November Horoscopes + Rachel Lang

Rachel Lang is a professionally certified astrologer and consultant with an international client base of individuals, small businesses, and corporations. She hosts a regular video podcast/Internet radio show called Blissen Up about astrology and spirituality. An internationally recognized speaker, her workshops, classes, retreats and meditation groups connect a diverse group of like-minded individuals. Rachel helps her clients access spiritual and astrological insights to live more successful, purposeful lives. She empowers them in decision-making processes by identifying challenging influences or blocks. Then, she maps out astrological trends and forecasts to help clients see a clearer vision of the future. In client sessions, she focuses on event planning and timing, making and timing major decisions, navigating love life challenges, helping achieve career goals, timing of legal issues, planning travel and tours using astrocartography, making financial adjustments, and more.

Scorpio: Let’s take a moment and visualize a beautiful birthday cake. Can you see it? Perhaps it is the kind with little icing flowers. Maybe yours is red velvet or rich chocolate. Now that you have it in mind imagine there’s a lit candle for each year you have been on this planet. Pretty bright and fiery, right? Take a deep inhale, and on your out breath, blow out those imaginary candles, making a birthday wish. The more candles you have, the harder you have to exhale. The longer you live, the more life encourages you to let go. All magical possibilities live in that giant exhale because magic requires empty creative space. From the most invisible particles, everything is born. (Bang!)

With each passing year, we learn more about ourselves, gaining new perspectives and refining our desires. You might have had to let go of certain dreams as life’s journey twisted and turned. This month, your solar year begins. It is a whole new cycle for you! One that spells success and financial growth. You are building a future one brick at a time. Maintain faith in times of questioning.

Your curiosity gets a surge as Venus enters Capricorn, activating your inner investigative journalist. This is a great time to take a new class, explore new concepts or ideas, finish any creative projects, or write your novel. Expand your imaginative capabilities by reading new authors.

On November 14, the Full Moon (a Supermoon), inspires deep compassion and reminds you that forgiveness can feel better than resentment. Forgiveness can restore peace. Have you been angry for no reason lately? Perhaps you have deeper wounds to explore. Your trusted healer or therapist can help you release any stuck emotions.

You have the personal magnetism to stop traffic. Own your power of attraction by being very selective, especially on the first week of the month. You want to draw the right one in, not fall blindly into the arms of someone less worthy. If you are single, Venus is going to get cozy in complementary Capricorn on the 11th, and this influence could signal a new long-term commitment coming your way. Your relationship could go through a few tests around the 17th when the hidden truth surfaces. Scorpios love a good trust challenge. Your intuition will guide you through it all. Step into the future, and release prior expectations, hurts, and fears.

Sagittarius: Imagine for a moment that your body is a giant radio tower, sending out thought and emotion frequencies all through the airwaves. What are you transmitting? If you do not like the tunes you are playing, you can always turn the dial and switch the station. When I started to realize the way my negative thoughts were shaping my life, I knew I had to change! I wore a rubber band around my wrist to draw awareness. Each time I caught myself thinking something negative or self-defeating, touched the rubber band and said the opposite of that negative thought. Within just a few weeks, the awareness impelled deeper internal change, and I became a much more positive person. We live with habitual thought patterns, which become beliefs. Your sign emphasizes truth, and beliefs that have become hardwired feel so true, don’t they? But are they true? Ask yourself this question over and over this month because you might be getting a truth makeover of the absolute best kind!

Maybe the Universe is benevolent after all! Maybe you ARE already successful! Maybe your life is a giant adventure that keeps unfolding in surprising ways. Maybe your childhood was the perfect foundation for you and laid the groundwork for all you were born to accomplish in this life!

I offer this message because you are a manifesting machine this month, and we want to keep you on track for all you want to achieve. You’ve got spiritual downloads, new insights and ideas, and maybe even a creative project or two to begin. In addition to that, you have some extra cash flow opportunities at the beginning of the month, just before the Sun enters your sign on the 21st and helps you gain recognition for your success. You have overcome months of confusion, doubt, and questioning. Now, your commitments pay off.

