What is Your Lash Type?

The CUT breaks down the best mascara for your lash type in their Everything Guide to Lashes.

Via The CUT:
(Authored by Kathleen Hou and Ashley Weatherford)

“Do you have complaints about your mascara? Is it always smudging or clumpy? There’s a good chance that you’re using not using the right mascara for you. Just like the hairs on your head, it turns out that lashes vary in size, shape, and length and that everyone has a specific lash type. Clemetina Richardson, founder of Mary J. Blige’s favorite lash-extension place Envious Lashes says, “Lashes are like hair, the follicles differ per person. Everyone’s lashes differ in texture (from fine to medium and coarse) to curvature (straight to curly).”

While there are certainly a few one-size-fits-all mascaras, knowing your lash type can be an important factor in finding your perfect mascara match if you feel like the ones you’ve tried haven’t been up to par. So, how do you determine your lash type and which mascara is “the one”? The Cut’s guide will help you determine your lash type from three basic categories, with tailored mascara recommendations for each type’s concerns.”




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