How to Get Committed to Personal Growth in 2018, Based on Your Sign

How to Get Committed to Personal Growth in 2018, Based on Your Sign, LVBX Magazine
Is there a key to your personal success this year, and does it lie within your astrological sign? Expert astrologers, Rachel Lang and Gina Piccalo, provide insights into how to get committed to your own personal growth in 2018, with advice for each sign.

MEET RACHEL LANG: Rachel Lang is a professionally certified astrologer and healer who works with individuals, small businesses, and corporations. An internationally recognized speaker, she also hosts workshops and offers classes, retreats and meditation groups. Rachel loves helping people identify and heal challenges or roadblocks in life. She supports them in decision-making processes by mapping astrological trends and forecasts to offer a glimpse of what’s ahead. Her favorite part of her job is writing horoscopes and articles for LVBX Magazine. You can find out more or schedule a session online at

MEET GINA PICCALO: Gina Piccalo spent 20 years as a Los Angeles-based journalist and closet astrology student. From 2012-2017, she studied with the master astrologers at Kepler College. Gina now sees clients and hosts workshops in Los Angeles and Nashville. She can be found at 


AQUARIUS (RACHEL LANG): For Aquarius, commitment to personal growth involves trying new things, exploring ideas, and connecting with supportive friends. Home and family become areas of change and new beginnings after May 15, and the fluctuation in these areas of life could ultimately inspire Aquarius to step up as more of a leader in the community.

From May 15-November 16, Aquarians will have extra motivation as Mars transits through their sign. This time would be excellent for committing to new strategies to help grow a business. Also, if you have been looking to hire a personal trainer, try a new workout regimen, or try a new sport, this is an excellent time. Mars  When Mars is retrograde in your sign, from June 27-August 27, you’ll need to find supportive friends to encourage you and help energize you when you feel frustrated or stuck. In general, Aquarians grow best through community encounters, like solid friendships, book clubs, classes, workshops, and volunteer work.

PISCES (RACHEL LANG): Pisces commits to personal growth with no problem. They are generally more sensitive than other signs, and that tendency could intensify until November. Over the past several years, Pisces has been through a lot! Now, they are reaching a turning point that could manifest from those tests of faith and off-the-charts spiritual aha moments. As Mars enters their 12th house of hidden things, they may take time for soul-searching introspection. There could be discoveries about themselves or others coming to the surface. All of this truth is liberating.

Pisces could grow through classes, workshops, or learning a new skill. Have you always wanted to learn to sing, paint, play the guitar or something like that? Now is the time! Pisces could also be asked to teach others or speak as an expert on a subject. Knowledge is power, and for Pisces, that’s key for the rest of 2018.

ARIES (RACHEL LANG): When Aries has the motivation to achieve anything, they push themselves to go far. From time to time, Aries might need a little help finding that motivation. For Aries, commitment to personal growth might happen best with a coach, trainer, or other motivational expert helping encourage them to be their best selves.

For Aries, this year’s astrological transits emphasize psychological and emotional growth. While Aries is often great at leading others, this could be a time when they might want to be guided by a therapist, healer, or someone who can help them address deeper issues coming to the surface. This summer, from June 27-August 27, Mars, Aries’ ruling planet, is going to be in retrograde. Aries could feel as if their life is on hold, but actually, it’s a time to recommit to success, personal goals, and friendships. It’s a time to refine their vision for the future, perhaps even find ways to grow a side hustle or business.

TAURUS (RACHEL LANG): For Taurus, embracing change is the key to personal growth this year. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, moves into Taurus this month, and it will stay there until 2025. This transit means life is about to get exciting for Taurus. Change might manifest in career, relationship, home, health, or self-expression for Taurus. It starts with a desire for something new, a seed of an idea. Then, it begins to manifest in their life, likely next year.

Taurus could start with an updated look or appearance. Maybe it’s time for a makeover and then new headshots or photos for social media. The more Taurus takes care of their bodies and health, the more balanced they feel in every area of their lives. So, I recommend a good detox to start with and then a consistent exercise routine. Taurus is going to have opportunities to shine, professionally, after September 12, and the spotlight will undoubtedly spur growth opportunities for them as well.

GEMINI (RACHEL LANG): Gemini can fear commitment to anything! They enjoy variety and new experiences. However, when it comes to personal growth, Gemini makes major strides in 2018. They started the year attending to some health matters and maybe even finding more natural, integrated approaches to health and wellbeing. Gemini is learning to find balance, both with their diets as well as their work/life balance.

Finances are another area of growth for Gemini, as the astrological influences of 2018 emphasize investments and savings. Even if they’ve encountered losses of any kind, Gemini can focus on developing strategies for saving more and creating a nest egg. They may even wish to work with a financial coach or advisor to help them devise a long-term plan or save up for a trip or bigger purchase. This is a creative time for Gemini, overall, and they may decide to join a writing group or take up a new hobby to indulge their creativity.

