The February Horoscopes + Rachel Lang

February Horoscopes + Rachel Lang, LVBX Magazine

It’s a new month and time to get some inner insight with the February horoscopes from astrologer Rachel Lang. Be sure to visit Blissen Up with Rachel Lang to schedule a private session and listen to her live podcast Blissen Up on Fridays at 12pm PST.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Happy birthday! Astrology helps us understand life cycles and seasons. The Sun inhabits a sign for thirty degrees, approximately one month. It takes 360 degrees (and about 365 Earth days) for the Sun’s position to move through each sign of the Zodiac. With each Solar Return (the moment the Sun’s position is the exact same as it was at the time of your birth), you find yourself at the starting point of a new beginning, but with time’s gift of wisdom, you can see from a higher perspective. We spiral through life this way, simultaneously moving upward and returning full circle.

As you start your new Solar year, take some time to close chapters and let go. If the past feels tucked into a hazy cloud of memory, allow it to stay pushed away for a while so that you might move forward. While emotional and grieving processes facilitate spiritual growth, at times you need to focus on the blank canvas of your future. Dream, invent and devise ways for you to thrive.

The month kicks off with a New Moon in your sign on February 8. Its image offers, “a large white dove bearing a message.” The symbolism suggests if you listen carefully to your inner guidance, you might hear a specific calling, a message from the Divine. For some of you, the call may lead you to embark on a new career path. Others might take an astrology course, develop intuitive abilities, or start a spiritual practice. No matter what arouses your interest, understand that your spiritual call could reveal ideas for how you could make a difference in the world.

With the Sun in your sign, this is the perfect time for a makeover or shopping trip. You might also consider having elective surgery after the 16th. Spruce up your appearance in any way possible… when good luck strikes, you want to look your best.

Professionally, you have a surge of energy to animate any new projects or initiatives. You have the potential to take your career to the next level, and to do so, you have to think about ways to build your reputation and achieve more visibility. Embolden yourself, move through resistance and step out on stage, metaphorically speaking. If you have been quietly working in your office with the door closed, consider bringing cupcakes to your co-workers and connect with them over an afternoon break. This is the time to assert yourself, too. You have extra mental capacities and winning ideas after February 13. Ride the wave of this energy to earn respect from supervisors and peers.

On February 16, Venus, the relationship planet, moves into your sign. This could signal the beginning of a new romance. New friendships may have formed, and the expansion of your social circle will allow you to meet someone special who changes the way you see yourself. Take a deep breath, and leap forward in faith. If you are in a relationship right now, this Venus influence could mean a time of a deepened heart connection. Get out of your head, and stay in the feeling of love. Then, open your heart wider than you ever imagined possible. Your partner may surprise you in the best ways.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Your sign’s guiding planet, Neptune, inspires dreams and activates imagination. This planetary influence has prominence in your chart, giving you the exceptional ability to create artistic and expressive masterpieces as well as use your dream space for exploring new possibilities for your life. Future possibilities exist on a spectrum. There are ones already being manifested and others not yet on your path. You hold the key to ensuring your future looks bright. You need to make sure your dreams and imaginings remain focused on your desired intention. Then, commit yourself to opening the path. Believe in yourself and in the goodness of the Universe. You can make anything happen for yourself…and more. Therefore, I urge you to name it. Speak it boldly to the Heavens, and open yourself to receive guidance about the necessary steps to take. Then, say, “This or better.”

I offer this notion because February’s influences may stir doubt. Can you achieve the level of professional success you imagine for yourself? Testing periods function to help you graduate to a new spiritual level. When you find yourself in times of compromised self-esteem, motivate yourself. Pick yourself up and pitch that idea. Embolden yourself. Ask for a promotion, submit your work for award entries or hand in your resume for that dream job.  On February 22, the Full Moon illuminates your winning potential. Work all month long to secure your place at the top.

You might find yourself on the move this month, racking up frequent flyer miles. Each time you leave your familiar and comfortable surroundings, you step into a new adventure. Just say, “Yes!” You never know what kinds of relationships could form. This month in particular, you can forge powerful connections. Explore a sunny destination to help you revive from any winter blues.

