July Horoscopes + Rachel Lang

July Horoscopes + Rachel Lang, LVBX Magazine

Where will this month find you? Take a look with the July horoscopes from Astrologer, Rachel Lang. Be sure to visit Blissen Up with Rachel Lang to schedule a private session and listen to her live podcast Blissen Up on Fridays at 12pm PST.

Cancer June 21 – July 22: Your birthday season starts with fireworks and a New Moon. Boom! Pow! The vibration shakes the ground beneath your feet. Bursts of light in the night sky dazzle your eyes. As a child, my grandfather ran a firework stand and donated 100% of the proceeds to charity. He rallied family members to help out. At the close of business on July 4, he handed each of us a large grocery bag to fill with fireworks. The entire extended family gathered together that night so our uncles could take turns lighting the loot. For days afterward, the celebration continued, leaving driveways covered with black dust, snap pop remnants, and powdery coils of those strange firework snakes.

I share this memory with you to inspire your reminiscences. For a moment, reflect on your childhood summertime experiences. You may recall pool time with friends, road trips, campouts, reunions, or lazy afternoons free from the pressures of schoolwork. Nostalgia provides soul food for those with planets prominent in your sign, but it could also trigger some sadness.

A recent NOVA episode taught me that we have the ability to change our memories. I invite you to try to reshape some of your own, especially if you feel stuck in your life. Accentuate the positive and reframe your life story.

With the New Moon happening on July 4, you might consider creating new memories this month. Venus and Mercury in your sign until July 11 and 13, respectively, open doorways of honest communication and true connection. This is a time for gathering, celebrating, and sharing. Why not mark a new beginning? Allow others to plan your birthday bash and arrive in style.

Beautify yourself this month, Cancer. Venus in your sign makes this the right time for some style changes and updates. Thinking about starting injectables? How about getting a laser treatment? Consult with your favorite cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist to make it happen early in the month. You might also feel inspired to take a shopping adventure with your BFF. You have the feeling of abundance and prosperity, and with this energy, you can achieve favorable results with any wardrobe risks you take. Try new stores and ask for advice. You may not be able to see style options as clearly as someone with a neutral set of eyes, and it is time for a change.

If you are a writer, performer, or visual artist, realize the power of your voice in these important and changing times. What do you have to say? How can your words or ideas lead to revolution, to change? This is not the time to sit shyly on the sidelines. You have an opinion. Express it. Whether you identify reforms needed in your professional setting or you are more interested in global issues, you may be called to assert yourself. Lean into your intuition for guidance, and then, make some noise, especially on July 6 when the Sun joins up with Mercury in your sign.

When you feel passionate about something, whether it is a cause, project, or relationship, your entire body stirs with that sensation. You feel animated, propelled to move. You, more than any other Zodiac sign, feel the desire to dedicate your entire heart when passion stirs inside you. Because of this, you enter cautiously, testing the waters to ensure you will be safe. This month, you have to find unwavering security within yourself because you cannot rely on it from anyone else. Will you vow to honor, cherish, and love yourself in all circumstances? To nurture yourself in times of sickness and health? Will you promise to meet the needs of your most vulnerable, emotional side? If you can answer an emphatic YES to those questions, you are ready to deepen your commitment to another. If you are involved in a relationship, explore ways to increase the intimacy in your relationship. Take a trip out of town for inspiration. If you are single, open yourself to the possibility of love, then sit back and allow the magic to unfold.

Leo July 23 – August 22: Water meanders, splashes, waves, and moves. In fact, still waters can become contaminated. Astrologically, emotions are ruled by the element of water. If we explore the symbolism of this, we might better understand how random, strange aches and pains might suddenly creep up after a significant conflict or time of emotional stress. That sore joint could be the product of an unexpressed emotion. To heal body, mind, or spirit, we have to feel those untapped feelings, the ones we push down. I have good news for you! When the Sun is in the water sign of Cancer, we all get the chance to feel our feelings more deeply and then heal aches and pains of the body or heart. You might kickstart the process and start this month with a detox or cleanse. Get deep and have a good cry. Then, spend some time in the sunshine to boost your spirits (and lift those Vitamin D levels). Like the day after a big rainfall, your outlook will seem clear. As will you! In fact, this is the way to shine your light brighter and attract positivity into your life.

