January Horoscopes + Rachel Lang

January Horoscopes + Rachel Lang, LVBX Magazine
It’s a new month and a new year – see what’s in store with the January horoscopes from astrologer Rachel Lang of Blissen Up. Be sure to visit Blissen Up with Rachel Lang to schedule a private session and listen to her live podcast Blissen Up on Fridays at 12pm PST.

Capricorn: Your path ahead resembles an airport runway: It has been swept free from debris and points in one magnificent direction. You have been cleared for take-off. Get ready to fly. Though this could be quite literal, as in travel to a new destination, I intend for it to be a metaphor for all areas of your life. Professionally, you have the momentum to soar to a new height. Personally, you have charisma and can attract new people into your life, including a romantic partner. Your birthday month offers abundant blessings, gifts that will have lasting significance in your life.

This month opens opportunities for you to recognize your power. However, there may be challenges or tests to overcome. For example: Will you sacrifice your authenticity for financial gain? Will you charge ahead without carefully considering the fine print? Will you hurt others on your way to the top? Remain true to yourself, and you will pass to the next level. You have tremendous power at this time. Use it wisely. Think of the three-fold law: Whatever energy you send out into the universe comes back to you three times. Therefore, send out goodness, love, and generosity. Think of the harvest you’ll reap!

In your professional life, marketing is your keyword. Exercise creativity with your online presence, and engage a larger audience. Make the most of your ability to attract attention at this time. Consult with a PR professional to develop a strategy, and let your light shine! By January 23, you will expand your network and meet influential people in the process. Focus on Instagram and other more visual platforms. You may find someone to promote you.

In family matters, consider what communication patterns need healing. Speak your truth on January 5, and you can expect monumental shifts in challenging relationships by January 25 when Mercury stations direct. You cannot change the past, but you can reframe it in a more positive light. Learn from the mistakes you’ve made, and offer compassion for those who have hurt you. Find the gifts you’ve received in all situations, and forgive. If you allow anger to settle into your body and stick, you only hurt yourself in the long run. Feel it, and then enable it to move. In fact, you may want to take up yoga, cross-fit, kickboxing, or dance to help you move energy through your system. You’ll also relieve stress that way.

Your love life heats up after January 3 when Mars moves into steamy, intense Scorpio. If you are in a relationship, emphasize passion. Recreate the beginning of your affair, when you enjoyed discovering one another’s bodies, likes, and sensitive spots. Find new aspects of your partner to appreciate and relish. If you are single, after January 23, Venus will inhabit your sign, signaling a period of heightened attraction. See your stylist, update your appearance, and try new dating platforms. There are some great apps available now. Explore.

Aquarius: Wave “Bon Voyage” to 2015 and sail into your new beginning. 2016 will feel smoother, clearer, and more focused. Before you journey forward into your personal new year (the one that begins at your Solar Return, right around the time of your birthday), you have some personal inventory to take. Take some time at the beginning of this month to write down three tangible goals for 2016. Feel the excitement stirring within your heart as you imagine fulfilling those intentions. The future can unfold as you create it to be. Yes, you have that much power.

As you take inventory, look carefully at your social circle. Do any of your close friends or acquaintances stir drama in your life? How supportive have they been during the ups and downs you’ve faced? Before taking drastic measures (like unfriending someone from Facebook), create some space in your relationship. Give yourself a little breathing room, even if that means you spend some nights alone. Keep challenging acquaintances on the periphery of your social circle, even if you have to ignore phone calls or profess to be busy.

The holidays have been full, and everyone is feeling it. Perhaps you have felt internal pressure to accomplish more than you did in 2015. Maybe your love life has been…well…challenging. You have unanswered questions, but by the time the Full Moon on January 23, you will see the answers clearly. In fact, you may even have new insights that allow you to develop strategies to realize some of the goals you have set.

Mercury is stationing retrograde in your sign, moving backward into Capricorn from January 5-25. During this period, you might have to go back to your emotional center and heal some pain from the past. Memories may surface from your subconscious mind, and you will need help navigating the emotional ups and downs. You have to unpack this psychic debris before changing jobs, stepping into a new phase of your relationship, moving, or starting a family. You are energetically purging to make space for something new. This is exciting! Dwell in the state of wonder, and you can keep depression at bay. What awaits you on the other side of this exploration? Magic. Pure magic.