The inspirational fire of passion warms your creative center, the sacral chakra, and you will likely find ways to channel this energy into your love life this month. If you are single, Jupiter favorably shines on your relationship sector, suggesting a time of deep spiritual connection. Jupiter and Venus, the relationship planet, join forces on February 9 in a favorable trine. If you are single, try connecting with someone either through a dating app or other type of social engagement. Ask your friends to set you up at the beginning of the month. If you are involved in a relationship, your love can grow and expand exponentially. Celebrate Valentine’s Day all month long with surprises and gifts for your special someone. The love you send out will return if you can willingly receive.

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Election seasons bring up the most interesting discourse on social media. Like most of us, you probably have “those” friends who post rants about their opposing candidates and political issues. These kinds of mad ravings trigger indignation for you. You want desperately to fight back, but you know that your ferocity with words has led to drama in the past. How can you focus your message and defend your cause without losing friends? First of all, never fight a lonely battle. Gather allies and support. Secondly, I encourage you to practice this imaginative exercise. Before you type a response or say a word, close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Focus all your energy in your heart center. Then, allow every word you communicate to come from that place. Back up every utterance with the vibration of love.

This month’s influences highlight your professional pursuits. Do you seek to reach a larger audience? Consult with social media or marketing professional to gain tips for expanding your reach. The New Moon on February 8 is a powerful influence for you. Connect with groups and organizations. You might consider taking a workshop to improve your public speaking skills and practice your TED talk. Any unexpected miracle could occur for you; therefore, continue to prepare for the goals you intended to manifest.

You have been quite the adventurer, Aries. While you love to get out of town and experience new landscapes, you have a sincere desire for balance and grounding at this time. Perhaps you might find that within your spiritual practice. If you are traveling this month, carry sage spray with you to clear your space. Bring spiritual books to read while in transit. Make time for walks outside to connect with nature. Anchor yourself in love and spiritual bliss to compensate for the demands of your schedule.

Romance may feel like a faraway fantasy at the beginning of the month. After all, you have been quite busy, with little time to spend in the arms of your special someone. Your passion meter is at a low, and relationships feel hard or complicated. You have the power to turn up the heat! If you are single, express your need for freedom and play. You might not have a date for Valentine’s Day, so take advantage of the holiday to connect with other single friends. You could meet some interesting people out and about. If you are in a relationship, nurture that bond. Be your bold, generous, and dynamic self. Surprise your special someone with tickets to a show…or airfare to escape town for the weekend. Make February a month of love by making love as much as possible!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): What will you do with all of your excess energy this month? Born under a sign ruled by Venus, the planet that symbolizes beauty and relaxation, you need work-life balance. However, your recent desire for achievement and success has stirred passion. You are driven beyond your usual expectations. While you have momentum, keep going strong! Find ways to shine in the spotlight. Seek speaking engagements. Consider submitting your résumé to postings on LinkedIn or other job sites. You may even consider starting a blog about your favorite topic.  Follow your passion, and you’ll find inspiration.

As you prepare to embark on a new endeavor, realize your month could feel like one of the “Choose Your Adventure” book. You remember the ones you read in middle school, right? Which path will you take? What storyline will unfold? The future is yours to create. Therefore, take bold risks and lead with your heart. You can always turn back around if the path feels too unsteady.

On February 8, the New Moon signifies a time of powerful energetic downloads. New ideas burst through the clouds of confusion. You are at the top of your game. Others may challenge your authority, but in doing so, they only offer you the opportunity to step up into your role as leader. Do not stand down from the conflict. Speak your truth, and be bold. If you need energetic cheerleading, check out the book “Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges,” by Amy Cuddy.