Fortuitous opportunities at the beginning of the month come to fruition after July 13, when Mercury settles into your sign. Have you been thinking about a new job? Establish your financial goals and accept no less. If insecurity stands between you and your career dreams, you may want to try a new perspective. Would you like to earn more money? You can! The path to abundance requires the courage to change. Trust in the goodness of the Universe as you take that calculated risk. If you work in financial spheres, seek hidden treasures in small startups with great potential. You can make a difference for a company on the brink of success. If you, yourself, have been thinking about starting a new enterprise, wait until the Sun enters your sign on July 22 to take the leap of faith. You have planetary support backing your move.

If you have felt stuck in a rut, unsure of your purpose, tap into your creativity to find a way out. With any writer’s block, establish structure around your creative time. Carve out an hour to sit and write. Set a timer, and even if you write gibberish, you are writing something. That counts and will help move your ego (and its fear) out of the way. Write, sing, dance, sculpt or perform. For inspiration, you might want to watch someone else engage in creative works. The summer is full of outdoor concerts and art festivals. Invite your creative cohorts to join you in supporting fellow artists.

Now, let’s go back to the emotions. This year has been tough. Loved ones may have received cancer diagnoses, friends could be moving away, relationships may have broken up, or disappointments could have delayed significant deals or professional plans. During times of major change, you tend to be the stable ones, with fierce loyalty to others and tenacity to keep going in the most challenging circumstances. Therefore, let me cheerlead you a little. Keep going! You are doing great! In the midst of all the struggle, you can access your power and be light for others, guiding the way. Release any desire to take on the responsibility of fixing broken people; hold space for them and be the example of the power of positive thinking. Also, don’t forget to feel those feelings!

This message especially applies to your love life. Is your drive a bit weak right now? Could you use more passion? Try a summer vacation with your special someone to rekindle the romance. You have to relax and let go, and the best way to do that is to get out of your routine. By the time Venus, the planet of love and magnetic attraction, enters your sign on July 11, you will be ready to forge a connection. If you are single, you might consider online dating for fun (and maybe more). For you coupled Leos, play a little more to get to the other side of this intense time. Take a dip in the water and make a splash with your special someone.

Virgo August 23 – September 22: Create a summertime playlist and set out on the open road. You have been working so hard. And what?! Have you seen a few new gray hairs on your head? Oh, no! That means one thing: It is time to play. Get giddy. Celebrate the culmination of your efforts, the success. Connect with family and friends to raise a toast to the turning of the tides, the new beginnings. On July 4, the New Moon kicks off a fresh lunar cycle, one that brings instant manifestation of a desire for you. Reawaken your sense of purpose and direction. If you need inspiration, shake up your routine. Spend time in nature and introduce yourself to strangers. Synchronistic connections will bring a little magic into your life, but you have to take an initiative. So, quiet your inner taskmaster and make time to socialize.

Professional goals come into focus more clearly than they have in months. Suddenly, you have direction. All of this certainty leaves you with a boost in confidence. Use it to accelerate plans for the future. If you are in a position to give a presentation or new business pitch, your presence has a little more power. Your effective use of words can win over those skeptics. If you work in sales, make cold calls and draw from your network. For those of you seeking to make a career change, look for clues and signs in the first week of the month. By the Full Moon on July 19, you will have definite answers about the next steps to take.

Have you been thinking about buying or leasing a new car? Explore your options. You could score a deal right around July 6. If your vehicle needs work, weigh the costs of repairs against the price of something new. It could be time for an upgrade. Your money worries have slowed for a while. Therefore, think abundantly and act according to that prosperous attitude.

