5 Ways To Use What You Wear To Build Your Confidence

Style is simply Energy. This means that you can use what you wear to support yourself energetically and express who you TRULY are visually.

And when you’re expressing the truth about who you really are, it’s a MEGA confidence booster!

If you feel that you’re using clothes to hide out and not call too much attention to yourself, instead of as a tool to showcase what makes you AMAZING, here are some easy peasy tips to implement to shift that STAT!

Get to know yourself. Play on Pinterest, go through magazines, explore new stores. See what really makes you feel giddy and excited! If you want to feel confident in what you wear, you gotta love it, so begin paying close attention to what makes your heart sing. A little connection with self can go a long way.

Fit is essential. No matter how much you love something, if it feels too snug, short, long or awkward, the energy of that will distract you the entire day and prevent you from truly showing up like the confident woman you know you are meant to be! Have your own back by asking for help when buying something new to make sure it fits beautifully, or find a great tailor to alter pieces to fit you like they were made for you. This will allow you to shine, without any unnecessary distractions.

Dress for yourself, not others. When you dress depending on what you believe others will think, you’re dressing for them, which means your focus the entire day will be trying to guess whether or not they approve, or holding out on a compliment you may or may not get. When you reach for something that really resonates and exudes “this is ME, and I own it!,” it raises your vibe and is an instant confidence raiser!

“If you’re constantly worried about adhering to the rules, it totally shuts you down energetically and makes it challenging to express who you are.”

Drop the rules. There are so many rules out there that dictate what we should or shouldn’t wear for our certain “body type” or what’s appropriate or not for our size or age, etc. If you’re constantly worried about adhering to the rules, it totally shuts you down energetically and makes it challenging to express who you are. Instead, trust your intuition and go for pieces and combinations that feel exciting and in alignment.

Stop using clothes to hide. Instead of thinking about covering your tummy, or distracting the eye from your hips or chest, allow yourself to showcase what is beautiful about you! When you approach dressing as a celebration of yourself instead of a way to mask alleged imperfections, it’s a total game-changer!

Now, get out there and strut your stylish stuff confidently!

Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 10.03.42 AMEyenie Schultz, aka, Technicolor Priestess, is a Style Alchemist who helps avant-garde badass women to express their essence fully, from the inside-out, so they can finally show up as the ICONIC Visionaries they are! She believes that personal style is sacred and that when elevated, it helps to raise consciousness and can create real magic.

Originally from the U.S., Eyenie now resides in the south of France with her Tiny Dancer and Dude and works with women from all over the world via Skype and in person through her coaching programs, style intensives and ICONIC destination photo-shoots!



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