September Horoscopes + Rachel Lang

Rachel Lang, LVBX Magazine
Rachel Lang is a professionally certified astrologer and consultant with an international client base of individuals, small businesses, and corporations. She hosts a regular video podcast/Internet radio show called Blissen Up about astrology and spirituality. An internationally recognized speaker, her workshops, classes, retreats and meditation groups connect a diverse group of like-minded individuals. Rachel helps her clients access spiritual and astrological insights to live more successful, purposeful lives. She empowers them in decision-making processes by identifying challenging influences or blocks. Then, she maps out astrological trends and forecasts to help clients see a clearer vision of the future. In client sessions, she focuses on event planning and timing, making and timing major decisions, navigating love life challenges, helping achieve career goals, timing of legal issues, planning travel and tours using astrocartography, making financial adjustments, and more.

Virgo: Happy birthday, you! I offer you a metaphor to kick-start your month. Like the captain of a ship moving through turbulent waters, you must make careful decisions right now. Every twist and turn on your path requires more focused consideration at this time. You have been navigating some significant shifts and changes in your life; and so far, you have succeeded in keeping your gaze fixed upon your destination. You will reach your goals. For now, discern the next right move. The Solar Eclipse in your sign on September 1 offers you unexpected surprises that may shock your system. Realize they have been designed to clear your path, and eventually, settle the rough waves. You have some angels protecting you and offering guidance. You will see them in action in the face of friends and strangers signaling to you from out of the blue. Anyone who miraculously enters your life can help connect you with influential people and financial resources. An investor or agent says, “Help is on the way!” Follow the synchronicity and then trust divine timing.

Professionally, the luminaries in your sign (Sun and Mercury, especially) form a powerful spotlight for you to stand within. What is your core message? What compelling words do you have to say? As a fun exercise, you might think of an outline for a TED talk. Or perhaps you have been focusing more energy on your award acceptance speech. The planet Venus sparkles in your solar second house, and her influence magnetizes people and income-producing possibilities for you this month. So, use this influence! Get over your ill-conceived fears and just shine already! The more you enact the change you want to see in your life, the closer you come to manifesting it. Finances will improve significantly by September 9. In the meantime, exercise your creative muscles.

Mercury, your ruling planet, is retrograde until September 21, and it happens to be moving through your sign. This may contribute to miscommunications or mishaps in your dealings with others, especially friends and colleagues. Keep conflicts to a minimum and realize that everyone gets emotionally triggered during this time. A ship captain (going back to the earlier metaphor) needs to maintain a steady mind and clear focus. Insignificant dramas are the work of energy vampires and not leaders. Therefore, stay clear of those situations and instead continue to navigate your course.

At the beginning of the month, you might wrestle with some challenges in the home and with your family. For those of you with young children, the new school year ushers in a whole new set of scheduling and time demands. This type of responsibility adds tension, and you might put your personal needs on the backburner. Fortunately, you have the remarkable ability to multi-task. Flow with it and see if you can find your zen in the process.

Your heart has opened in new ways, and you might be ready now more than ever for that big commitment. You have been waiting for the signs from the Universe that this is “THE ONE!” When it comes to romantic love, nothing is certain; all is a mystery. Therefore, trust the signs and signals you receive and step with both feet into the dark of unknown. Take that leap of faith, whether it means saying a resounding “Yes” to a relationship or moving away from one in constant crisis. The Lunar Eclipse on September 16 activates your courage. If you are single, explore spiritual communities or adventure clubs. Biking or hiking groups could be the perfect place to meet your special someone. If you are romantically involved, take some time to daydream about the future with your person. Inspire one another to climb to new heights…together.