In love, depth and truth stand side by side. What have you held back from your special someone? Reveal those secrets, and you will experience the gifts of transparency. This is especially true on January 5 and 22. Both of these days bookmark the retrograde period when communication requires extreme honesty. Don’t shy away from letting your soft side show. If you are in a relationship, plan a retreat with your love around January 12, and prepare to be romanced. If you are single, this month offers possibilities for deep connections. Keep your heart open.

Pisces: Life moves you forward in spirals. Each cycle or season returns you back to the same point from which you began, only toward a higher point of perspective. Dates on calendars mark inception points. January 1 kicks off a new year and symbolically represents a time to recalibrate your goals and priorities. What did you achieve in 2015? What would you like to manifest in 2016? Take time at the beginning of the year to make a vision board to solidify your intentions. You have the skills and resources you need to bring them to fruition. You need a little more reassurance. Faith.

This year introduces uncertainty and unanswered questions. You feel the stirrings of change, but you cannot pinpoint which area of your life might be affected. Take a deep breath and leap ahead. New professional contacts will enter your life to help open doors for you. In the past, you may have been too trusting. This could have led to deceit. You have gained wisdom and knowledge in the process, and you will not face the same losses you have in the past. Open your heart. Trust your intuition, and let it guide you. Here’s a hint: If you feel as if you have been punched in the gut (energetically), you have your visceral signal for NO. If you feel an energetic sigh of relief, your answer is most likely YES. This is most pertinent when considering negotiations with business relationships, especially agents or representatives.

Honest communication with friends will facilitate personal growth. You do not need to hold back. Mercury is retrograde from January 5-25. During that time, you need to focus on collaborating with others in creative endeavors. Your insights could save the day. Have courage, and express yourself. On January 13, your innovative approach to a problem could allow you to earn recognition. There may be an award in your very near future for your achievement.

Protect your reputation by maintaining your integrity and honoring your word. Any hidden secrets could surface on January 22. Therefore, ensure that you have a clear conscience.

Call your father on January 8, and he may surprise you with some news about the family. He does not necessarily need your help, but he would appreciate your healing presence. You have the power to mend fences. Recognize your gifts and use them to help those closest to you.

Your love life gets steamy this month, as Mars moves into passionate Scorpio on January 3. If you are single, you could meet someone associated with your work. Though it might feel like a fling, at first, expect a little magic by the Full Moon on January 23. For those of you involved, spice up the winter month with a romantic getaway, especially around January 8, when your relationship could move to a whole new level. Resist the tendency for things to get too comfortable. Keep your special someone on his or her toes with surprises.

Aries: Football playoff season has begun, and fans everywhere have begun speculating as to which team will make it to the Super Bowl. It is okay to admit you love a good competition, even if you do not particularly care for football. In fact, your ruling planet is fiery hot Mars, named for the warrior god. When that competitive spirit stirs within you, watch out, world! You are a force of nature, a Quarterback running down the field. Fearless and bold. Whether or not you watch the playoff games or care about football, tap into the vibes of the end of the season. Sound your primordial shout. “Yes!” “Go!” To anyone who needs your support: Your favorite political candidate, child, friend, author, and yourself. Moreover, yourself. Who deserves grunts of encouragement more than you?

Professional changes have allowed you to receive recognition for your hard work. You keep climbing the ladder of success, and maybe even skipping a couple of rungs along the way. Internal tension can be a motivational force, pushing you forward. Take charge of your future. Create new opportunities for yourself, and do not allow the desires of others to shape your path. You may hesitate more than usual, especially with Mercury in retrograde most of the month (from January 5-25). Use this period to tie up loose ends and complete projects. Clear any communication mishaps by confronting the issue head on…in a gentle manner. You might hear the apology you wanted and could even receive long-overdue closure from an ongoing situation.