CANCER (RACHEL LANG): For Cancer, personal growth in 2018 could mean being pushed way beyond their comfort zones. This year is full of dynamic energy, perfect for making real, lasting change. With Saturn and Pluto both in opposite signs, Cancer might experience challenges and deepen commitments in relationships. Any issues that come up are lessons to master. Cancer will succeed if they value themselves and communicate honestly, without fear. Cancers in relationships could even embolden themselves this year to say, “I do.”

Cancer also can commit to growth by joining community groups, volunteering, or taking on leadership roles within their professional networking communities. Usually ambitious, Cancer can develop a new vision for their professional life this year. This may even mean taking time off from work to start a family. After all, with Jupiter transiting through their sector of children until November 7, Cancer could be welcoming a bundle of joy sometime this year.

LEO (GINA PICCALO): So much of your journey now is about embracing the sudden and radical changes coming into your personality. Rather than resist these, it’s helpful to observe how those shifts change your understanding of self, particularly in relationship. Taking a risk now to be your most authentic self, independent of others’ approval. Any attempts to phone it in now will only frustrate you and delay progress.

Experiment and innovate in our career to satisfy a looming sense of professional restlessness. Personal growth and well being this year is going to come from allowing yourself to put down roots and feather your nest. Commit gradually to a new health and diet regimen. Consider what habits are ready to be released. The cosmic energies are inviting you to shed a skin in 2018 and see yourself as you truly are.

VIRGO (GINA PICCALO): Self-actualization comes more naturally to you than it does for other signs, but committing yourself to self-indulgence isn’t typically what Virgo does best. With Saturn in your house of good times and romance, this year, you’re being asked to be more judicious about self-care and to take more responsibility for your own fun.

The greatest opportunity for growth through November, though, comes from expanding your social circle and opening yourself to new ideas and philosophies. Take a workshop or teach a class. There’s so much to be gained either way. Starting in April, you may grow more contemplative and that’s a good thing. A willingness to explore intimacy issues could prove profoundly healing now. From mid-May through November, there are tremendous breakthroughs in thinking coming your way.

LIBRA (GINA PICCALO): It’s important this year to be unrelenting in the study of your deep psyche. It’s a good time to seek out therapy. Take a hard look at family responsibilities let go of what isn’t yours. This is Saturn in your house of home, family and childhood and it acts as a stiff broom sweeping away all that has out-served its purpose. Holding on delays growth.

Work-home balance may be trickier than usual now and sensitivities in your committed partnerships could trigger some old wounds. Eclipses and retrogrades this summer are calling forth your need for creative self-expression and the manifestation of your hopes and dreams. You’re likely to expand a sense of self-worth – and maybe even your income – as a result.

SCORPIO (GINA PICCALO): For you, personal growth is coming this year whether you seek it or not. Jupiter traveling through your first house of identity will continue to magnetize helpful people and grand opportunities your way through November. After that, bounty moves into your earned income and sense of self-worth. The best use of all this good luck is to take some risks and open to the rewards.

Time spent as a student or teacher may help clarify your thinking on serious matters. You may want to try journaling this year. It could help you make sensible decisions and release anxiety. There are exciting shifts coming to your career and partnerships this summer, so be flexible and open to change.

SAGITTARIUS (GINA PICCALO): Though your characteristic optimism may have dimmed this year, take that adjustment as a sign of maturity. Your best opportunity for personal growth may come in quiet moments in solitude. With your ruler Jupiter moving through the house of epiphany through November, you have exceptional access this year to your higher consciousness. Tuning in will bring moments of inspiration and exaltation, retreat and renewal. Take them.

In mid-May you may feel the ground shift as Uranus shakes up your routines and habits. It may be time to try a new health regimen or take on a new role at work. As summer heats up, you’ll find your faith may be tested and old beliefs may be cast off as a series of eclipses and retrogrades shift your thinking.

CAPRICORN (GINA PICCALO): You are the hardest worker of the zodiac and right now, you may feel as if life is demanding your absolute best. Take heart, your efforts aren’t going unnoticed. They’re just draining you of joy. You’re probably juggling a lot of responsibility right now. It’s a good time to set some boundaries and really refine your public persona. Are you coming across as authentic as you want to be?

Personal growth for you now goes without saying. Saturn in your sign demands it. You’ll look back on this time and marvel at how much you accomplished. However, you need to stop and refuel periodically. Let loose with good friends and helpful work associates. Camaraderie is where your joy and inspiration lies this year. By mid-May opportunities for creative self-expression may come like a stroke of lightning. Just make sure you’re not too exhausted to see it coming.



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