Venus lingers in your sign until the 11th. If you have been in a relationship, you might have felt more romantic over the past couple of weeks. Milk the last few days of its journey through your sign by planning a spontaneous getaway with your partner. If you are single, you might want to enjoy some quality friend time. The more secure you feel within yourself, the more easily you can attract a lover.

Capricorn: One of my favorite astrologers, Caroline Casey, said recently, “If war is a failure of imagination, then peace is a triumph of imagination.” Let’s apply that to your life; think about the competing wants that pull you in different directions. You might feel, at times, as if you have different parts of yourself in conflict. The inner drill sergeant battles with the inner slacker; the inner critic stands at odds with the inner rebel; and the inner dreamer might fight the inner taskmaster. You can find the key to inner peace by journeying into imaginative territories. Therefore, this month, you might consider taking a creative workshop, doing craft projects with your children for the holidays, or brainstorming new ideas with friends. Venus enters your sign on November 11, giving you a burst of inspiration to facilitate this process.

Venus in your sign, along with the Sun in Scorpio, also highlights professional opportunities gained through relationships within your social network.You might consider joining a nonprofit board or becoming involved with an organization to share your talents. Under the Full Moon on November 14, you could stumble into a whole new friends group, and embark on exciting adventures!

Pluto and Mars have been dancing in your sign, giving you an extra competitive drive. That energy will subside just after the election when your news feed might feel a little less intense. Whew! Aren’t we glad it is almost over? Relax and let go of the outcome. You have done your part to speak up! The fire you feel for your cause is rooted in a deep desire for justice. Don’t lose that regardless of whether or not your candidate wins. Let it fuel the next steps you take to contribute to society.

Venus enters your sign on the eleventh of this month, and you might need a good playlist of love songs to welcome this highly charged romantic energy. Nostalgia sets in, and if you are single, you might start to daydream about that special person from your past. Perhaps you might imagine a future someone still to come. Dreams unfold into possibilities. So, indulge! If you are in a relationship, try this: focus on three things you appreciate about your partner each day. Share them with him/her if you wish. You will be amazed, as this exercise expands your heart’s capacity for love. Who knows? It could send you into a whole other honeymoon phase!

Aquarius: Aretha Franklin said it best, “R-E-S-P-E-C-T.” This month, find out what it means for you! Go ahead and admit it, you are pretty awesome. You give your loved ones 100% loyalty and honesty, work tirelessly, make a difference in the world, and are a creative genius! I mean, what’s not to love about you, Aquarius? When you feel out of balance, you may be giving more than what you are getting in return. You are fundamentally entitled to ask for what you need. Isn’t it time to open your arms and receive? Yes! But you face a particular challenge as an Aquarius. Your need for freedom may compete with your desire for praise and recognition. The promotion you earn could lead to more work. Likewise, the gift your lover gives in appreciation of your goodness could inadvertently lead you to sink deeper into a commitment. Your solution? Channel your inner Aretha.

Professionally, this is an action-packed month. Whether you are seeking a new job or trying to grow in your current position, expect a little luck to help you at the beginning of the month, especially on November 8, when Mars enters your sign. The Sun in your solar tenth house highlights your public profile. If you are a solo act or entrepreneur, you might want to work with a publicist or someone to help you market yourself to a larger audience. Speaking engagements could help, especially on the 14th.

For those of you with a desire to serve in a volunteer capacity, explore organizations like Doctors Without Borders or find a retreat or mission trip to take. Jupiter encourages you to explore new destinations and expand your spiritual knowledge, especially after the 21st.

New friendships inspire your creative side. You love sharing ideas, and you could connect others who open your mind. This holiday season could be a social one for you; so, steal some “you” time as much as you can.

Saturn’s influence in your chart could symbolize a time of reflection in your personal life. Which of your relationships help to serve your best and highest good? Honor yourself this month, first, and release the need to make anyone else happy. You could try evading questions and be mysterious like your Scorpio friends if you feel pushed in any way to make a commitment for which you are not ready. Alternatively, if you want to deepen your bond with your partner, speak from your heart at the beginning of the month. Your tender vulnerability will most likely surprise and delight your special someone.