On January 9, the New Moon could stimulate insights about your family of origin. Perhaps you have been frustrated by added responsibility. You may have been overwhelmed with family drama during the holidays. Expect clarity and healing from the New Moon to the Full Moon on January 23. Incorporate playful, relaxing time in your family dealings. Release stress by getting out of the house and exploring new adventures. Ask for stories from older relatives and try to step into their shoes. Empathize with them. By asking the right questions, you might learn more in one afternoon at tea than you could in a lifetime. Perhaps you could write down stories or start collecting genealogical records to trace your lineage. See yourself as being connected… while still independent.

Your love life is a definite highlight from January 8 through the end of the month. Commitment might be your keyword, followed closely by passion. Mars, your ruling planet, is moving into your solar eighth house of intense and intimate connections. Have you wanted to take your relationship to a new level? This is a perfect time. Fireworks will spark when you pop the question. For you single Aries, be bold. Step out of your comfort zone, and pursue a little affair. It could turn into a lasting relationship by the end of the month. It will feel fated, like kismet. Allow the process to surprise you.

Taurus: In the children’s story, the “Hungry Caterpillar” moved through one food item to another before entering its cocoon and morphing into a spectacular butterfly. Likewise, you may typically store up reserves of energy and resources during these harsh winter months before cycling anew in the springtime. You have your usual routine, but this year feels different. Will you need to nestle yourself into a cocoon and wait for transformation? Alternatively, could you manifest faster this year? Surprise yourself, Taurus. Open yourself to the possibility that your whole life could change for the better in no time at all. Luck and opportunity stand side by side, ushering you into a new year. A new YOU.

These changes can manifest in sudden, unexpected windfalls. Strokes of luck. A job offer that comes from out of the blue. A trip to an exotic destination. A marriage proposal. As a fixed earth sign, you value practicality. Therefore, you plan for growth and strategize success. For just a moment, imagine infinite possibilities. Imagination sets the seed in the soil. Your enthusiasm waters the soul and nurtures the idea so that it grows into a reality.

Set aside time at the beginning of the month to reflect on your year ahead. Plan goals and set action steps toward achieving them. Mark deadlines on your calendar and set milestones to help keep you on track.

If you own a business, consider expanding into other geographic territories. Hire a sales force to help expansion efforts. Partner with influential individuals, and push yourself to the next level. You may consider writing a book to build credibility with your audience. Publishing is highly represented for you this month, as well as creative expression of all kinds.

The planet of communication, Mercury, will be making its retrograde journey from January 5-25. During this period, communication will be heightened for you. Speak your whole truth, holding nothing back. Your friends and colleagues will appreciate your courage. You will feel relieved to free yourself from withheld knowledge. Finish projects that have been on the back-burner, including thank-you notes, unanswered emails, and taxes. Attend to those details early in the month to allow yourself to have space and time for more creative endeavors.

Freedom is your keyword this month. When do you experience real freedom? Perhaps it is not an external event, as in time free from work. Freedom can start as an internal sensation. For example, you may feel untethered when your mind stills during a spiritual practices or when your imagination takes you on a wild journey. When you release any anger, resentment, or fear from the past, you feel unshackled, ready to move forward into the future. Therefore, take the time to meditate, draw, write, sing, dance, and dream, especially from January 13-14.

Romance stirs excitement and possibility. That mysterious someone you met early in the month could prove to be someone significant in your life when Venus enters fellow earth sign, Capricorn, on January 23. If you are single, set up your online profile. Go ahead and do it! Allow this to be your sign from the Universe. With the right attitude, you can experience magic. Make your expectations more malleable. If you are involved in a relationship, intimacy requires vulnerability. Open your heart, and your partner will amaze you. This is an excellent month to deepen your love life.

Gemini: Children learn to differentiate the safe from the unsafe through trial and error. If a child touches a hot stove, the burn teaches an important lesson. That child will likely not repeat the mistake. The heart works a little differently than the hand. It may feel burned by disappointment, but the desire to love and be loved is stronger than the fear of any impending pain. Hope drives us forward into the dangerous territory of love. You ask, “What if it is different this time?” That question suggests the difference between burns of the hand and those of the heart. As you reflect on the year ahead, make note of the lessons you have learned through your personal trials and errors. Then, identify your hope for 2016. What new experiences would you try?

Your ruling planet, Mercury, will be retrograde from January 5-25. During this period, you may feel as if your past unfolds before you like a montage. Memories may rise from your subconscious mind to haunt you. Reframe those experiences and shine a new light. When you tell a new story, you help a healing process unfold. This is especially true when it comes to your family of origin and childhood memories.