In July, many people vacation, spending time with family and friends, and perhaps you have plans to do the same. The Sun in the sign of Cancer stirs our sense of nostalgia and amplifies our cravings for connection with others and nature. If members of your family have felt distant, you might want to reach out. First, though, let’s talk about a little thing called resentment. Are you honestly going to hold on to that frustration? You may never receive an apology for the hurt someone else has caused. So, let it go. The energetic freedom from anger can drastically enhance your sense of happiness and wellbeing. You do not have to engage in others’ conflict or drama. Maintain your boundaries and stay in your happy place. Sometimes, situations have ways of working themselves out.

Your heart has blossomed open, and you may feel prepared for a new adventure in love. You have learned from the past and therefore have graduated to new levels. The threads have loosened in those relationship patterns you have woven for yourself over the years. Even those of you who have been married or partnered for years might find yourself behaving differently than before. Congratulations on all that growth! Now, you are ready for a deeper commitment. It started when you took a stand, claimed your power, and asserted yourself. No longer the martyr, you have activated your voice. Try this: Go all out and ask for what you want. Will he or she buy you that expensive gift? Take you on a vacation? Or watch the kids so you can have a weekend trip with your best friend? If you do not get a “Yes” at first, keep going back. You are changing the game. For you single Virgos, note: an open, ready, and relaxed heart is like a giant magnet. The heart falls under the rulership of Venus, a planet with a huge magnetic field. Your key to attracting love into your life is to be love for others. Give to charity, have get-togethers with friends, and fill your free time with activities you love to do. If your energy is more focused on the positive, you are beaming love into the world and attracting it right back into your life.

Libra September 23 – October 23: Last month’s influences illuminated possibilities for your life. This month, you start the hustle of manifesting them into reality. Here you go, embarking on your own hero’s journey, climbing that mountain toward a new peak. You have been in a process of shining beams of your light into the world. Your Sun sign has been under the influence of some intense outer planet activity since 2010. Because of this, you have had to reinvent yourself in ways that help you have a brighter, stronger presence in the world. You have accessed your power, right? So, now is the time to focus on the step-by-step processes that will lead you to success.

For many of you, social media and marketing campaigns can expand your audience and brand awareness. Let’s face it; you have a lot to say! With the election in just a few months, everyone has an opinion. You have a unique way of asserting yours that engages rather than repels others. Diplomacy and charm are gifts of yours. Use them and take a stand. Silence can be a tool or weapon. Don’t avoid conflict. Mediate it.

This year has been intense so far, with surprise losses, illnesses, and sudden, shocking news. If your close friends or family members have encountered any of these setbacks, you might be called to offer help or support at this time. Remember to keep a generous heart and an open mind. A few minor sacrifices now (especially around the New Moon on July 4) could offer major rewards in the future, both financially and spiritually. Great healing in familial or friendship relationships can occur if you exemplify love as patience and kindness.

When Venus enters Leo on July 11, you might feel a little playful and feisty. Your sign is all about balance. Therefore, though work responsibilities take much of your focus, try to make time to connect with friends. In fact, socialize for success! Summer parties provide great networking opportunities, right? There. You just received permission to have a little fun. You are welcome.

Your love life has had a few minor (or major) ups and downs in the past few years. This month, the planet of love and magnetic attraction, Venus, asks you to state your wants and desires. You might feel tested at the beginning of the month, as you and your partner may have some miscommunication. Make sure you have both outlined your needs and expectations to avoid challenges. You tend to stay a bit emotionally detached and at times seem unsympathetic. While this makes you a great leader in times of crisis, your partner might not feel understood. On July 6, try to step into his or her shoes and see things from a different perspective. By July 17, with a powerful Grand Water Trine, your relationship will feel intimate, close, and deepened. That energy can last all summer long if you continue to practice empathy.