Libra: Your Virgo friends celebrate their new beginnings this month while you focus on closing chapters. Endings. Then, beginnings. Ask yourself: Is it time to say a few long overdue farewells? Go ahead and admit it; there are people, places and things you ache to change. Before you make a move, ensure you have mastered the lessons, those tests of faith your soul commissioned you to receive. Have you seen the Netflix series, “Stranger Things?” The monster in this series hides in a parallel universe and strikes unexpectedly. Your inner demons might come out to wreak a little havoc in your life in a similar manner. Just when everything is about to turn in a positive direction, you might encounter self-sabotage. Let’s work with this metaphor a little more and unpack it for you. Your inner demon may come in the form of laziness or tiredness. Or it could lie to you: “Just one little glass of wine, and then you can get back to work.” For some of you, that inner gremlin might appear in the form of resistance or procrastination. It might urge you to isolate away from friends and social networks. Perhaps yours is more insidious, encouraging you to focus on others’ needs and ignoring your own. Pay attention to how this self-sabotage shows up in your life so you can prepare to fight it off with your perseverance and willpower.

The planet Jupiter slides into your sign on September 9, kick-starting a yearlong period of big O’s: optimism, opportunity, and open roads. Prepare for this influence by taking time to envision your ideal future. What do you want your life to become? You have the power to manifest a brighter destiny if you focus your mind on the good you want to see. On a practical level, this ingress signals a time of new job possibilities. If you have been looking to make a career change, expect some good news by September 25, when the Sun moves into a nice conjunction with Jupiter in your sign. Expect great news on this, the luckiest day of the year for you.

Venus shines in your sign all month long, which is a positive influence for a makeover or shopping spree. This influence is favorable for a cosmetic procedure, too, but wait until after September 22 for any major surgery. Venus lends focus to your appearance, but it also stimulates your appetite! Remember your keyword: Balance.

Love requires the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It is more than just the feels that warm your heart. It wants your vulnerability and intensity. If you are in a relationship, consider sharing even more of yourself with your person. The stars align to help you deepen your magical connection. However, you have to work at it a little. Give into your heart’s desire for intimacy.

Scorpio: Like the stars twinkling in the night sky, you were born to sparkle and shine. Your sign emphasizes the transformational process of bringing light to darkness. In other words, you have presence. No matter how much you might want to stay in the comfy, private shadows, you were born to be seen. Your presence exudes dynamism, and you draw others to yourself. This month, fear be gone! The world needs the messages you have to offer, no matter which medium of delivery you choose. This is an incredibly important time in our history, and your voice matters. Therefore, find ways to engage in the larger conversations. What matters to you matters to many others. Tell it like it is!

The Solar Eclipse on September 1 kicks off a month of connecting for a common good. This influence activates your desire for social engagement as well as your ability to network with others. Plan to attend fundraisers or other charitable functions. You might think of serving on a board or volunteering your time to help your favorite cause.

On September 9, Jupiter moves into a new sign and solar house. Its influence awakens your dreams, visions, and intuition. Usually, you can key into the spiritual realm than most other signs (whether or not you admit it). You have a deep sense of inner wisdom that comes through in conversation.  Mothers reading this know it as “mother’s intuition.” Some of you might fully admit you have had a few mystical experiences. Trust your sixth sense this month, especially on September 10, when you may have to separate truth from illusion. When the veil gets lifted, and you can see clearer, you may have a tough decision to make.

A powerful Lunar Eclipse on September 16 marks a turning point in your love life. You are the manifestor supreme. Use that gift to inspire a little magic in your life. Open your heart, and say yes to love. If you are single, you might even manifest an autumn fling. For those of you involved, focus on honest communication. Mercury in retrograde can trigger all of us and send us way back into the past to release some excess baggage. After September 21, this influence will subside. In the meantime, grow and learn together.

