October Horoscopes + Rachel Lang

Rachel Lang
Rachel Lang is a professionally certified astrologer and consultant with an international client base of individuals, small businesses, and corporations. She hosts a regular video podcast/Internet radio show called Blissen Up about astrology and spirituality. An internationally recognized speaker, her workshops, classes, retreats and meditation groups connect a diverse group of like-minded individuals. Rachel helps her clients access spiritual and astrological insights to live more successful, purposeful lives. She empowers them in decision-making processes by identifying challenging influences or blocks. Then, she maps out astrological trends and forecasts to help clients see a clearer vision of the future. In client sessions, she focuses on event planning and timing, making and timing major decisions, navigating love life challenges, helping achieve career goals, timing of legal issues, planning travel and tours using astrocartography, making financial adjustments, and more.

Libra: Happy birthday! Make your wishes carefully as you blow out your candles because they might come true. Creative possibilities abound, and they bring with them the fulfillment of dreams. The Universe wants to show you abundant blessings and restore your faith in goodness. You have to be in a state of complete receptivity, which can be a challenge for any Cardinal sign (just ask your Aries friends)! When you try to control the outcome, you miss being the recipient of generosity. Life has curve balls that could send you down an easier path. Welcome those twists and turns of fate. You are spinning the wheel of fortune.

The challenges of the past four years have finished, and you have been in a transitional space, waiting for clues about the next chapter of your life. Will you embark on a new career? Welcome a new relationship or deepen your current one? Will you have more income-earning opportunities? Or perhaps embrace a new community? The answers to these questions live inside, not out. You create possibilities every day through your thoughts, words, and actions. Adjust to correct negative patterns. Catch yourself in the act of self-criticism or judgment of others. Instead, focus on the positive to stay aligned with goodness. This is especially true in the first part of the month until October 11.

Prioritize your life in the first part of the month. Assess your long-term goals and develop strategies for making them happen. For those of you with career questions, read the book One Thing and focus on your number one goal. Jupiter in your sign opens up all sorts of possibilities, and you need clarity of vision to make the most of its influence. Job-seekers, this is your year! Aim high for the best outcomes.

Remember to put yourself first this month; after all, your birthday season should be all about you. When it comes to romance, be a little selfish and let your partner spoil you. The Full Moon on October 15 highlights genuine partnership and reciprocity. This could signify the moment when your relationship status changes. First, though, realize your worth. You make the most incredible partners! Insist on balance, so you get back what you give.

Scorpio: When your sixth sense alerts you to changes on the horizon, resistance meets you in various forms. Your inner rebel acts out, throwing tantrums and maybe even sending you into self-sabotage. When this happens, remember that you are the master of your destiny. Changes occur in your life because you initially set those wheels in motion. You have pure creative potential, and your life is your masterpiece. Therefore, attune your imagination, and envision the life you would like to live. Daydream a little and feel the joy swell up inside as you see possibilities for a great future.

This is a deeply spiritual time, one of introspection. You may have lost your mojo or gotten out of touch with your magic. That is about to change, as you prepare for a subtle energetic shift. September sent you on a roller coaster ride, and you have a lot to process as a result. Take time this month, especially at the Full Moon on October 15, to debrief with your trusted friend, therapist, astrologer, or advisor. You might even plan a spiritual journey or retreat in the middle of the month for self-reflection.

In your career, focus on strategy this month, so you are prepared to implement new initiatives after the Sun moves into your sign on October 22. You have a remarkable ability to attract powerful influencers into your life. Therefore, be prepared with your elevator pitch and business plan at all times. If you have any entrepreneurial inclinations, this message applies to you especially. This may not be the time to risk your finances to launch a new endeavor, but you could connect with an investor who can help. Planning and preparation are your keywords. Venus in your sign until October 18 gives you extra magnetism for securing these connections.

You have an infinite capacity for love, and when you commit to loving someone, you fall completely. Your sign emphasizes intimacy and deep connection, and you love with intensity, depth, and passion. Anyone lucky enough to be in a relationship with you (on any level) gets to know loyalty and love unlike any other. There are rare few who truly understand Scorpionic love. Remember, love and freedom go hand-in-hand. If you are in a relationship, relax with it. Take it easy, especially on October 19. If you are single, date for fun at the beginning of the month. Venus in your sign attracts possibilities into your love life.

