Mirtha Michelle: Power Through Poetry

The actress and author has recently released her second book of poetry, Elusive Loves and shares with us her lessons on love, from where she draws inspiration, and her hope of bringing strength to women through her writing.

What inspired you to write your latest book, Elusive Loves?

My latest book, Elusive Loves was inspired by the divisions of the year and how we as people evolve like seasons, and so do our emotions. Everything is in cycles, even the most beautiful love story has its time of Winter.

From where do you draw your literary inspiration?

I tend to write very raw and honest. I feel that when art comes from the heart it’s an honest occasion. So usually I’m drawn to poets who have a similar effect in me. Work that speaks to both light and my darkness.

What is the message you hope to impart on women with your writing?

When I was a child my grandfather taught me it was okay to cry, it was ok to feel emotions, but once I felt it I had to release it and not dwell in it. So, I hope with my writing women learn to own their emotions, to release it, but not dwell in it. To learn the lesson from the pain, and grow from it. And most importantly, to believe in love.

How has your writing helped you to develop personally?

Writing in general helps me assess my life. I feel poetry is part of me. So it’s one of those things that makes me happier.

What helps you to be inspired?

Definitely positive energy around me. Whether from friends or things I read. I’m constantly researching the most random things. I enjoy learning and experiencing new things. Travel and meeting new people is very important for  me, it triggers new thoughts, and new feelings.

Image credit: Alexander Black.



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