Sagittarius: When you focus on the positive aspects of your life, you can experience more joy in your day-to-day life. Happiness is a path you choose, not one that simply happens to you. Each day offers a fresh, new beginning, free from mistakes or errors. When you slip up, as we all do, you get a do-over. The universe offers this to us all the time in many ways. Some astrological cycles repeat themselves, and we can have a chance to revisit a past decision or relationship. Mercury retrograde is one of those cycles, and it is happening this month until September 21. During this period, the planet of communication appears to be moving backward in the heavens. In our lives, we get to rewind back to the past, shed some tears, release some energetic baggage, and let go of regrets. Much of September will feel like this for you: a purification process. As a result, you can move into self-forgiveness and deepen self-love. Think of how much richer your life will become as a result!

Professional aspirations may reach an all-time high for you as you start to see a clearer vision of your future. The more you expect from yourself, the more you can achieve. If you are seeking a new job or professional opportunity at this time, reach out to your friends and network at the beginning of the month. The Solar Eclipse on September 1 could help catalyze a total career change for you. If you are unsatisfied with your current job, focus on what you do want instead of what is not working for you. You want to keep your thoughts positive to make sure you are manifesting successes and wins rather than big losses. You always get what you are looking for; make sure you are crystal clear about what you want.

This is a very good time to promote yourself, especially if you have been planning a major PR push for any project. Both eclipses (The Solar Eclipse on September 1 and the Lunar Eclipse on September 16) draw attention to your public image and offer favorable influences for recognition. This would also be a great time to sign up for a leadership position or volunteer your services to help a worthy cause. These activities provide excellent opportunities to meet new friends and network.

You have drive and determination now more than usual, and with this, you could train for a marathon or focus on your health. Discipline is your keyword; use it to achieve your goals.

Mars, the fiery planet of passion is in your sign until September 27. Your love life gets a huge boost this month as a result! If you are single, find some outdoor activities to meet others. Take risks and approach the one on whom you have set your sights. Your crush could turn out to be a steamy autumn fling that leads to a deeper romance after September 22. If you are involved in a relationship, you might encounter a few ups and downs this month with Mercury in retrograde. Make a romance playlist and rekindle the feelings you had when you first fell in love. Take advantage of Mars in Sagittarius by plotting some activities to do with your special someone.

Capricorn: Keep climbing; you have almost reached the peak, that pinnacle of success. You have set your focus, and like the mountain goat, your signature symbol, you have taken the slow, steady steps forward. I think we can look at this regarding your career. Sometimes, what you need more than anything is a lucky break, one in which your life path leads you to exactly the right place and time to connect with that one person who makes all the difference in the world. You need to find your angel investor or secret agent. On September 9, Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunity, makes its way into your career sector. Trust in the law of attraction. You have worked hard, and your efforts will be rewarded, especially after the Sun enters Libra on September 22 and cozies up next to Jupiter in your career sector three days later.

In other news, this is adventure time for you. Let’s reflect for a moment on the benefits of travel. First of all, seeing new landscapes inspires creativity and expands your overall life vision. Exposing yourself to new cultures enriches your perspective. Even a Labor Day holiday weekend getaway would help satisfy that craving to see new horizon lines.

Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde until September 21. Relax and let go. When misunderstandings occur, plans change, or calendars do not sync up, look for the gift. A conflict with another can help reveal some deeper truth that might need to surface. A change in plans could free up space in your tight schedule or give you more time to prepare for a presentation. Trust that everything happens for a reason.

Your energy gets boosted when a new cycle begins as Mars enters your sign on September 27. Until then, your mantra is, “slow and steady.” Keep going, moving forward. You might consider taking some classes to develop your spiritual side; you never know what kinds of interesting people you can meet there. This is especially pronounced with the Lunar Eclipse on September 16 when a profound realization inspires you beyond measure. You can see yourself as both the student and teacher.

Past romantic partners may show up in your life for a re-do this month, with Mercury in Retrograde. Though Saturn, the planet of history, rules Capricorn, you might want to think twice about going back into something that broke up the first time. Yes, you have grown and evolved. However, there are new growth opportunities that come when you move into a new beginning. If you are in a relationship, ride the waves up and down throughout the month. After September 21, you will be back in balance with your special someone. Until then, take space if you need it, and keep breathing.