For you single Libras, stick closely to your friends. One of them may reveal his or her romantic feelings for you right around July 16. Are you ready to take the relationship to a new level? Before you say yes, test it out. Weigh the pros and cons to discern the right steps moving forward. Keep relationships light and free the entire month long. Commitment can happen later. For now, enjoy a summer fling.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21: Open up Google Maps so that it reveals the entire world, Scorpio, and then close your eyes and place your finger down anywhere. Where will adventure take you this month? The possibilities are only limited to the boundaries of your imagination. Therefore, dream big and expect excellent outcomes. If you have financial concerns preventing you from traveling, look for solutions waiting to be discovered. You could even win a trip abroad. These things do happen. Allow the Universe to offer you a surprise. Open your hands and receive.

On July 4, a powerful New Moon in Cancer, a fellow water sign, kicks off a month-long lunar cycle dedicated to your spiritual and personal growth and expansion. You may have surprising insights that lead to creative exploration. Have you postponed writing that novel? Perhaps you have wanted to channel your creative efforts into the expansion of your business. Venus, Mercury, the Sun and Moon all give you the green light and signal you to GO!  Spend a little time this weekend engaged in at least one activity that moves you closer to the realization of that dream.

For some, new energies may have pulled you far away from your passion, and thus contributed to a period of questioning. What is your purpose? How will you reach your goals? You may need to begin again by reconsidering your path and its destination. Quite simply, if your dream has lost its essence, go back to the drawing board. Discern a new path. This is particularly true from July 1- 6.

On July 7, you may hear from someone from your past. Air all grievances and own responsibility for your part in muted conflicts. Unmediated interpersonal challenges can brew toxicity. The opposite, empowered healing, can lead to significant soul growth and heart connections. Have faith in your truth and speak from a heart-centered space.

Finances feel tighter than usual. You can thank Saturn for its role in helping you build up savings and manage debt. Your relationship with money is like any relationship: one in a process. What I sometimes recommend to my clients is that they take some time in meditation to speak to “Money” and find out more about the foundations of that relationship. Also, books like “Money and the Law of Attraction” by Jerry and Esther Hicks can help you gain awareness about your thoughts about finances.

Explore also the deep connectedness of your love life and financial picture. Your sense of power may have become interwoven into your notion of success, which means your mojo lifts or depletes with your sense of professional fulfillment. You can have satisfaction in both areas of your life by drawing from the energy of Venus, the planet of magnetic attraction. This heavenly body is in a compatible sign until July 11, shining down on your romantic affairs. Recognize that real power does not come from your position in life but rather from an unshakable faith in yourself. Embody this, and you are guaranteed to have a hot steamy summer, whether you are single or involved.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21: What do you get when you mix water and fire? If you have pictured some ashy sludge, you have perhaps witnessed the element of water’s extinguishing force. Water. It can be fun for swimming in the summer months or sipping cold on a hot day. It cleans, purifies, and detoxifies. It makes the Wicked Witch of the West melt into a puddle on the floor. It’s a powerful substance and necessary for our survival. We are made mostly of water and understand it as a part of us.

The Moon regulates the movement of water and fluid in our systems. Astrologically, the Moon has rulership over our Synovial tissue and our lymphatic system. Symbolically, it is also associated with our emotions. Whether brought on by the burgeoning of a new relationship, an experience of passion in a romantic connection, or disappointment from loss, emotions form in our bodies on a physical level. If you ignore the emotional responses, you might feel wiped out. If you suppress them, you could feel restless. As a fire sign, your emotions make your body want to move, to act.

At the beginning of the month, spend some time near the water. A pool or beach day will help still your restlessness and give you a much-needed break from all the ups and downs of the past few months. Let’s call this an energetic detox. A day of relaxation. If you can get out of town, you will only deepen any purification process. If you do this early in the month, you can enjoy the benefits throughout July and into August.