Sagittarius: Attention all activists! We need your voices. You hold the truth we need for these changing times. Reach deep into your hearts and find the words the world needs to hear. Then, share the message. This goes for anyone with Sagittarius Moon or Rising as well. Variances of truth make up every single issue, with different facets for us to see. We get to a conception of truth by seeing those aspects and finding the connecting points. The more we hear and read, the more we understand. Therefore, diversify your perspective and then be the truth-teller for others.

Now, take this message and apply it to your personal life. Sometimes, we might fear our truth. It can be easy to ignore the small inner voice of wisdom, your higher self. It speaks in whispers until you pay attention. If you do not stop and listen, that voice begins to scream. Once it escalates, you fire signs move to action, but the results might not be pretty. Therefore, start attuning yourself to the whispers. Meditate, still your thoughts, quiet your body and honor the truth you hear deep inside.

This month, the Sun is in Libra, the sign of togetherness, and your social calendar might reflect that influence. Friends gather for fall festivities, and your heart warms as the weather cools. You are the life of the party! Everyone loves a Sagittarius. On a practical level, this is a good time to be forming new connections. If your work requires you to network, make this a focus this month. The Full Moon on October 15 brings surprise visitors into your space, metaphorically or literally. I am sensing a time of joy for you and an experience of profound gratitude.

What do you do with that special someone? If you are in a relationship, your feelings may shift and change. As you delve into your personal growth process, you have new insights about how you do relationships. Learn all you can from the one you are in. Grow and evolve, independently and together. If you are single, expect a positive shift when Venus, the relationship planet, moves into your sign on October 18. On a practical level, it is a good time to update your appearance and tweak your online profile. You are looking for real love, not just a frivolous fling. So, be picky! Believe this: You deserve to have the love you want.

Capricorn: In the brainstorming phase of the creative process, anything goes. A new idea is like a bright, shiny star twinkling in the sky, and it is beautiful no matter how out of reach. The excitement of inspiration makes anything seem possible. However, once an idea makes it past this stage, logic takes over as you implement strategy and create an action plan. During this part of the process, doubt and fear creep in. Can it work? What will others think? You might even wonder if the idea is worth your time and energy. It is in this testing phase when you could give up altogether. As a Cardinal sign, you can get impatient when something does not immediately manifest. This month, keep going forward, one step at a time. In the words of Emerson, “Hitch your wagon to that star and never let it go.”

Jupiter, the sign of opportunity and expansion, changed signs last month, moving into your career house, where it will be for a year. It will offer positive outcomes regarding your professional success. However, success is not a solitary endeavor. It takes a team, a network, of passionate, committed individuals working together. You cannot do it alone.

Make the most of Jupiter’s influence by promoting yourself, especially you public figures and entrepreneurs. Consider hiring a publicist or working with a manager to increase your visibility. If you are seeking a job, you might want to reach out to recruiters. You have the skills and experience required; now, activate your competitive spirit to win big. You have permission to swim with the sharks.

Mars, the planet that activates courage, is in your sign. As a result, you might make declarations to the one you love. You are ready to step in with both feet, no exits. Trust in your good judgment and pay attention to your intuition. You know all the answers. For those of you who are single, with Venus in passionate Scorpio until October 18, you might have an unexpected encounter. Relax and let go of expectations. Enjoy the process, with its ups and downs. Don’t worry if you do not get an immediate return text or phone call. Your person is in range, send out signals of hope, not fear, and then you will call in the one.

Aquarius: Honor your weirdness this month, Aquarius. Your out-of-the-box approach to work and life can make you an innovative leader, one destined to make a difference in the world. This is a time to use your gifts to their fullest potential, to take the risk and express yourself. Astrological influences moving in your favor have opened doors for you, professionally and personally. An adventure has begun, and you simply have to step forward, past the threshold.

Professionally, you might have opportunities to expand internationally. Travel is highly represented in your chart all month long, but especially with the Full Moon on October 15. You might be called out of town to participate in an exciting project. When the Sun enters Scorpio and your solar tenth house on October 22, you could receive good news about a job lead, especially if you have been on the hunt for a new position. You have a little luck on your side, making it possible to land a fortuitous client or sales lead. If your job is pure bliss, things may even get better! Keep a positive outlook for success.

