Affirm.A.Wear: Because What You Say to Yourself Matters

Words have powerful meaning, especially the ones we repeat to ourselves. That’s the intention behind Affirm.A.Wear, the clothing line that seeks to inspire and empower. Affirm.A.Wear founder, Rainbow Weldon, introduces us to her company and her way of life.

What is the inspiration behind Affirm.A.Wear? Let me start off by sharing that at a very young age I was taught the importance of positive self-talk and how to use affirmations. That made a huge impact on my life! I know the words we say after “I am” are powerful and shape our experience, therefore if we go around saying “I am stupid” it leads us to feeling that way and becomes a block and limitation in our lives.

I was having a particularly hard day back in May 2012 and decided to write affirmations on the soles of my shoes so I could be grounded in truth. Essentially, Affirm.A.Wear was created that day. I liked the idea of seeing these positive statements each time I put on my shoes to start my day off “on the right foot.”  I would write affirmations with a sharpie on shoe inserts but they kept rubbing off and ruining my socks. I really liked the idea of having affirmations on my shoes so I got creative, did some research and came up with a product design that was more sustainable- affirmation flip flops. The idea grew from there and I made the design for shirts, hoodies and water bottles as a way to share the positive “I AM” message with others.

Describe the meaning behind the various affirmations promoted by Affirmawear: I believe everyone is inherently beautiful, creative and strong (to quote a few of the Affirm.A.Wear designs). If we remind ourselves that we are strong and creative we are more likely to have a positive outlook on life, pursue our passions and be more fulfilled.

I now have several designs. My “I AM Proud” line features rainbow colors and was designed specifically for the LGBTQ community to remember that we are all beautiful, proud and strong.

My latest design simply says “I AM” and incorporates sacred geometry which represents the Wholeness and Perfection of each of us.

Affirmations remind us of our true nature and inspire us to keep moving forward towards our heart’s desires.

What is the importance of affirmations in daily living? Working with affirmations as a regular practice allows people to live a more fulfilling life. People who feel and know their value and worth are more likely to do what they love and be surrounded by people that they love. And are more willing and able to contribute to society in a way that makes a difference. Affirmations remind us of our true nature and inspire us to keep moving forward towards our heart’s desires.

I hold a vision for humanity to awaken to it’s magnificence. Affirm.A.Wear is one way I am contributing to that vision in addition to my work as a spiritual teacher.

Who are you designing these pieces for, and why? Affirm.A.Wear is for everyone. My desire is for everyone to know the value of positive thinking. We all could use a reminder to stay focused on the affirmative.

I even have a special line for children (including baby onesies). I believe it’s important to model and teach positive self-talk to our youth and this is especially important to me now that I have a baby of my own.

What has been the response of others who choose to adorn themselves with these reminders? I have had people tell me that putting on their Affirm.A.Wear has snapped them out of a bad mood.  People comment that the clothes are very stylish while being cozy and comfortable and they can wear them in a variety of settings.  People say they love the clothing line because it helps them to keep a positive vibe throughout their day. It’s hard to be in a bad mood or be down on yourself when you see “I am smart. I am happy. I am peaceful.” Plus people love the quality and style of the clothing.

The yoga community has really responded well to Affirm.A.Wear. The fit of the clothing is great to wear for yoga and is a positive representation of the values that most yogi’s affirm.

Parents love the youth clothing line and many have commented that they love sending their child to school with the Affirm.A.Wear water bottle because no matter what happens during their day they can have a reminder of the truth of who they are.

What do you hope for the future of Affirmawear? Everyone in my city, Chicago, to wear it! But seriously, I’d love to see Affirm.A.Wear sold in boutiques, yoga studios and spiritual centers all around the world in addition to my online store. I love the ripple effect of high vibes that occurs when people wear Affirm.A.Wear and I’d like as many people to benefit from my product as possible. Not only does it uplift the person wearing it, but it also inspires people seeing and reading the affirmations on someone else. Hopefully it will brighten someone’s day, at least for a moment, and can start to create a greater shift towards a more conscious, loving and peaceful world.

Any future designs and/or products you plan to release? I am always open to inspiration and new ideas for products. I am especially keeping my eye on the pulse of current events to see how that may inform a new design. What does the world need now? I am working on some limited edition designs coming out this spring. Stay tuned!

Affirm.A.Wear: because what you say to yourself matters.

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