Romantic changes and happenings in your love life could trigger some of this intensity. As a result, surrender to the needs of your heart: It wants to connect wholly, without resistance or fear. It also wants protection to stay safe from hurt. These desires could compete for attention. If you are in a relatively new relationship, you feel this tug of war perhaps more than anyone. Your heart is precious and only needs to open to those most worthy. Create a checklist of what you want in a partner and discern whether or not the one you have chosen fills the requirements. At the same time, be open to surprises. By July 11, you will have clarity, and by July 26, you will know what moves to make. If you are in a solidly committed relationship, this month offers you chance after chance for deep, passionate connections. Let fear move out of your body, and let go of any need to control your relationship or partner. Think fluidity and grace.

Professional doors have cracked open for you, but you have to apply extra effort to push through to realize the opportunities. After July 12, reach out for guidance and help to solidify a path moving forward. A new job, dream client or financial bonus could be yours if you have the courage to communicate your ideas. You might need to push yourself a little more than usual to achieve the level of success you desire. You have connected with new people and formed synchronistic alliances. The individuals who have entered your life will become lifelong friends. Not only are you expanding your network, but you have also begun to access a spirit of generosity. Suddenly, you want to give more than receive. Follow that urge and you may restore faith in the goodness of others. Many people appreciate a Sagittarius outlook on life, and you will be thanked for your service.

On July 22, the Sun enters Leo, another fire sign. The power of this ingress makes you want to get out and dance! Gather friends for a spontaneous get-together to celebrate the season. Live music would be a bonus.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19: If you were to watch the daytime sky in time-lapse photography, you might see the miracle of a day, the dance of the Sun as it rises and sets, hiding behind clouds and then moving past them to shine brilliantly in the sky. Reflect on your life for just a moment. When you feel a surge of confidence, ready to take on the world and achieve success beyond your dreams, you fill the world with light. You may have encountered teachers, parents, or peers throughout your life who asked you not to upstage anyone, to keep quiet, or to fit into a particular mold. Let us for a moment imagine these notions as giant clouds in the sky. You see, your light still shines, even if others try to block it from visibility. Your energy, spirit and soul still have so much to express. This month, part the clouds, dismiss the haters and step out into the spotlight.

For some of you, this message applies to your professional life. Changes have begun to manifest as new opportunities came to fruition earlier in the year. Now, you feel the frustration of wanting to move far into the future but recognizing the step-by-step journey that must take place first. Each step prepares you for the next. The Full Moon on July 19 in your sign helps illuminate what distractions may have too much of your attention. Clear them out by saying no to drama or anything you have chosen to do because of a sense of obligation to others. This time is too valuable to waste on unnecessary activities. Focus on your end game.

Summertime means backyard parties, fireworks celebrations, and family vacations. While the easy schedule offers you space for relaxation, you feel a tug from your professional aspirations. Finding balance is your test this summer. You can do this by truly being present when with your loved ones. Turn off your cell phone and listen to their stories. Ask questions and expect surprises. Give yourself the gift of connection because sometimes you need to focus on something different to free up some energy to manifest your desires.

Finances may feel tight at the beginning of the month, but good news turns things around by July 12. You might not want to make major changes to your portfolio yet. Practice patience and then allow the markets to settle. After June 22, consult an advisor to revisit your long-term investments and short-term savings. You could then decide to move some funds.

If you are in the process of making real estate changes, try to close all deals and settle mediations by July 29. The negotiation process could have some unexpected ups and downs. Stick with your plan and hold tightly to your position. You do not need to make major sacrifices.