Let go of any minor frustrations in the first part of the month, and try not to let any conflicts escalate. We all have extra angst on October 4-5 that can lead to misunderstandings. If others cannot see your perspective, try stepping into their shoes and expand your viewpoint. You might find creative solutions for communicating your ideas. Ask questions for clarification.

Your love life feels calm, gentle, and still in the early part of the month. You have an optimistic outlook for the future (finally), and as a result, you might even realize insights about how to be more present in your relationship. If you are partnered, use this month to deepen your emotional connection. You might plan a getaway with your special someone around October 15. For you single Aquarians, Venus enters compatible Sagittarius on October 18, and at that time, a friendship could evolve into something more romantic. To be continued…in November’s forecast!

Pisces: When you devote yourself to a cause, you work tirelessly, selflessly, to make a difference. As a lightworker, your purpose is to participate in healing the world. Because you give so graciously and generously, you will need to replenish your energy from time to time. This is one of those times. Your heart and spirit have invited you to turn inward for restoration. Honor the call, and take some “you” time this month, especially with the Full Moon on October 15, the perfect time for a getaway retreat.

You have been quite busy, involving yourself in creative projects and growing your career. The groundwork for success has already been laid; now, you simply have to wait for the right people to step in to play. You have all you need to manifest a bright future. Therefore, maintain your focus and continue to aim high.

When the Sun enters Scorpio on October 22, you might receive an invitation to travel. Heed the sense of adventure awakening inside you, especially on October 30, the day of the New Moon. If you wish to have a more international presence, you could begin to expand your network and make new connections. Be open to surprise encounters with strangers at the end of the month.

The pursuit of spiritual knowledge compels you to study and develop your awareness. You might consider joining some study group, meditation class, or spiritual book club. Your heightened intuition will lead you to the answer; listen carefully to the voice within.

Your heart has blossomed open, and any fears from the past have subsided. Are you ready to commit to another person? If the answer is “yes,” go all in, without question. If the answer is “no,” be clear in your communication. The truth will set you free.

Aries: It might be time to break out your record player and spin some old-fashioned love songs. Cupid may be making an appearance in your life this month. Consider it divine timing; you may be surprised by the whirlwind of romance. Before you allow yourself to be whisked away into the daydream, honestly assess what you want and need in a relationship. Then, ask if your current relationship is meeting those needs. If not, make some adjustments. Build and grow together.

For an independent, self-assured Aries, striking a balance between your needs and those of your partner can come with frustration. Like your symbol, the ram, you forge ahead with intensity and tend to push any naysayers out of the way. However, you have recently begun to recognize the value of compromise and may have adopted new negotiation techniques with your closest partner. You have challenged the polarity of your sign, and you may have reached new levels of intimacy as a result. Congratulations on your spiritual growth. Now, take it to a new level by slowing down and listening to your special someone. Stand still and face your fears. Commitment to a relationship creates a sense of safety and allows you to form a structure on which to base your relationship. Who knows? You might have fun.

If you are single, take this as a foreshadowing, a prophecy, if you will.

In business, you have momentum this month that can help drive you closer to achieving your goals. Commit to a plan of action, and let nothing stop you. If you are a business owner or public figure, you might think of new ways to reach an audience. Have you considered a podcast or outlet like that? If so, hone your message, tighten your script, and test out the technology to ensure you put your best foot forward. If you have been thinking about a career change, access your courage and take a leap of faith. Before you quit your job, though, make sure you have a safety net in place. There is no need to act on impulse; changes can quickly manifest if you prepare. Focus on your big picture dream, and hold out for the right opportunity.

Taurus: You can gain wisdom from simple moments in everyday life. You do not have to spend a month in an ashram to attain enlightenment. No, enlightenment is a process that happens as you fold your laundry, sweep your floor, and converse with your loved ones. Those tender moments, strung together with the significant life events, make for spiritual growth. This month, you may be on the search for clues about what do next. Question everything and find those answers inside. You are on the brink of significant change, and your transition requires clear space and free time. So, you might consider starting a detox or cleaning out your closets. Start with your thoughts. If you have been self-critical or judgmental of others, your mind could use a good purge, too!