Pisces: For a moment, close your eyes and conjure a mental image of the buffalo. This powerful totem animal with a strong and gentle spirit symbolizes abundance and the manifestation of blessings. You might be glad to know Buffalo wants to roam through your horoscope this month. Your recent professional successes have brought rewards and recognition. With the Thanksgiving holiday drawing closer, focus on gratitude. You can continue to experience an outpouring of riches (spiritual and material).

You might feel as if you can take on more than usual with your renewed sense of optimism. Therefore, prioritize your day-to-day activities for maximum output. Also, remember to ask for help when you need it! Friends are standing by to assist you.

Buffalo, an animal that likes to roam, also reminds you to keep seeking greener pastures to explore. If you have felt a little stuck professionally, think about taking a trip to expand your business. You might also consider reaching new people through teaching or hosting a webinar, especially near the time of the Full Moon on November 14. Travel also broadens your perspective, and it provides inspiration for your creative endeavors.

As the holiday season approaches, your social calendar might start to fill up. You have to be a little more selective than usual this year because your personal magnetism is at a high point. Everyone wants a little of your time and attention; so choose your social activities wisely. On November 11, Venus enters Capricorn, and this influence suggests that you could draw into your life people who will substantially contribute to your future. Keep an open mind when meeting strangers, and let your curiosity lead.

You may feel slightly nostalgic this month, which could leave you with confusion regarding your love life. If you are single, you might question past decisions or replay memories of your last significant relationship. You are engaged in a healing process, an energetic makeover, and preparing yourself to fall in love! How wonderful. In the meantime, let go of any “baggage” you have been carrying. For those of you in a relationship, focus on the goodness of your partner. When you offer appreciation and gratitude, you soften any conflict or disagreement. You can shift any negative energy present in your partnership with genuine compliments. So, be generous with your sweet words, and you might get a little extra affection in return.


“You can’t always get what you want.

But if you try sometime you find

you get what you need.”

(“You Can’t Always Get What you Want” by the Rolling Stones)

These might be the single most frustrating song lyrics for an Aries. Like your signature symbol, the Ram, you like to go head-first into a situation, project, or relationship, when passion compels you. When you want something, you can be relentless! But there are cycles and seasons for everything, right? You have times of deep introspection and quiet followed by periods of fast-paced change. Your goal? Maintain a balance by riding the current wave until it shifts.

After the flurry of recent events, you might feel a need to recalibrate. Spend some time this month reflecting on your goals. Perhaps you set some intentions that have not gone as planned. If so, don’t give up! Instead, reset yourself by rearranging your priorities.

A spa day or personal retreat could help you find some stillness for a personal healing process. When life changes fast, you need time to integrate and process the emotions that have been stirred, even the positive ones like excitement. Change always means letting go of the past.

Professionally, set your focus on establishing new connections. Venus moves into your Solar tenth house of career on November 11, signaling a period of significant opportunity. If you have been thinking about asking for a raise, now is the time. For those of you who are seeking a job change or wanting to move your career in a new direction, start the process now. If you are an entrepreneur, strategize new ways to reach an audience, and then pull the trigger in December. Perhaps you could come up with a creative holiday promotion.

The month starts with a celebration of the Day of the Dead, a time when we remember our dearly departed. This time of year, you may feel a stronger sense of connection with those who have passed because of how the Sun moves through your solar eighth house. As feelings stir inside your heart, you might think of reading a book to help your healing process. “The Smell of Rain on Dust: Grief and Praise” by Martín Prechtel is one suggestion. Grief can soften your heart and expand the capacity for authentic love. This month starts a deeply transformative time for you.

Taurus: If the mayhem of recent events has spun you into a frenzy, steady yourself by leaning on a trusted mentor or friend. You may perceive that the state of the world is in flux; shifting more rapidly than usual. Perhaps it is; or maybe you, yourself, are in a significant growth cycle, which can make you feel as if everything around you is changing too. Your personal expansion has led you to become more mindful and compassionate. As a result, you cannot read the news of violence without feeling deeply disturbed. That which fuels your passion and makes you burn also provides you with the courage you need to help the world. Fan that flame, Taurus, and find allies to help you deepen your drive. An army of one is never as successful as an entire battalion.