In romantic relationships, you may have begun to allow more love into your life. You have had a strong focus on your career; perhaps you fear you have missed the chance for true love as a result. If pain, regret, and disappointment have led to isolation, change that paradigm. Have hope for the future. Watch romantic comedies, read Rumi or romance novels, and bask in the bright light of possibility. Then, take practical steps. Ask friends to connect you to their single friends, go on a few blind dates, and in general, socialize a little more. If you are in a relationship, this month highlights intimate connections. Plan a weekend rendezvous to enliven the passion.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18: Your heart has a physical position inside your chest. It also has an energetic chakra associated with it. Try this meditation with me for a moment. Take a deep breath and focus all of your attention on the physical sensation of your heart beating inside your chest. Breathe in rhythm with this beat. Sit in stillness, focusing breath and awareness on your heart, and feel your blood pumping through your body, from your heart out to your arms, legs, hands, and feet. Place your hand over your heart and maximize the sensation. Feel the spaciousness of the heart center in your chest and allow yourself to feel whatever comes up.

Have you ever noticed how people compliment you more when you are in love? “You look so young and vibrant!” “You look beautiful!” Love has the magical ability to transform your entire being. Studies have shown that it does improve your health and appearance. However, if you have experienced hurt, loss, betrayal, or regret, you approach love with trepidation. Fear from past experiences can cause you to construct fortresses of protection around your heart so that you never have to experience pain. The desire for love and fear of hurt can operate in a perpetual inner conflict that could cause you to sabotage amazing love connections or choose safe (but somewhat unsatisfying) partners. What can you do? You cannot live your entire life alone. We are made for community and relationships. We need them for survival. Risk being hurt. Protect your heart by developing your intuition so you can know which people are safe, trustworthy. Surrender to the sensation of love, allowing it to make you feel giddy and alive. From July 12 through the end of the month, love may surprise you. If you are single, this could mean that a new partner enters your life. If you have a partner, take the time to connect emotionally with your special someone.

Your schedule may have little flexibility this summer, with work, family commitments, and social obligations. Though you may have little time for yourself, attend to health matters early in the month. Consult with your favorite acupuncturist or alternative health practitioner for ideas about how to improve your overall wellbeing and fight any summer cold or infection. The Full Moon on July 19 reminds you to take probiotics and optimize your digestive system.

Mars is finally direct, giving you motivation and drive for your professional goals. Resist distractions and remain focused on the future and on your success. You might feel frustrated by the day-to-day routine. When Uranus stations retrograde on July 29, you will have a change of pace, perhaps even some exciting news from either a sibling or peer. Until then, make the most of this dedicated time and climb upward. You will receive recognition for your success by the end of the month.

Pisces February 19 – March 20: Have you heard of the Rule of Three? The idea suggests that people remember information best when grouped in a sequence of three. Aristotle wrote about the matter in Rhetoric, and comedians applied the concept to the comic triple. You can see this in titles of books and plays, like The Three Musketeers, The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and more. A triad sequence has an easy rhythm that we can feel. In astrology, a pattern called a “Grand Trine” functions in a similar manner. Three planets about 120 degrees apart from one another form one magnificent equidistant triangle in the heavens. A Trine aspect symbolizes a nice flow of energy between planets in the same element (earth, air, fire, or water). Because a Grand Trine is made up of three trines all at one time, that element has potency! Your element (water) gets its very own grand trine on July 17, which makes for a nice, comfortable flow of emotional energy that lasts throughout most of July. Under the influence of this pattern, you might expect three things: healing, a taste of your personal power, and an opportunity to shine in the spotlight.

Work and professional goals may have been your focus lately. Some new possibilities might have opened up for you almost miraculously. Bask in the success and trust that more will come. You have been in a growth cycle for several months, and now you have begun to see the culmination of the work and effort. The New Moon on July 4 provides high energy for kick-starting a new project or endeavor. Have you thought of writing a children’s book? How about starting volunteer work for your favorite charity? Initiate whatever most stirs your passion.

This month’s influences bring out your inner child. Summertime makes you feel alive. It is pool season! Spend some time near the water for relaxation and rejuvenation. This will help the healing aspect of your Grand Trine influences. The Full Moon on July 19 calls you to the beach. If you do not live near water, consider a getaway. You might get that dose of inspiration and creativity you crave.

