The Benefits of Coconut Oil

There aren’t a lot of beauty products that can do everything, but coconut oil is probably close. From killing bacteria to moisturizing the skin, you’ll never run out of ways to use it for beauty and skincare.

Let’s start off with moisturizer.

If you have dry skin, you’ll probably love coconut oil. It has this unique ability to really nourish the skin.

In fact, the moisture it provides can reach deeper and last longer than your average moisturizer.

Now, since coconut oil has the potential to clog pores, it isn’t the best moisturizer for acne-prone skin.

It is, however, effective for double cleansing. It can help lift off deep-seated impurities to free your pores from excess oil and makeup residues.

Apart from that, this oil is also great as a substitute for your expensive shaving cream and as an ingredient in your body scrub recipe.

You can even use it as a remedy for your stretch marks, saggy skin, and wrinkles. But, remember, although it is effective, you can’t really expect to see results right away.

It can still take weeks or even months before you can see a dramatic improvement in your stretch marks and fine lines.

Now, for a complete list of the coconut oil’s skincare uses, check out this helpful infographic at Thank Your Skin.

Hannah Do is the founder of Thank Your Skin, a beauty blog dedicated to providing honest skin care advice and information. She aspires to help her readers achieve their most beautiful skin by sharing personal tips learned through both years of experience and thorough research. Check out her latest article ThankYourSkin – best shampoo for acne-prone skin. You can find her on TwitterPinterest and Facebook.



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