February is the month during which we celebrate love. Check in with your heart. Are you open to love in all its forms? You have a reputation for being quite self-reliant, and while this is an attribute of strength in character, you may also resist asking for help when you need it. Reach out to friends in the early part of the month, and practice seeking support. You might experience an abundance of love and nurturing from friends, family, and especially your partner. If you are single, get out and date! This month accentuates passion in your romantic life.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Stop everything for a moment. Breathe deeply. With your Gemini energy, you’re always on the move, doing things to better yourself or advance your career. Your social calendar fills months in advance, and your to-do list would make any other sign dizzy. February is the month when we turn a spotlight to the heart and celebrate Valentine’s Day. The heart grows restless in busyness. It only knows to feel and to be. Lead with your heart this month, set the tasks aside, and see what miracles unfold.

Your romantic relationships are getting a makeover this month, and that process begins with your commitment to self-care. Nurture your body with clean food, time at your favorite spa, and gentle workouts. Try not to push yourself to the point of exhaustion. Take time for your spiritual practice, too. Find a good meditation group or other community dedicated to conscious awareness. Then, honor your emotional center with supportive conversations with friends or your alternative health practitioner.

If you are a writer, seek representation for publishing. Refine your craft, and you could receive a favorable endorsement or maybe a book deal. If you own your own business, practice your sales pitch. Luck is on your side in professional undertakings, but you must be prepared to make the most of those unexpected opportunities. After February 16, forge new connections and expand your social network.

Your home environment could use TLC this month. Surround yourself with fresh flowers and decorate for the season of love. This will improve your Feng Shui and get your romantic juices flowing.

In matters of the heart, this month brings deep, intimate connections. If you are single, expect surprises. For those of you who are involved, start planning the next chapter of your relationship. Imagine the possibilities for you and your special someone; your dreamscape is limitless when love has a firm foundation of trust. You are safe. Let go, and together, you can fly!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Someone turn down the intensity! Since January 1, the Universe has had you on a bit of a roller coaster ride. With all of the activity and change that has happened in your life since 2012, you may have never imagined you would need to weather one more cycle of ups and downs. However, you have been refined like a diamond found in the rough. Your edges have been smoothed, and now you sparkle a little brighter. You have become strong, resilient. As a result, your concept of safety may have shifted. No longer do you seek security outside yourself. Rather, you realize that you are always safe within yourself, even when you feel emotionally vulnerable and raw. Celebrate this awareness by opening your heart even wider. Fall in love this February. Let it be an anniversary month that marks a new beginning.

While we have our focus on the subject of love, let’s talk about your romantic life. Power struggles can dissipate when you step out of the dysfunctional patterns of previous relationships. It is simple. Just stop engaging in that unhealthy behavior. You can have the mutually supportive, reciprocal relationship you seek. With the right one, you do not have to compromise your integrity or your self-esteem. You also do not have to play small. The change begins with you. Stand up for yourself. For you single Cancers, be the love you want to experience in your life. Buy yourself roses and start projecting the vibration of love out into the atmosphere. Surround yourself with beauty, and you can clear the path for a new relationship. In the meantime, connect with others for a sweet, gentle Valentine’s Day.

You are the consummate nurturer, and you crave the experience of parenting. You create the perfect nest for your loved ones. Family members who feel alone during this month of love may need a little boost. Send flowers, cards, or even positive vibes. Your small efforts will produce major kudos.

On February 22, the Full Moon in amicable Pisces illuminates your solar house of adventure and long-distance travel. If you are looking for a way to expand your professional network, consider broadening your horizons. Start reaching out into new markets. Feed the urge to explore new territories, and you will awaken awareness of your life’s purpose.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): When the Sun is in Aquarius, the earth inhabits your sign. This influence suggests that you must focus on terrestrial events and circumstances. You might think of these everyday concerns as small matters, insignificant compared to your magnificent dreams and creative endeavors. However, there are great spiritual gifts in small packages. For example, Buddhist monks have used the task of sweeping floors to practice mindfulness. Also, Mary Oliver expressed love through the gift of handpicked berries in her poem, “I Don’t Want to Live a Small Life.” What revelations will you receive today as you sip your coffee, scan your Twitter feed, type a memo, pick up the kids from school, or fold you laundry? I encourage you to make each of these activities a prayer. If you do, you can change the world through each thought, act, and deed.