Work requires your absolute focus this month if you want to achieve set goals. Set aside distractions and concentrate on the most important tasks, the ones that directly lead to the fulfillment of your dreams. Do not waste your time on trivial matters or fixing other peoples’ messes. Your energy is too precious.

The Full Moon on October 15 highlights public relations and marketing opportunities. Establish clear messages and strategy at the beginning of the month and launch the new campaign on October 22.  At the end of the month, you might also seal the deal with a new business relationship. This message especially applies if you have thought about securing representation for yourself or your business. Let the final quarter of the year end with a bang!

Your heart beats a little faster this month, enlivened by Mars in Capricorn, a fellow earth sign. All of this passion heats up potential in your love life. Try to explore new ways of connecting with other singles if you are available for a new relationship. Do not turn down any invitation to go out! Venus is in your house of partnerships until October 18, and this influence favors nicely for meeting that special someone. Love could surprise you when you least expect it. If you are involved, consider getting away with your partner for a Full Moon outing on October 15 to maximize that Mars energy. Hint: It could get hot and steamy!

Gemini: You have been hard at work over the past several months and have survived the resulting emotional ups and downs. Like a ship captain steering your way through the stormy sea, you have maintained focus and equilibrium through extremely trying times. So, take a deep breath! The worst is behind you. Calm waters and sandy beaches lie on the horizon, and you are headed that way. You might get to take a break and celebrate some of the victories you have won over the past several months. For now, restore your internal balance. Some suggestions for how to do this: Take a spa day, whisk your special someone away for a romantic weekend, or visit a friend out of town.

The Full Moon on October 15 activates your creative side. Do you have stories to write? Inventions to design? Your Gemini mind never stops working, even in your sleep. Find time to explore some of those ideas. You might consider taking a writing workshop or signing up for a painting class to see if you have any hidden talents. The creative process is deeply healing and therapeutic, and it could facilitate a spiritual shift for you.

Luck is on your side this month, but you have to seize the opportunity. Well-versed on a variety of topics, you have a unique talent for being able to converse with almost anyone. Let no one be a stranger. You never know who is sitting next to you at the cafe. It could be someone who changes your life, especially at the beginning of the month. Therefore, take any opportunity to meet new people, network, and socialize.

Celebrations for Halloween kick off the holiday season. This year, you might feel a little more sentimental than usual. Nostalgia sets in, and your thoughts turn to the past. Connect with family members and spend some quality time with your children (fur kids count, too!). Create lasting memories with the ones you love.

From October 18 through the end of the month, you take relationships more seriously than usual. You could want more from that fling. Follow the feels, and indulge in romance. If you need some inspiration, consider reading love sonnets or watching your go-to rom-com. Your biggest challenge is to balance the contrasting wants: Freedom and connection. They tend to pull you in different directions, and relationships might run in stops and starts. The good news? Relationships do not have to fence you in; in fact, healthy ones provide grounded support so that you can soar to new heights. You really can have the love you want and maintain your individuality in the process. Just communicate your needs to your partner. If you are single, this month offers clarity about the past. Tidy up any energetic messes, clear any unfinished business, and start seeing a new vision for your future.

Cancer: You have been a social butterfly lately, and all of this activity has inspired some new ideas. A world of possibilities has opened up to you. As a cardinal sign, you enjoy the excitement of initiating projects and meeting new connections, but there’s another side to your personality. You need to rest and recharge in the quiet comfort of your home. In fact, your inner homebody might need a movie night at home with a bucket of popcorn.

Autumn is a season of transition, and any change can upset your equilibrium. What is your self-care routine? If you don’t have one, then you might want to come up with a few ideas. For example, meditation each morning to start the day on a high note; an afternoon workout; followed by a delicious homemade dinner with a loved one. If your everyday schedule seems too hectic to incorporate a little “you” time, then you might want to move some things around.

At work, new projects require you to maintain focus on the details. You are in a process of building a foundation for your career, and while it might feel intense right now, you will see clear signs of success in a year or so. For now, keep going, step by step. With your skills and experience, you have the ingredients to create an amazing new platform for yourself. If you are an entrepreneur, this is an excellent time to kick-start a new project. You have the ability to attract followers and fans if you simplify your message. Work with representatives and agents to help with your promotional efforts. This is especially true on October 15, when the Full Moon spotlights you in the public eye.