Financially, this is a great month to tie up loose ends and a establish goals for the coming year. Watch the markets, and make any changes after January 23. A little extra money may be coming in from an unexpected source. For example, your partner may receive a bonus or raise. Likewise, you might hear of an inheritance or the sale of  property. Invest those resources wisely for your future.

Professionally, new doors have opened recently. You may have had reservations about stepping forward in faith, but the road has been paved for you. Therefore, you have nothing to lose! Own it and assert yourself. For some of you, this may mean embarking on a new creative endeavor. You will need to complete past projects and free up energetic space. Do that by the new moon on January 9.  Then, implement definitive action steps toward the fulfillment of your goals.

In your love life, you have narrowed your vision of what you want in a partnership. Therefore, you are less tolerant of behaviors that you used to ignore. This discernment process will help you to attract more of what you want in a relationship. Stay focused on the dream, and manifest a new reality. For those of you involved, nestle in closer to your partner. Intimacy is your keyword this month. Allow yourself to trust, and your relationship will feel like new.

Cancer: The holidays may be over, but your playlist would never know. Those melancholy holidays songs tug at your heartstrings just like the memories surfacing as you close out one year and start another. In particular, you might have been reflecting on disappointments more now than in years past. Rather than sinking into sadness, allow those feelings to motivate you. Stand up, embolden yourself, and set intentions for big future. It is never too late to do what you wish you had done. The co-creative process works both forward and backward, but it requires your presence at this moment in time.

First thing first. Tend to your health. With the frenzy of the holiday season behind, you have time now to concentrate on your wellbeing. Have you had your annual checkup? Have you been thinking about trying a new diet or exercise plan? Consider making sustainable lifestyle choices that promote your optimal health.

Professionally, this month offers opportunities to forge new relationships. Network and expand your audience. On January 9, the New Moon may reconnect you with someone from your past. This relationship could be promising as this person can open doors for you. Before you can move forward on a new career path or job opportunity, you may have some skills to acquire or lessons to learn. Take personal inventory at the beginning of the year, especially January 5. By the time Mercury stations direct on January 25, you will feel prepared to move toward your desired objectives. Expect a new beginning.

Financially, opportunities seem to be coming from out of the blue. Make sure you budget wisely. Stash away any excess for a rainy day…or for that big purchase you plan to make closer to the summertime. The extra money is a gift and perhaps a sign of prosperity to come.

If your love life seems a bit more turbulent than usual, take deep breaths. You need to recreate your relationship and heal any dynamics that cause you to feel insecure. For some of you, this may involve marital counseling. For others, merely implementing date night once a week will be enough to rekindle the romance. Spice things up a little! For those of you who are single, this is a perfect time to step into the dating scene. Ask your friends to set you up. Go ahead and be vulnerable! When that special someone sees your sensitive side, he or she will fall head over heels. When you love, you give it your all. For a moment, imagine attracting someone into your life who meets you halfway. Reciprocity is amazing. Manifest that!

Leo: This January, be like a bamboo tree. When stormy weather strikes, bamboo bends gracefully, adjusting to the high winds while remaining rooted. As we move into 2016, think about this vision of your home life especially. Subtle shifts and changes within relationships require you to remain steadfast, solidly planted in one place while still being open to changes in attitudes, perspectives, and environmental changes. You have recently learned the art of detachment and reshaped your expectations. As a result, you have recalibrated. Your focus is aimed in a new direction. Adventure awaits! You have the power to shape your life according to your wants needs and desires. The key? Be like bamboo.

This month, discipline and creativity stand side-by-side. Set time aside to work on your novel, edit your movie, scrapbook your photos, or design your spring landscape. When creative juices have dried up, you need to show up for the creative process in a new way. You might find ways to monetize your creative projects by the end of 2016.

