Saline vs. Silicone: Which is Right for You?

Saline vs. Silicone Implants: Which is Right for You?, LVBX Magazine
When it comes to implants, which is best for you? Saline and silicone both offer natural-looking results, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Choosing which is right for you can be made easier by gaining a better understanding of the differences between each treatment.

Dr. Daniel Mills of the Aesthetic Plastic Surgical Institute has provided an in-depth look at each alternative, providing patients with the opportunity to choose which treatment best suits each individual’s needs and desires.

“FDA-approved for patients 18 and older, saline breast implants are made of an outer silicone shell that encases a saline (saltwater) solution. They are available in numerous shapes and sizes, and they have helped many women enhance the volume and appearance of their breasts for decades, especially when silicone implants were not an option. A key advantage of saline implants is that, in the event a leak and/or rupture occurs, the issue can typically be detected immediately, and the saline solution will harmlessly exit the body via natural processes.

Alternatively, silicone breast implants also provide their own advantages for certain individuals.

“Silicone breast implants are approved by the FDA for individuals 22 and over, as well as for breast reconstruction patients of any age. Composed of an outer silicone shell enclosing a thick silicone gel, this implant type is widely considered to both look and feel very similar to natural breast tissue. Additionally, they can be particularly beneficial for women who have a very thin physique, and they are generally less prone to rippling than their saline counterparts. Thanks to advances in the field of aesthetic surgery, silicone implants now come in several different varieties, one of which is the cohesive gel (gummy bear) option. Having participated in the FDA’s clinical trials for cohesive gel implants, I can attest to the superior aesthetics and variety of benefits these implants have to offer, some of which include a reduced risk of rippling, capsular contracture, leakage, and various other concerns that can compromise the appearance and integrity of implants.

Ultimately, which implants to choose depends on the overall goals and desires of the individual. To read more, visit Saline vs. Silicone Breast Implants.



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