Aquarius: As a cool, collected air sign, you like to keep your emotions in check. Your go-to coping strategy? No matter what, try to stay detached! However, when you live a heart-centered life, your emotions run the gamut. Up, down, and all around on a wild ride. The heart and head both function in symbiosis. We need the capabilities of our minds and hearts to function in this world. Whether through the excitement of a new beginning or the disappointment of a loss, this month triggers all your feels. In the process, your life will begin to shift. You will better understand your purpose and awaken possibilities that can lead you to it. Much of this will be an internal process, a series of “aha” moments that kick off with the Solar Eclipse on September 1 and end with the Sun’s entrance into Libra on September 21. You will then begin to see actual life events shift and change as the seasons shift from autumn to winter. You might want to talk with a life coach, astrologer, or healer to help navigate the changes and maximize your potential at this time.

Financially, you might see some tangible shifts this month. Nothing boosts confidence like success, and you have had some lately! When Jupiter moves into Libra on September 9, it starts a thirteen-month cycle of opportunity and optimism for you. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it! The raise or promotion you have been seeking could come through before the first of the year. Likewise, you could receive good news about an investment after the Lunar Eclipse on September 16. The planetary influences want to work in your favor and bring you proof of goodness and grace. Your task? Keep the faith!

Family challenges may have arisen for you. News of a loved one’s illness or passing might have shaken up the family tree. With every loss you encounter, you have the chance to connect with others more deeply. When you see how life can change in the blink of an eye, you hold a greater appreciation for each moment. You love more, honoring those relationships to which you hold dear. This year, in particular, we have all had to reflect on these themes.

Friendships may be shifting and changing. New people have entered into your world, and you may have had to let go of some past relationships. This is all part of a bigger growth cycle happening for you at this time. If your phones, computers, or tablets act a little funky this month, you might consider taking advantage of the break and giving yourself some quiet time. Mercury is retrograde until September 21, making this month ideal for introspection and reflection.

Your love life is a definite highlight this month. You single Aquarians could meet someone while traveling, with Venus, the planet of love and relationships, in your ninth house of adventure in a compatible air sign. Mars in Sagittarius makes you a little feisty. Passion is a keyword for you, whether you are single or involved.

Pisces: This month, life takes you on brand new adventures. While you might feel as if the Universe is steering your course, remember that you are the co-pilot in this co-creative process. You have a specific destination to reach. Stay the course, and you will reach your goals. You might need additional tools to navigate the pitfalls and detours popping up at this time, but you can do it! Apply this message to anything you want right now, though it is most likely relevant to your personal life and relationships. Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde until September 21, and the influence is happening right in your house of partnerships. You might feel as if you need to learn a new language to relate better to another person, whether a business relationship or romantic partnership. Don’t you wish we could all just communicate telepathically already? You can usually intuit whether or not someone is keeping a secret. Trust your intuition and look for the whole truth, nothing but the truth. Likewise, have the courage to speak your mind. Any conflicts can help bring you closer to another; they are growth opportunities.

Your career sector features a powerful planetary pair. Saturn and Mars command attention and recognition. If you feel a competitive spirit, use it to your advantage. You can accomplish more than you can even imagine with this influence. Do not allow any power struggles or negativity from others to cloud your vision. Keep your sights aimed high, and you will achieve.

This is also a wonderful time to promote yourself, either through social media or other PR push. Have you hired a press agent? Management? Ask for advice and help as you navigate the potential for outreach. This is particularly the case if you work in some artistic field. Your agent could come from out of the blue, through connections with others.

Spiritually, Jupiter moves into your house of sacred mysteries on September 9 and stays there for a little more than a year. What sparks your curiosity? What big-picture questions remain unanswered for you? You might consider taking a Reiki class or other form of spiritual development. Training can help you fine-tune the gifts you already have.