You were born with a need to express yourself creatively. This is part of your purpose. When you feel creatively blocked or stuck, find inspiration by experiencing work from some of the masters. Explore your local art museum or gallery spaces. Connect with artists, musicians, writers, and performers to reframe your perspective. Even you accountants, physicians, lawyers, domestic engineers, or construction workers need outlets for expression.

I have good news! Your finances are about to get a boost. This could come through a new gig, side project, bonus, or promotion at work. Save the extra resources for a big vacation later this summer or for home renovations. The extra funds are a sign of an abundant mindset. Read books on the Law of Attraction to stay in the flow.

Your friends and colleagues may be experiencing significant changes this month. As a result of this, you may feel uncertain about some of your current relationships. Whom can you trust in these unsettled times? Understand others may need to survive their personal changes before they can reciprocate your loyalty. Your gut instinct tells you when to let go. Trust that internal guidance.

February is the month of love, with a build-up to Valentine’s Day. Consider taking your special someone on a romantic getaway. That weekend’s influences support a proposal to take your relationship to the next level. Your heart is open, and you can see yourself walking down the aisle perhaps for the first time ever. For some of you, relationship changes may bring news of a new addition to the family. The stork is making deliveries in your area, asking you to take on new responsibilities. If you are single, connect with other solo friends for a big Valentine’s Day experience. Party like the rock star you always wanted to become. You could meet a special someone on the dance floor. You have all the right moves.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): As I started writing your horoscope, the song “Bella Notte,” from The Lady and the Tramp began to play in my head. Irritated by the— well, somewhat sappy— Disney song stuck in my head, I paused my writing. I Googled the song and watched the YouTube clip. Suddenly, my heart swelled with that gooey lovey feeling as I watched the images of cartoon characters falling in puppy love. (If the song is stuck in your head now, you may be feeling the urge to click the link right now!)

Perhaps romance feels a little like this experience for you. It can steal your focus and divert your attention. It is not rational, logical, or even practical, at times. When you fall in love, your mind centers on nonsensical ideations. Suddenly, you’re reciting Elizabeth Barrett Browning in bed at 2am when you should be sleeping in preparation for that big meeting in the morning. You spend hundreds of dollars on gifts to woo your paramour and hours on the phone talking about how you feel as if you have known one another for lifetimes. Does any of this make sense, Virgo? Does it all feel like too much work? Not if you have a Total Eclipse of the Heart. Release worry and fear. Fall into it. Go ahead and get a little cheesy! Your heart will thank you.

If you’re single, apply this entire message to yourself. Fall back in love with you. Identify all of the wonderful aspects of yourself, and celebrate who you are completely. You have so much goodness to offer those with whom you share your life. You work tirelessly to help others and give generously when you commit to a cause or project. Yet, you often slip behind the scenes where your good deeds remain unnoticed. You need no fanfare from others because a force greater than your ego compels you. Don’t shy away from the spotlight this month. Honor and love yourself by accepting public recognition.

In business, focus on creative projects, especially ones that emphasize communication. Speak, write, and blog. You can incrementally build your social network from the beginning of the month all the way up to the Full Moon in your sign on February 22. Network like crazy to secure new business leads. Others take notice of your commanding presence at this time. Take advantage of Jupiter’s influence, and open doorways of opportunity.

With all of this energy moving you forward professionally and romantically, you might have to let go of some energetic baggage to maintain momentum. For some of you, this means breaking from unhealthy family dynamics by establishing boundaries in those relationships. Others may wish to move altogether and let go of physical stuff in the process. Keep your path clear for optimum success in all areas of life. Imagine an open road leading to a bright horizon.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Some cities have experienced tremendous winter storms in which ice and snow covered roads, froze bodies of water, and disrupted travel plans. The photos of some of these storms are stunning. Winter wonderland scenes feature luminous icicles hung from tree limbs, snow-coated cars, glistening landscapes with the sun sparkling on snow. We have witnessed human innovation too, in the forms of courageous heroes aiding stranded individuals, transportation officials clearing streets and subway lines in record time, Airbnb igloos, and sculpted Star Wars snow characters. We can see the triumph of the human spirit in the midst of disaster. I offer you this metaphor to allow you to reflect on your own life. When external circumstances seemed disastrous and beyond your control, you triumph over adversity through your ability to concretize thought into action. Your mental acumen is your gift as an air sign and helps you gracefully move through crises. Winter will cycle through to springtime, and you will plant tulips in the once frost-covered earth.