The experience of genuine connection with someone special can improve your overall health and wellbeing. You feel young, vital, and alive. Try this: Let go of judgment. There are no “shoulds” when it comes to the heart. You may think you know what you want, but when someone comes into your life and sparks Eros, your intellect takes a back seat to the pull from your soul. Beautiful gifts lie in store if you wade into love cautiously open and optimistic. Trust in your senses, your intuition. That person you thought was bad news may surprise you. For those of you in relationships, expect a month of deeper connection and intimacy. With all of this intense passion, for those of you trying, the stork could send you notice of a special delivery!

Aries March 21 – April 19: Here you stand. Centered. Confident. Ready to take on the world. Now that your ruling planet has stationed direct, you finally feel energized and ready for action. Under the retrograde period, you may have felt as if the Universe had pressed the pause button on your life. That time of stillness served an important function. You needed to feel the buildup of passion, then frustrated restlessness, and finally the determination to achieve. You have recalibrated and can see your goals more clearly. Now, you have more direction moving forward, and you can remain aligned to the path that leads to your success.

Your home may need a little renovation this summer. Before the hectic autumn season starts, make some minor improvements and clean out your storage spaces. The cleaning process will also help clear mental fog.

July is the month for family reunions and vacations. Connect with your loved ones for a July 4 celebration. You may be inspired to camp (or glamp) to get in sync with nature. The children in your life will have hours of pleasure teasing you about your fear of spiders or be impressed with your ability to build a campfire for smores. If the outdoors have never actually called you, you might consider a road trip getaway to visit relatives. You might hear entertaining stories, reminisce about childhood, and deepen those relationships.

After July 17, you could find ways to express yourself and stand on your soapbox. Others are listening, and you may convert a few people to your opinion. Political discourse runs hot, and you have a passion for your cause. Speak loud and proud.

This dynamic energy could also help your professional pursuits. Create and submit that winning proposal. Network with others to help work your way to a new job. Your innovative ideas need outlets for expression. You may be asked to speak at a conference or lead an initiative. Step up into the role, and trust that you will grow in all ways as a result.

On July 11, Venus moves into compatible Leo and kicks off a period of bliss in your love life. Have you thought about going online to find your match? If so, get your profile ready and click through to the end. You never know where you will be when Cupid’s arrow strikes. Stay open to surprises. Even if your relationship is rock solid, you will want to explore ways to make intimacy more playful. Use your imagination, and order some accessories if you feel stuck.

Taurus April 20 – Mary 20: I have a vision for you to consider as we move through the month. A baby bird fully nourished and developed, spreads open her wings, feeling the wind. Her mother stands on a nearby perch, encouraging her to fly from the nest for the first time. Like that bird you pictured in your mind, you have a newfound sense of freedom and a craving for adventure. This is part of an overall growth process that has been underway for several months. You have learned to let go of preconceived ideas about the way things should happen. The order of your universe has been restored because you willingly took chances and let yourself bend flexibly as life circumstances changed. You resisted the Taurean urge to grip too tightly to any one person or situation. As a result, get ready to fly!

Honest conversations with others early in the month will help deepen and strengthen bonds. What have you resisted saying aloud to your family members and closest friends? Your sign rules the throat chakra, and as a result, if you stifle words, you might develop a sore throat. So, if you start getting a little ache, ask yourself: What am I afraid to say right now? Then, speak your truth.

With the relaxed summertime schedule, you might take a road trip or other getaway. You crave inspiration, stirring up your imagination. Visit museums and other cultural venues to help attend to that need, especially around July 4.

Professionally, marketing is your keyword this month. Look at your image and brand. Does your LinkedIn page need an update? You may not care about your online presence, but potential employers, colleagues, or audience members certainly will! Boost your image for optimal success. You have a burst of creativity this month, too, which you may want to channel into a blog post, podcast, or other means of communication. Focus on this project early this month, when your creativity is at a high point. Then, relax and unwind after July 13. If you need resources to help with your promotional efforts, ask close friends for suggestions. Even if you have a secure 9-to-5 position, you could benefit from this advice. You never know when someone could recognize you for your accomplishments.