Professional opportunities have sprung up from out of the blue. Take a giant leap of faith. You are about to embark on a lucrative endeavor. Do not feed into fear or use your imaginative powers for worry and dread. This is not a soap opera with a tragic ending! In fact, the Universe is working in your favor. Goodness abounds. You may have a new job offer or perhaps an important client coming into your life to help you move your business to a new level. Expect the manifestation of this relationship by January 23, when the Full Moon in your sign sets you up to stand in the spotlight. Mark on your calendar for January 14. On this day, you have all the answers. You will wow your colleagues with your bright ideas. Do not be afraid to shine your light.

If you are a parent, this month made present challenges in your relationship with your children. In particular, you may experience a contest of wills right around January 8. Speak with your heart, and realize that you are the one in charge. You may have to play bad cop, but it will serve the highest good of your child.

Your love life has its ups and downs. If you are single, you may be looking for something deeper than just a fling. You may need to remember how amazing you are. Elevate yourself to attract real love into your life. Your self-esteem needs a bit of a boost. Therefore, I might suggest that you try this exercise: Make a list of qualities unique to you that a potential partner would adore. You are all of that and more. Live it and believe it. If you are in a relationship, show your loyalty by remaining committed even through the ups and downs. Nothing can throw you off course. Once you decide you are in, you stay. Your partner might need a little space at this time. Show your support and trust that you can have the passionate love you desire.

Virgo: King Midas made a wish, and once granted, everything he touched turn to gold. You have the power of a wish actualized or dream realized accessible at your fingertips this month. Like King Midas, you need to be careful about how you direct your intention. Discern whether or not any of your wishes might backfire. For example, if you are not prepared for an audition but manifest the opportunity, you might flop. Therefore, take inventory of what goals you have in mind for 2016 in the first few days of the month. Then ask yourself how you might best prepare to seize the opportunities presented to you as you move toward the film of those goals. If you are an actor, memorize your lines. If you are a sales person, practice your pitch in front of the mirror. If you want to manifest a partner, be love in your everyday life and open your heart. If you want more money, balance your budget and practice gratitude for what you have now. Set tangible action steps that you can take. Make this a daily activity. I cannot stress enough how much power you have this month to fulfill all of your hopes and desires. The rest of the world may be shaking, braced for change, but you are shooting in a new direction. Your life is about to transform. It is amazing to witness the success in store for you at this time.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, is moving backward in the heavens in retrograde motion from January 5-25. What does this mean for you? This means completion of past deals that have been pending for quite some time. It also means conclusion. Moreover, answers to questions you have had for the past 3 to 4 months. Finally, you have resolved resolution! This could mean a financial windfall.

The New Moon on January 9 brings good news about your family. If you have children in the home, you may have reasons to celebrate successes. Your inner child is craving some playtime, so you might want to hit the slopes for a ski adventure around January 12-14. Play helps keep you aligned to success. Plus, you could use the break!

Your home was maybe feeling a bit tightly cramped lately. It is almost time for expansion. Wait for divine timing and the genuine possibility. For some review, this may mean renovating an existing property. For others, you might wish to start over fresh in the new space. Think about what will best represent the future that is unfolding for you. In the meantime, Feng Shui your space with a professional to help boost the energy. This will assist in all areas of your life.

Romance is a definite highlight for your month! The planet Mars enters Scorpio on January 3.  This influence highlights sensuality for you, and if you are in a relationship, expect some hot nights this winter. You may not necessarily feel as if you and your partner are on the same page intellectually. Miscommunication could occur during this retrograde. Trust that your foundation is firm, and this is just a period of growth. For you single Virgos, after January 22, new possibilities emerge people. You may reconnect with someone from your past for a brief encounter. This might be the one, but you could conversely have a new level of closure to enable you to seek a relationship with more promise for the future.

Libra: Your life may have recently felt like a fingerpaint drawing: messy and unclear. I have good news for you! By the Full Moon on January 23, you will receive the answers you seek and clarity for which you have asked. When the colors in your life run together and appear muddy, you might find it challenging to move ahead gracefully. You look around and see your peers accomplishing their goals, but you might feel as if you will never get a turn. Divine timing is a gift, no matter how much it can conflict with your timeline. Trust that a higher power is helping to shape your life into a masterpiece.

Concentrate on words this month, and focus on forming your messaging to reach your audience. You have been trying to expand your reach, professionally, and this month offers opportunities to achieve that objective. With Mercury in retrograde from January 5-25, everyone will be communicating in a more abstract manner. Pay attention to details, and help ground ideas with practicality.