In love, Venus in sultry Scorpio (until October 18), helps give you some magnetic attraction early in the month. You might hear more compliments than usual. Your sense of confidence turns heads. Who knows? You could even stop traffic! Go out on the prowl if you are single and see what I mean. You never know who might enter your life under this influence. Mars in your seventh house energizes your romantic connections. If you are in a relationship, sparks of passion can deepen intimacy.

Leo: Knowledge is power, and when you acquire a new skill or learn new information, you become more receptive to sharing, mentoring, and teaching others. You have a true gift for leadership and a natural pull toward the stage. However, insecurity creeps into your psyche from gaps in your subconscious mind. You were born to roar with fervor and might, to speak up and make a difference. This month, you have the power to say something profound. Look at our political situation for starters and think about what ideas you might contribute. Leadership is more about the energy of authority than the right answers. Own your truth, and then focus on your message. You rock. You shine.

The Full Moon on October 15 sets you as teacher and student. You might consider taking a continuing education course to improve skills or learn new techniques. Your mind craves new information as well as connection with like-minded people. Your training could also lead you to speaking or teaching opportunities. Pay attention to the signs appearing in your life right now. If you have been asked to step up into a leadership role, carefully consider the options. You can say yes and then set boundaries for yourself to avoid burnout. We would not want your light to dim, Leo! Keep it shining.

Venus moves into Sagittarius on October 18, kick-starting a period of a few fabulous weeks for your social life. The planet of beauty and grace awakens your shopping bug, and you might want to plan an outing with a good friend or stylist to update your wardrobe. Likewise, this influence favors nicely for any new cosmetic procedure. True beauty comes from inside and reflects outward. Therefore, while you are working on your outer appearance, you might want to detox spiritually (see a Reiki healer) or physically with a cleanse.

Venus also favors nicely for your love life at the end of the month. If you are single, go all out for Halloween. What Leo doesn’t like dressing up and going out? This is your night. Just stay away from vampires! We would not want you to get drained. If you are in a relationship, romance is your keyword. In the beginning of the month, focus on intimacy and connection. Spend quiet, relaxing evenings together. If you have children, plan at least one date night with your special someone. Then, after October 18, you might want to take a Fall Break trip or drive through the country and see the turning leaves. The rich colors will warm your heart, and the time together could feed your soul.

Virgo: Financial freedom does not depend on how much you have, rather from how you feel about your portfolio. If you live in fear, worrying about the future, then you could stay stuck in unfulfilling jobs or resist spending your money on things that would enhance your life. If, on the other hand, you maintain a sense of optimism for the future and practice gratitude for what you have, you can feel truly rich. Accept things as they are, and then focus on your ultimate goal. Shoot for the stars to manifest a brighter destiny. Disappointment or regret from the past puts a damper on your mojo and stands in between you and your dreams. For extra inspiration, read “Money and the Law of Attraction,” by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Then, follow the principles outlined in the book. Your financial future is about to change, but you have to change your perception of it first.

Professionally, you might need to expand your network this month. Venus in Scorpio until October 18 strengthens connections through social media outlets. Update your LinkedIn profile and engage in conversations. Keep your words neutral, even if that means you have to block some friends with those obnoxious political posts from your news feed. You can assert yourself in a diplomatic way; avoid burning bridges.

On October 15, the Full Moon spotlights your long-term investments and savings. Do you need to make adjustments to your portfolio? Perhaps you might consider seeking assistance from a financial advisor to ensure your investments continue to grow. As an earth sign, your material resources mean emotional safety for you, and your spiritual awareness leads to greater material fulfillment. Therefore, keep both in balance. And remember, it all starts with your perception.

In love, Mars in compatible earth sign Capricorn inspires passion. If you are in a relationship, both Venus and Mars emphasize intimate connection. What past experiences might keep you from truly seeing eye to eye? Reflect on this and perhaps consult with a therapist, astrologer, or healer, to remedy any unhealthy patterns. If you are single, this month’s influences highlight your self-esteem. Love yourself unconditionally first, and then you can more fully open your heart to another.




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