Romantic connections may feel slightly out of reach for you single Taureans. If you feel disappointed or frustrated by those who keep you in the “friend zone,” keep the faith. All is not lost. You have some magic waiting to happen. However, you might have to walk away entirely to open a new door. If you are in a relationship, this month emphasizes passion, as Mars moves through your solar seventh house of relationships. Any unexpressed anger or frustration will need some expression, so it does not drive a wedge in your relationship. Find new ways to mediate conflict in your partnership. One suggestion I heard once was to have all arguments naked. Well…I do not know from personal experience if this works or even if I would recommend this course of action. However, I think on a symbolic level, this could mean in conflict, be transparent and speak honestly about your feelings. Then, after the argument has finished, you might want to get naked for the make-up session!

Gemini May 21 – June 20: La-di-da. After the fanfare of your birthday month and the ongoing celebration, we move into Cancer season, a time when the Moon features prominently in our astrological story. The Moon’s prominence makes us want to get together with family members, spend time nesting at home and indulge in comfort food. Emotional security from nurturance is the Moon’s primary desire. Okay, now, let’s be real. This could feel a little dull for you adventure seeking, intellectually curious, and on-the-move Geminis. You need something to look forward to, even if it is a spa treatment next Tuesday (which I highly recommend). You have to find your groove and plot your month to include a nice balance of work and play, family and friends, clearing out and shopping for new things.

Start the month with a hand outstretched in goodwill gestures. Volunteer at your local animal rescue or soup kitchen. You will feel great giving back and might even make some new friendship or professional connections. This act of charity serves a larger purpose in the overall picture of your month. As part of the spiritual objective of the balancing act mentioned in the previous paragraph, you have an awakened sense of your priorities and values. What matters most? Lessons revolving around this question send you into introspective spaces. You may be more aware of your capacity to love than ever before. Your heart, not your head, has been blossomed open. How beautiful! How miraculous! However, what do you do with that? You give generously, speak truthfully but gently, act kindly, and wait patiently. You will not lose yourself in love if you outline for yourself what love means for you, well beyond the cultural construct that has defined love for you. It is neither a power struggle nor a competition. You might want to make a list (to appease your Mercurial mind) of what love means for you and how to best be love in all areas of your life.

We have to start with this conversation before we discuss professional pursuits and goals because the basis of your spiritual self stands rooted in love. You are love. Everything else is just a bi-product of that. So, when you look at your financial goals, you might have a little fun loving money! Isn’t money wonderful? Don’t you just adore the freedom it gives you to travel, buy books, attend concerts, and take spiritual workshops? Now, I have your excitement. Feeling the joy of abundance, you can better discern how to create it in your life. Your writing is always an idea. So is your ability to network and connect people together. You could package your gifts and skills into a new enterprise. Ideas emerge on July 4 as you watch the fireworks explode in the sky, and manifest after the Sun moves into Leo on July 22 through your personal contacts and social media connections.

Update your style and look after July 11, when Venus moves into Leo. You can have a sharp sense of fashion without being judgy, Gemini. Realize other people may just be in process. Give them space (especially if we are talking about one of your children). Our look is a reflection of whatever changes or energy we are feeling at the moment, and yours is about to shift! If you have thought about getting a new cosmetic procedure, schedule it for July 22-28, before mischievous Uranus stations retrograde.

Your love life may need a bit of a makeover, too. Spark fire, ignite passion, or your attention span may wane. It might be time for an adventure. Plan a getaway for the July 19 Full Moon and spend some time under the stars, maybe lounging by the ocean. If you are single, Venus in Leo may bring some magic into your love life. Keep it playful and let go of any commitment or abandonment fears. New beginnings are wonderful.



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