The Full Moon, a Supermoon, on November 14, shines powerfully in your sign, asking you to be even more radiant than usual. Think for a moment about what makes you proud. Any work, people, or situations that cause you to feel hesitation may need to fall to the back burner, at least for this month.

Professionally, this is an excellent month for forming new relationships. You might consider attending some meetups or events in your industry. If you work in a creative field, you might want to collaborate on a new project around November 17.

Deep relationships thrive when two people engage in honest communication, passionate affection, and healthy debate. If you are reading this as a single Taurus (one looking to enter into a relationship), you are probably nodding your head and thinking: “Right, and when do I get to meet my person?” The answer depends on the steps you take right now. If you have been sitting back, waiting for your person to come, you might consider taking a more proactive approach. Try online dating just for a month, and see what happens. If you are in a more complicated situation, it could intensify near the 14th, but you will gain clarity as a result. For those of you in relationships, use this month to recharge your connection. Try date night activities and explore new destinations, especially after November 11.

Gemini: Reflect with me for a moment. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Can you remember? As you think about the answer to this question, you might have recalled the different dreams you have had throughout the course of your life. We grow, and in the process, adjust our expectations according to how life evolves. The past offers wisdom, a guiding force for making healthy decisions. At the same time, it is not a fixed guiding narrative. In fact, you can reframe the past and reshape the stories. In doing so, you change future events. What story will you tell about your life today?

Let’s play with this idea for a moment. Each day, you could try out new ways of writing your story. You could even approach it from different angles and perspectives. Have you ever thought about your life from the eyes of your next door neighbor? How about the spider on the wall? As the creative storyteller of the Zodiac, you might want to try this as a fun writing exercise. Who knows what surprises you might find?

A busy bee at work, your productivity reaches an all-time high this month. Make sure you find some balance, so you can avoid becoming obsessed with the minute details of your projects. The Full Moon on November 14 is especially intense for you, and you will need a little extra self-nurturing in this busy season. Remember: The holidays are around the corner. Recharge as much as possible.

On November 8, Mars moves into another air sign, Aquarius, and kicks off a time of heightened passion in your love life. Are you single? If so, you might want to connect with friends and socialize as much as possible. Any sparks that fly early in the month could develop into serious flames after the Sun enters your house of relationships on November 21. The end of the month, those of you in relationships could gain clarity about any communication challenges you may have had with your partner. Speak your truth, especially if you have not felt heard, but do it tactfully, with compassion. If you try to see things through your partner’s eyes, you might gain a new perspective on a challenging situation. In this time of discovery, let your curiosity lead.

Cancer: When you fall in love, it lasts forever. The definition of the relationship may change, but the love remains. To be loved by a Cancer must be a glorious experience! It takes a special type of person to love a Cancer, one willing to pass the tests of loyalty and well-versed in understanding the ESP signals you send. Because you love so deeply, you have layers of protective shields over your heart that have to be peeled back before you feel safe enough to let someone into your life. Because you love forever, you make sure the person is worthy.

What happens when things get complicated, like when you love someone unavailable, or you question the status of your current relationship? Complex times call for serious intervention! Gather insights from friends, healers, astrologers, mentors, and therapists. Collect these ideas, and then sit with the information. Let the questions burn in your heart without rushing to action. On November 14, you are going to get your answer, as the Supermoon supercharges your intuition and gives you a deep knowing of what to do next.

If you are happily involved with a partner, consider this a time of recommitment, trusting yourself to navigate any changes happening in your partnership due to internal shifts or external circumstances.

In your professional life, focus is your keyword. You have grown significantly this year, and you may have taken on new responsibilities or earned a title change at work. The New Moon on November 29 triggers a cycle of intense work that will pay off over time. You are building a platform for a larger vision, one that will manifest fully over the next year and a half. For now, stay committed to your vision.

Any time you spend with children brings abundant blessings this month. Your family draws closer as the holidays begin, and you could feel a little more sentimental than usual. Relish that quality family time, especially in the beginning of the month. You might even plan a surprise adventure for the whole family to enjoy around the middle of  November.