In love, this is a month of magic and connection, and even fleeting romantic notions can have a lasting influence on your life. Pay attention to synchronicity. Follow your heart’s call, even if it makes no logical sense. The Lunar Eclipse on September 16 asks you to make some careful decisions regarding your relationship. If you have any codependent tendencies or put yourself on the back burner, these patterns may need some adjustments. You deserve big, generous love, and you get to have it. First, you have to ask for what you want.

Aries: As I start writing your horoscope for this month, I hear Philip Glass songs playing in my mind. You might want to add his work (or your favorite repetitive trance-type music) to your September playlist. You are in major work mode, getting stuff done. Unstoppable. Powerful. And… let’s face it, maybe also a little bored. With all of the detail work piling up, you might wonder when you get to play with an inspirational idea. You see your other fire-sign friends taking advantage of the momentum of Mars in Sagittarius, and you feel pent-up frustration. Fear not, Aries! Your time to move is almost here. For now, clear your path and create space for those new beginnings.

Saturn, that sticky planet of commitment and discipline, is hovering up in your solar ninth house. Under this influence, you may have tight deadlines for book proposals, legal documents, or even manuscripts. Buckle down and get focused. (Saturn is quite the taskmaster!) Then, you can celebrate by October 27, when Mars moves into Capricorn, a fellow Cardinal sign. This influence signifies action and movement, two of your favorite things. I will refrain from suggesting you remain patient, as I am aware that this message could only frustrate you more! Therefore, I will offer this: Find some release for the torrent of restless energy swirling up in your chest. Run, dance, swim, swing a racket, and move. A stagnant Aries is a sad Aries.

Movement will also help your health, which is a priority this month. Those of you with young children might already have a sampling of the latest back-to-school germs transferring from one little one to another. Keep your immune system boosted to avoid catching a cold, especially with the Lunar Eclipse on September 16. One way you can stay healthy is to take time for alternative therapies. Acupuncture, healing, and sound baths are excellent sources of restoration on spiritual and physical levels. Often, minor illnesses occur when you resist deeper internal pulls for rest and solitude.

Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde for most of the month. Under this influence, you have a chance to engage in some honest conversations. Clear any unfinished business with others, especially those from your past that keep coming back into your life. If your ex-partner proposes rekindling the romance, take it slowly and honor your truth. You might have some outdated arguments left to resolve, and perhaps that is the reason for your coming back together. Keep your heart open to all sorts of possibilities. You may not know the answer until after the 22nd of the month. For those of you in relationships, make September 25 a day to remember. Surprise your special someone and focus on the wow-factor. Is it time to take your relationship to a new level? Reach deep into your heart and feel the answer. You get to have that happy ending you seek.

Taurus: As someone ruled by Venus, the planet of love and deliciousness, you crave sensual experiences. Decadent food, spa days, fine linens, and colorful artwork. You have exquisite taste and a unique style. This is only one aspect of your nature; the other side of you is hard-working, practical, stable, and no frills. You may tend to suppress that side of you when Cupid’s arrow strikes your direction. Suddenly, the luscious side steps up and stands out. Should you bring these two sides into balance? I propose something else for this month. Allow yourself complete permission to indulge without judgment or shame. Love wants to surprise you with delight, and it wants you to surrender to its power. To lose yourself in the best way possible. So, if you are in a relationship, make this a honeymoon period. Spoil your special someone at the beginning of the month, especially near the Solar Eclipse on September 1. Awaken your senses, together. If you are single, spoil yourself and consider it some sort of research for how you might like to be spoiled when your person enters the picture.

With that said, later in the month, after September 22, you can allow your sensible side to have the spotlight. Attend to any details you may have missed and focus your attention on the pressing matters that have come up while you have been in La La Land.