How can you make the most of this month’s influences? Express yourself creatively, in words, graphics, music, your personal fashion, Instagram photos, artistic projects, and any other way you can imagine. February 13 is a perfect day to speak publicly about your favorite topic or teach someone a new skill. Resist the voice of your inner critic for maximum productivity. Don’t let perfectionism stop you in your tracks! Nor ought you allow regret tug your heartstrings. The tension between the past and future can only be mediated by focusing on gratitude in the present moment. Pick yourself up and do one of the things you do best: Socialize!

After February 16, you might need a new look. Take your BFF with you on a shopping spree. Make an appointment with your stylist, too, for an updated look. Try something new and different. Shake things up a bit! You never know when you might need to appear in photos either on the pages of a magazine or your friend’s Facebook page.

Romance brings unexpected surprises for you all month long. Even if you have been married for decades, incorporate a little playfulness into your love life. It could even feel slightly risqué. Remember how you first fell in love and relive that experience. Consider traveling back to your first date spot. At home, indulge in champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. Sensual delights help deepen the spiritual connection. If you are single and looking, mark February 16 on your calendar as the start of a beautiful new beginning. Open your heart, and you might begin to fall in love.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): With your laser-like focus, you can accomplish nearly anything you desire. Therefore, carefully consider what intentions you spiral out into the Universe. If you ask for a raise at work, you need to prepare for the possibility of more responsibilities. Likewise, if you seek to manifest a new house, refine your budget to adjust to any extra expenses. Energetic spiritual preparation is even more important than logistical. Why? You could inadvertently stand in your own way or resist the overwhelming goodness available to you.

We all have core beliefs that play out as patterns in our lives. For example, you might believe that “money is the root of all evil.” How would you imagine that belief plays out in your everyday life? Would you give too much away? Alternatively, lower your expectations for your financial health? These beliefs often become planted so deeply in our subconscious minds that we have no awareness of them and their effects in our lives. Buried beliefs are powerful forces. You want to embrace fully your co-creative power, right? Here’s a tip. Go down deep, find and uproot those limiting beliefs. Start by asking yourself what messages you heard over and over as a child. You know the ones. Mom always said _________ (fill in the blanks).  Dad taught me____________. (Write the first phrase that enters your mind.) Then, move to teachers…and grade school friends…on and on until you have a solid list. Bring those bad boys up to the surface, and then disqualify them! Don’t own them.

In the early part of the month, take charge! In business meetings, speak up. Assert yourself. Make sales pitches; advertise your services big time through social media and other promotional efforts. You might consider hiring someone to help you market yourself. Employ a highly researched strategy for maximum results. Consider joining groups or organizations for networking prospects. I offer you a challenge: Gather at least 25 new solid contacts by February 13. Does that seem unlikely? If so, try harder!

It may be time to redecorate your immediate environment or consider making a move. Your home needs a little attention right now. It is, after all, your sacred space. Spruce it up to reflect your personality.

In love, make commitment your monthly theme. You and your partner are building something together: a future. It stands on the foundation of the past and is supported by the ideals of the present. Allow your imagination to drift to only positive outcomes for two weeks, and then celebrate Valentine’s Day with an expanded capacity for hope and love. The reverberations of that energy will pulse throughout the year. If you are single, try dating for fun. You’ve got a spark of Eros that needs expression. A gentle fling might help you channel that energy in ways that will open your chakras for real love.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Look at a map of the world. Then, close your eyes and place your finger wherever it wants to land. The Universe hands you a mystery. A scavenger hunt, if you will. You see, a new adventure calls you forward this month. The city beneath your fingertip has mysteries to reveal. Start with a simple Google search to find out more about this place in the world. Look for clues that connect to synchronistic events in your life. Keep following breadcrumbs left for you by your angels and divine helpers. You have a new path to forge and an invitation to adventure. Stand up tall, push your shoulders back, and let your heart lead.