Leo: The deeper you plant your roots, the taller and stronger you can grow. Therefore, sometimes staying still can be the best solution in times of uncertainty. The election results will signal change, and recently, world events have indicated shifts in consciousness. In your personal life, you may feel the ripple effects of these activities. Therefore, this month, root yourself in your community, stay close to your family, and deepen your connectedness to loved ones. The people closest to you in your life will support you in your growth. You may want to find opportunities to receive the nurturing you need right now. Let someone make you a meal, help you move furniture, or take you out for dinner. You do not have to do it all yourself! What would life look like if you allowed someone to care for your needs? Wow! You would live in your Leo royal fullness.

As a fixed sign, you know how to commit to people, places, and things. In fact, your fierce loyalty drives you to stand firm even when external circumstances shift wildly. You will feel the most change in your family and home life. Truth surfaces, especially around November 17, opening your eyes. Keep in mind; these changes could be amazing for you! They could open up so many possibilities. Ride the wave of activity, and trust perfect timing with it all.

If you have felt a creative block, perhaps you might try new ways of opening your mind. A writing workshop, 5 Rhythms Dance class, or wine and art class could help get you unstuck and maybe even show you a new talent. The more you can stretch yourself creatively, the greater you might develop your ability for expression of all kinds. Your voice needs to be heard, and for that to happen, you have to leave your comfort zone for a while.

Mars, the passion planet, moves into your seventh house of relationships on November 8. This influence could stir your desire for intimate connections. If you are single, take advantage of Venus’s last few days in Sagittarius until November 11, and find festive autumn activities to do with friends. Then, keep your eyes open as you go about your day-to-day activities. You could have a new perspective about someone you previously overlooked. For those of you in relationships, you could be feeling a bit feistier than usual. Think spontaneous fun, and let go of any relationship routine. You also could have good news if you and your partner have been wanting to have a baby or grow your family in any way.

Virgo: For some of life’s questions, there are no absolute right answers. In fact, when it comes to decisions of the heart, you often have to wade through a sea of uncertainty to reach even a murky conclusion. Even after you make a decision, you might change your mind. Therefore, learn to trust in the goodness of the Universe to offer you second chances and u-turns.

Your logical mind works far beyond average, and you have keen analytic powers. When your head and your heart conflict, however, you could slip into confusion. During these times, you need to find techniques like meditation to help you still your mind. Then, you feel your answers in your body like a deep knowing. This is part of the discernment process. Once you have an answer, you cannot turn back into the darkness of confusion.

This month, your mental powers reach a peak, which is excellent if you plan to teach a workshop or class. You might also use this energy to learn a new skill or take a class to inspire new ideas.

Communication is also emphasized, especially at the beginning of the month. Therefore, find creative ways to express your ideas. Use social media outlets to gain a larger audience for your professional life. This could pay off in six months, if not sooner. If you are in a business development process, expect good news around November 14.

When Venus moves into Capricorn on November 11, your love life takes focus. This is when you want to practice those meditation techniques, especially if your romance is a bit complicated. You are ready for a deeper connection; work through the internal ups and downs. Then, take a leap of faith.

Libra: You can enter into relationships with money, just like you would with a person. As one born under the sign of relationships, you might benefit from seeing things in this way. So, let’s look at your personal relationship with money for a moment. Is it all you hoped it would be? If not, what is your role in the relationship? Reflect on these questions if you can this month, and you could find the key that helps you turn around any financial challenges you face right now. This can be a time of rich abundance for you if you open your heart to receive. A little luck goes a long way for you, so start getting creative.

Professional opportunities abound, and you could receive a bonus or promotion at work, just before the holiday season begins. Your ideas captivate potential clients or investors, and your well-executed elevator pitch could result in further conversations. You might consider working with an agent or representative to help you promote yourself, particularly at the beginning of the month. By November 21, develop a plan of action or marketing strategy to implement as soon as you can.

Your free-spirited side craves a little adventure at the end of the month. You might consider making a road trip to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with family or friends. You have much for which to be grateful, so why not share it with your loved ones.

Mars, the passion planet, enters compatible Aquarius on November 8, kicking off a period of romance for you. You may have been considering making a commitment as Venus and Saturn conjoined at the end of October. This powerful influence tugged at your heartstrings, and now you have greater insight into what you want. Whether you are single or involved, this month’s influences suggest playful attraction and sweet adventures.



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