This is also a time to embrace the spotlight and step up into it. You may be asked to perform, speak, write, join an improv group, or otherwise showcase your talents in a collaborative project with amazing, creative people. The Lunar Eclipse on September 16 is a powerful day for you, and it kicks off a period when the shroud of fear lifts away, and you can truly be seen by your audience. You have been waiting for this moment. Own it! What do you have to lose? Take the microphone and sing! If you are a shy Taurus, read the message as a metaphor. Your audience may be those closest to you, like your friends or family. For you, creative expression may take place in the home, a true masterpiece of your creative efforts.

The planet Mercury is in retrograde most of the month, until September 21. Under this influence, you may have a few missed connections with people. Try to relax into this one. Have fun with it. Any mishaps come with gifts, either in lessons learned or an opportunity to shift gears. Projects at work could be delayed, giving you more time, and plans may be rearranged. Though you have a reputation for being stubborn, you actually can flow pretty easily. Think about moving gracefully through the entire month. Dance through it, really, and please your planetary ruler, Venus, in the process.

Gemini: Your ruling planet, Mercury, has deceived us all! It appears to be moving backward in the heavens. That is right. It is moving in retrograde motion, sliding back through Virgo and allowing you to revisit past decisions. This phenomenon is happening in an area of your chart that pulls your emotional triggers and hits your soft spot. Our deepest scars and most challenging memories often stem from childhood. The first experiences of grief or loss, traumatic events, uninformed decisions, and issues like this leave imprints on your mind. Those memories play like broken records. You can stop the sounds. Still the visual cues. You can lift the needle from the player and, in the pregnant pause, choose something different. “How?” You might ask. Simply by making a choice. I once had a client who asked me what it would take for him to truly be happy. In looking up for an answer, I heard, “You have to make a conscious choice every day to be happy and find things in your life that bring you joy right now.” Happiness is not a pursuit; it is a practice that starts with offering gratitude for those things and more. By changing your habitual thought pattern, you can practice happiness like you would a sport. Eventually, you will get good enough at it to become a master.

At the beginning of the month, you may want to seek additional guidance for a tricky situation. Double-check to make sure your source is worthy before you make a move. You want clear advice, and nothing clouded with an ulterior motive or ego getting in the way.

The winds of change have moved you in new directions, and this might be playing out in your home life. Perhaps you have just become an empty nester, or maybe you have decided to move in with your romantic partner. These changes may stir some restlessness, especially during the Lunar Eclipse on September 16 when you may be forced to ask, “What is it I really want?” Changes come with adjustment periods, and though you usually manage change like a champ, this time is slightly different. You have more clarity of vision. What is your truth? Follow that, and it will set you free.

In love, Mars and Saturn stand like soldiers in your relationship sector. Under this influence, you may feel a little more guarded with your affection at this time. Wait for the one who is truly worthy of your love, and resist settling. You single Geminis never need to compromise. You can always find ways to reach out and connect with new people. Your gift for conversation can help you magnetize promising new relationships, especially after the Sun enters Libra on the 22nd. Have you made your list of what you want in a partner? Memorize it and insist on nothing less! For those of you involved in relationships, accentuate the positive. Passion is your keyword this month, and you can find new, exciting ways to add a little more to your relationship every day. Get creative, and see what fun, adventurous things you and your love can try.

Cancer: We start this month with a powerful Solar Eclipse that will blow your mind and hopefully help you step into a total shift in consciousness. Your neurological pathways need a little rewiring so that you can access the motivational energy necessary to envision a more expansive future for yourself. You have the power to change your mind, and that is everything. Like fashion trends, ideas and beliefs shift as spiritual leaders and influencers expand our perspectives. Where would we be without the daytime talk shows of the 1980s? Or more recently, Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday? We cycle through trends in our collective consciousness. Our notion of truth opens and widens, and we begin to grow. You are one of those thought leaders. This is the truth. You have the capacity for great depth. Your sensitivity is your greatest gift because it plugs you into that network of collective ideas and gives you access to the pulse of humanity. Use this gift of yours, this intuitive sense, which is rooted in feeling. You were born to make a difference, to change the world. If you have struggled with creative blocks, you might be suppressing some feelings. Go deeper.

