good food, appreciating art and material possessions, indulging in self-care rituals, enjoying the feel of natural fibers, and indulging each of the five senses. When it comes to motivation, pleasure is definitely a driving force for you. You’ll do a few minutes of cardio to justify a cupcake later. Or you’ll work extra hours to have a bigger clothing budget. If you feel pressured by someone else, you can lose all motivation. You can tell this to your special someone. You may take your sweet time to accomplish a task, but you will do it when you’re ready and it’s in your flow. The good news? You’re the kind of person who does what they say. If you lack motivation, just wait it out. You’ll come around to it in your own time.

Gemini (Rachel Lang): You have one of the most energetic signs of the Zodiac, and because you can multitask like a champ, you might not have any trouble with motivation. Your curiosity motivates you, and the desire to learn and experience new things inspires you to move beyond your comfort zone. If you ever lack motivation, you likely aren’t being challenged in life. Complacency can be a drag for a Gemini, and it may deplete your energy reserves. You can thrive on change, variety, and new experiences.  If you lack motivation, change things up. Try a new restaurant or take a weekend road trip. Also, your mind is your best asset for gaining momentum. You can give yourself affirmations, learn a new skill, read a book, listen to a podcast, or have an inspirational conversation with a friend.

Cancer (Rachel Lang): Nothing motivates a Cancer like love. When someone or something tugs your heartstrings, you will generate the energy you need to make anything happen. Family, in particular, is a motivational force. I have several Cancer clients whose careers really took off after getting married and expecting their first child. Having an external motivational force is often important for Cancer. The moon rules Cancer, astrologically. The fastest moving heavenly body from our perspective on earth, the moon changes signs every two and a half days. You are influenced by this motion, whether or not you follow the moon’s monthly course. Your feelings and moods can shift just as swiftly. If you don’t feel motivated today, it’s okay. Go with your instincts. Who knows? Your lack of motivation may be sign the timing’s not right.

Leo (Gina Piccalo): Your time this summer may be taken up with the needs of others — a spouse, a business partner or relatives. It’s not that you lack motivation so much as your best efforts are being expended on other people’s problems now through August. At the same time, it seems the mundane issues of day-to-day life continue to mount, keeping you preoccupied with errands and maintenance rather than the exciting new endeavors you have on deck.

Your best bet is to use the next six weeks to refine your big ideas, cultivate faith in yourself and enjoy time with family as it arises. Working with a life coach or business manager to strategize could be very productive now. You have weathered a tremendous amount of change in the last 18 months, realigning your relationships and your identity in life-changing ways. Trust that your good times are coming. Though it may be early 2019 before your plans bear the most fruit, you will definitely see some progress – and some payoff – by November.

VIRGO (Gina Piccalo): You may be battling a sense of overwhelm now as you recalibrate after a series of dramatic shifts in your day-to-day routines. It may be that stress has prompted a time-out for you. When you work as hard as you do, it’s important to recharge. Remember, you aren’t much good to any of those people you want to help if you’re stuck in a doctor’s office.

Self-care should be your priority this next six weeks. Adjust your expectations around work rather than spend your energy taking two steps forward and three steps back. Set more manageable goals. The last part of this year is a marathon, not a sprint. You’ll feel more accomplished if you focus energy on repair, revision and editing projects. Clean out your closets, both literal and figurative. You’ll find you can release a lot of psychic baggage now, freeing up more energy for the journey that lies ahead.

LIBRA (Gina Piccalo): More than most signs, you may feel as if you’re drifting in fog, unable to catch hold of anything solid. Family responsibilities weigh so heavily now that they seem to define you. And yet your efforts could feel somehow inconsequential. The harder you try to be heard, the more misunderstood you feel. Surrender to what is. All experience is fleeting. Even this one, though it may sometimes feel like a life sentence.

Gratitude is your best approach to everything that comes now. You’re actually experiencing a ripe period, creatively. All the hard work is happening under the surface. It’s a good time to set boundaries with family and cut ties with toxic people. Therapy is especially productive. Journal your thoughts, even the mundane ones. There are gems that come from contemplation now. Release the goals that no longer resonate. Set the stage for your second act. By November, you’ll be welcoming a new set of friends and experiences that will feel like a breath of fresh air.

SCORPIO (Gina Piccalo):  Dramatic changes in your career, relationships and home life in the last year have probably left you pretty wiped out. You may feel as if you’re being pulled in too many directions at once. Everybody wants a piece of you. Setting new goals may feel redundant now as you work hard to keep the plates spinning. The truth is, you’re on the cusp of greatness. You’re getting noticed in a big way now.

To stay motivated during this important and exciting time, give yourself periodic breaks to avoid burnout. This is a pivotal moment, ripe with possibility. You don’t have to overthink it. Have a little fun with the fluctuations. Remember your sense of humor. Soon, you’ll be feeling better about yourself than you have since 2006. And though your home life may feel a bit chaotic and unstable through August, the changes are all good ones. By November, you’ll be celebrating.

SAGITTARIUS (Gina Piccalo): This year has been about renewal in a lot of ways. You may have spent time digging deep into the hidden parts of yourself in search of a personal truth. Sometimes your demand for authenticity can send you down a self-defeating path, though. It may have prompted some rude awakenings. The key is to use this year’s epiphanies to lighten the load of expectation and see life for what it really is: an adventure.

You may find motivation by enrolling in a workshop or esoteric course. Spend this summer looking hard at your belief systems and release those that you’ve outgrown. Your ideas about yourself are changing now and there’s a tremendous amount of personal growth available. Lean into it. You’re poised to launch a new way of being in November. Now is the time to refine your message and decide what parts of your thinking need adjustment so you are ready for a period of profound expansion.

CAPRICORN (Gina Piccalo): You’ve been carrying some heavy burdens this year and perhaps more than any other sign, you’re entitled to complain a bit. Financial issues have been the cause of tremendous stress and self-doubt. This summer, you’re probably still picking up the pieces. Try not to take this as a personal failure, though. That’s a load you don’t have to carry. Instead, refine your budget. Hire a new financial planner if you haven’t already. Strategize on income-generating projects.

Release the aspects of your public self that feel stale. Take the helm as the CEO of your life. Get organized and set new plans in place. Delegate the mundane tasks so that you can free yourself up for goal-setting and network-building. Friends may act as your guardian angels now so allow them to help when they offer. You’re gathering enduring wisdom now. This is an opportunity to bring more creativity and experimentation in your expression of self. Put in the hard work knowing that come November, you’ll make time for some rest and renewal.



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