For some of you, this message could be read literally. If you work in sales, for example, you might be gaining a new territory or expanding your reach into a new market. Other Sagittarians might consider applying for jobs out of state. Professional opportunities could open up for you unexpectedly. When you receive a divine calling, you might have to step temporarily away from people, places, or things, to fulfill the mission. Your friends and loved ones will celebrate your success, and if you make a graceful departure, you can always have a home to which you can return.

Financially, this is a great time to make changes to your budget and organize yourself to stay ahead in 2016. You have a little extra coming into your household in the early part of the month. Save the extra for something special later in the summer, like a vacation, home repairs, a new car, or an inground swimming pool in your backyard.

If you have siblings, you might find new ways to connect with your family that help you feel supported and loved. Reminisce with them about the past and see if you might reframe memories to foster healing and positivity. It is never too late to have a happy childhood! Your children surprise you with good news on February 8 with the New Moon in a favorable sign. The image for this new moon offers, “a large white dove bearing messages.” Realize that any news you receive this day comes from divine sources. Honor it through the practice of gratitude.

In love, Venus shines favorably on your sign from February 16 through the end of the month. If you are involved in a relationship, expect a romantic Valentine’s Day excursion. Allow your special someone to completely spoil you with sensual delights! If you are single, friends might ask to set you up on a blind date. Make sure you have no entanglements from the past to keep you from moving into a brand new future. Then, say, “Yes.” Keep facing forward.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): The planet Venus relates to both finances and love, and it opens the heart chakra. Therefore, we might propose, the greater you love, the more you expand your financial framework. Love expands intrinsic capacity. I offer this message not as an absolute but more as a possibility for you to ponder. Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System, has been moving through fellow earth sign Virgo since August, suggesting a time of financial gain and opportunity for you. Jupiter, with infinite generosity, asks you to go big when making your requests to the Universe. Think beyond your own bank account, car, or home. Look at how your success can influence others. Imagine how you might leave your mark on the world through any success you achieve. As you dream, feel love and gratitude swelling up inside your heart. Love beyond your circle of familiar faces and extend it out to the world. Love as big as you dream.

Each intention you set sends rippling waves of energy into the memosphere, and a cosmic dance begins. Manifestation can happen instantly or with slight delays, depending on astrological factors and your personal resistances. On February 8, the New Moon vibe challenges you to release limitations, negative thoughts, and worries. Its vision offers, “a large white dove bearing messages.” Divine guidance is yours during this time, and you may use it to help materialize your dreams. Use your imagination to support this process. Create a vision board if necessary.

You have all of the ingredients you need to take your career to the next level. The boost you need may involve a tour of another country. Network with former colleagues or current contacts who can open those doors for you. Reach back into your past to shape your future. Seal any deals on February 5, when Venus and Pluto join forces in your sign. You have considerable personal power this day. This is also a great day for making cold calls or presentations.

Find excuses to celebrate with friends. Did someone get engaged? Receive an award? Even small victories (surviving the holidays?) could provide you with enough of a reason to host a gathering and entertain friends. Connecting different groups of people is one of your talents. This is especially true in the early part of the month. These events will also give you good reasons to shop for perfect party clothes. Venus is in your sign until February 16, which is an excellent influence for making updates to your wardrobe and appearance. Give yourself a shopping spree near the first of the month. Dress for success!

You will not likely need to turn on your heater during this last month of winter, as your love life stays steamy throughout February. If you are in a relationship, your partner may spoil you like crazy during the Valentine’s Day weekend. You two might attempt to outdo one another. If you are single, you could feel like a giant magnet attracting potential suitors into your life. Think about your future while having flirtatious fun in the present moment. If you want to amplify the influences, try Zoosk, Tinder, Match, or your other favorite dating site/app…to play a little now and maybe eventually more.



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