Mercury is retrograde until September 21, and it gives us the appearance of moving backward through the heavens. Under this influence, you might want to keep a journal to write the new insights arising for you at this time. Your mental capacities function more fluidly during this time. Therefore, if you forget a few details or miss appointments, try to be gentle with yourself. We all make mistakes from time to time, and they are all fixable in the long run.

You might consider taking classes to learn a new skill or develop some hidden talents. You might feel especially drawn to skills that allow you to work with your hands in a creative way, like pottery or painting. Your creativity peaks from September 12-17, as does your capacity to retain new knowledge.

After September 21, you may feel a little more like a homebody than usual. Use this to your advantage and start cleaning and renovating your space. There will be plenty of time to socialize in the coming months and especially throughout the holiday season. For now, nurture yourself by making your home a peaceful retreat, a total nest of comfort and safety. You might even want to read books like “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing” by Marie Kondo.

Within your most intimate relationships, you might experience emotional ups and downs this month. Mercury retrograde leads us all to question our desires, which can shake the foundation of even the healthiest relationship. It is an introspective time. It also makes us more nostalgic and sentimental. As an exercise, you might consider looking back through old photos or journals to reflect on how you have grown through the seasons of love in your life. This is not the time for frivolity. Rather, you are ready for real connection, whether you are single or involved. If you find yourself in a compromise or settling for something less than ideal, ask for guidance from trusted friends, healers, therapists, or other advisors. Then, create a plan to move closer to what you want.

Leo: What would happen if you gave yourself permission to quit? Think about it for a moment. You could stop working, rent an RV and just drift for a while. No one needs to know your name or recognize your talents. In fact, you could even disappear. Okay… now that you have fully stepped into that vision, I welcome you to come back to reality! You have incredible wisdom, creativity, thoughtfulness, and light to share with the world. When you have exceptional potential, you may feel internal pressure to reach it, which can feel exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time. Motivation comes readily when you get excited about your project or idea. When you tap into the free flow of creativity, you are there, in sync! Magic happens in those moments. The Solar Eclipse on September 1 animates your desire for success because it helps you see that you are worthy to have everything you want…and more. This confidence may come from friends, colleagues, or even mentors. Or your favorite astrologer here saying, “Great job! Keep going!” You see, you always have choices. To quit or keep going. I encourage you to keep going this month and push harder.

Financially, this is a wild month for you! Both eclipses, the Solar Eclipse on September 1 and the Lunar Eclipse on September 16, will activate your income-earning potential as well as inspire you to look carefully at your financial goals. You might want to prioritize your spending this month, and be sure to set some money aside for saving. Maybe you could improve your relationship with money. Deeper spiritual work now can result in abundance later. Reading books like “Money and the Law of Attraction” by Jerry and Esther Hicks could help.

With Mercury in retrograde until September 21, you might have a few communication glitches. If your technological devices stop working unexpectedly, they may be giving you a message. Sometimes, when your life is about to upgrade spiritually or energetically, you manifest other kinds of “upgrades.” That phone may have broken to nudge you to get a better one. Mercury is all about clearer communication. Therefore, ride the wave of this cycle and surrender to the influence. When something doesn’t work as planned, ask yourself, “What is the gift in this?” There is always a gift; everything happens for a reason.

Now, for your love life. Mars, the planet of passion, moves you to spread your wings and catch a taste of freedom. However, Saturn asks you to get serious about a relationship. You can have both. In fact, the healthiest relationships are ones that support your autonomy and allow you to have your own life. Take some space if you need it, and then you can connect more deeply with your person. If you are single, this month offers some real possibilities for finding a partner, if that is what you seek. You may encounter someone from the past with Mercury in retrograde. Try to maintain a healthy perspective. Glide slowly and gracefully into any new (or revisited) relationship at this time.



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