Your creativity reaches a peak on January 20 when the Sun moves into fellow air sign, Aquarius. At the end of the month, invest time in your creative pursuits. Write, dance, sing, play music, or take up a new craft project. If you have always wanted to try something artistic, consider this your sign from the Universe. Go for it!

Financially, you have new goals for 2016 and the energy to achieve them. Strategize with your trusted advisors for how to manifest more income. You might have a stroke of insight regarding this matter on January 12-14. Pay attention to any ideas coming up for you at that time.

In romance, you may have felt as if you are riding a roller coaster ride lately. Whether you are single or involved, this month requires your playfulness and curiosity. Changes are already in motion, moving you closer toward what you said you wanted. However, do you want that? Spend time this month reflecting on your heart. What memories need to be reframed? How can you love yourself more? Nurture YOU, and in turn, you will feel more supported in your relationships.

Scorpio: Access your passion this month, Scorpio, and channel it in the direction of your ultimate goal. Focus on one thing. Make it yours, and manifest something great to kick off a new year. If you want to make more income in 2016, passion can fuel your ambition. If you wish to have a more meaningful relationship with your partner, do one thing each day to improve yourself to be the best you possible. Your life takes shape according to your focused intentions, attitudes, and beliefs. If you want your life to look differently, access your passion.

Professionally, new relationships have recently formed for you. To make the most of this new network of support, you need to remember two keywords: Integrity and boldness. Ask for what you want, and follow through on your promises. These relationships will help you to increase your reach over time. For now, think of them as little seedlings. Cultivate and nurture them into substantial growth.

You have a gift with words this month, so you might consider writing each day to exercise your creativity. Pick up a book by your favorite poet to help inspire you. You might have hidden talents to explore.

As the New Year begins, you are perhaps considering your resolutions. Make health a priority. Develop an exercise plan that offers fun and connection with others. A hiking club or biking group would be a blast and help you meet new people.

If you have been thinking about taking your relationship to the next level, whether that means having the DTR conversation, saying, “I do,” moving in together, or even beginning the process of conceiving a child, this month may surprise you. At the beginning of the month, communication issues come up within your relationship that could lead to conflicts. These situations allow for growth and will reach a resolution by the end of the month. For those of you who are looking for love, work on yourself until January 23, and then step out into the dating scene. For those of you involved, the winter months will be smoking hot if you channel your passion in the right way.

Sagittarius: For your monthly horoscope, I ask you to think of the game Pinball. Can you picture it in your mind? You pull a trigger, release a ball, and gravity pulls it down. Your objective in this game is to keep the ball in motion, defying gravity’s pull. I offer this vision to you because your month may feel a little like this. Twists and turns of fate have you moving in unexpected directions. With each surprise, you earn energetic points… karma points, if you will. Therefore, be impeccable with your word, maintain faith, and experience childlike wonderment with each new beginning.

Start the month with a makeover. Visit your stylist to update your wardrobe and redefine your outward appearance. Step up in style. Choose a look you can grow into as your path expands. You might also consider elective surgery at this time or cosmetic procedures. Let your look reflect your best self.

Professionally, you have a newfound sense of your power and magnetism. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is stationing retrograde on January 7, and during this time, you might reflect on your past decisions. It is never too late for a new beginning. Do not feed regrets or fears. Only possibilities. You can recreate your future in this present moment. Access your power, and move forward in faith. For some of you, this may mean submitting your resume for a dream job. Go for it! Reach beyond your comfort level, and you will surprise yourself with success.

Good news comes from your family members from January 13-14. Perhaps there’s a new baby on the way, or a significant healing will occur. You are the center of the activity, and you know how to host a celebration.

In love, Venus, the relationship planet, is in your sign until January 20. Make the most of this influence by connecting with new people. If you are single, you have prime manifestation energy at this time! Try online dating to meet that special someone. Expect attraction and passion all month long. If you are involved, romance is your keyword. Charm your special someone with treats. Lead up to Valentine’s Day by surprising your love with a spontaneous getaway. A ski trip or weekend away in a mountain chalet would give you the chance to build intimacy and rekindle that spark.



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