December Horoscopes + Rachel Lang

December Horoscopes with Rachel Lang, LVBX Magazine
It’s a new month and astrologer Rachel Lang is here with our December horoscopes. Navigate this busy time of year with the right focus and positive energy. To learn more about Rachel Lang, and to schedule a private session, visit Blissen Up with Rachel Lang.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

Happy birthday! A new solar cycle is beginning for you. If you watch the turning of a gear, you might notice that, though circular forms have neither a beginning nor an end, they always return back to the same place in the cycle of their rotation. The wheel of your life is turning in a similar way. Chronos stands with his marker, inking a new number into the years you have been on the planet, but you understand that these numbers are symbols for a timeless soul. December may feel like a tug of war- on one end, you may feel the limits of the physical realm, and on the other end, your awareness of your spiritual nature will expand possibilities for co-creative processes. Bounce back and forth between these poles to open your beliefs and ideas about reality.

What is true? Perhaps that has been a core question throughout your life, leading you to seek understanding and wisdom as you navigate the life path unfolding before you. Professionally, you might have taken the alternative route, but this month, you start to see the positive aspects of that choice. You have afforded yourself independence, and this pays off all month long, but especially before the New Moon on December 11.

The holiday season provides ample opportunity for socializing, and you are a master at entertaining a crowd. New friends enter your life unexpectedly, but they will prove to be significant relationships in the future. Continue to nurture those connections. The family gathers in new ways this year. Perhaps you have experienced fluctuations in your family storyline. New births, the loss of a loved one, and the welcoming of an in-law are all events that change lives in ways that ripple out. As you reflect on the past, remember that some of your greatest disappointments may have been a divine redirection. The Universe has richly blessed you in ways you may never know.

You may feel a little feisty this month when it comes to your love life. If you have been single, try online dating for something completely different. We want you to turn the volume up on passion and down on frustration. Exploring possibilities, going to dinner with new people and making new connections could help. Keep the conversations light and have fun. For those of you in a relationship, celebrate generosity in your relationship all month long. You might surprise your special someone with a little gift each day. You will earn brownie points for that, and those will come in handy later this year when the urge for travel manifests for you.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): 

You set your gaze on a new mountain peak before you even reach the top of your current climb. In business, this routine keeps you in constant pursuit of success. However, in your personal life, this may have led to some challenges. Perhaps you have not made time to connect with someone special and nurture a relationship. Though you desire connection with others, you might view partnerships and relationships as counterbalanced to your professional pursuits. This month, you may find new insights about how to balance your time, honoring both your relationships and your work demands.

The word “patience” might not be your favorite, and the very notion of the term could stir a combination of frustration and resignation. This month, any perceived setbacks you encounter could be blessings in disguise. Trust your intuition. It will lead you toward the abundant path, even if you have to make difficult choices along the way.

Publishing opportunities abound for our Capricorn writers. Brush up the manuscript or poetry and reach out to find representation. You have a wealth of information to share with the world, and you could discover your inner teacher wanting to come into the spotlight. Make time for creative reflection. It will pay off significantly. And, yes, I am talking about money.

Your home provides the best space possible for entertaining, and no one gathers friends together quite like you. Meticulous care goes into each detail of your decor and love into each bite of food. Make time for yourself in the midst of the preparation. Give yourself a spa afternoon to enjoy a little relaxation before your guests arrive. This will help offset any stress you experience. Plus, you’ll be more relaxed if any family drama begins.

Finally, love big this month. We are closing a major 2-year cycle, and your sign has been right in the middle of the turbulence of these times. Any psychic debris has cleared, and you will be able to move forward. Your last test is how to love even when it feels most challenging. Start with yourself. When the volume of the voice of the inner critic starts to raise, lower it with kindness. Then, consciously choose happiness and joy. Move toward that energy, and you will feel more bliss in every area of your life.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

How do you feel about adventure, Aquarius? Would you like to charter a boat and sail out to sea? Or perhaps you want to fly somewhere tropical for the holiday season. Your imagination sparks the inspiration that later manifests as your reality. Where you traverse in visions and dreams is simply a preview. While this may be quite literal for some of you, for others, that journey could be emotional or spiritual as well. New destinations abound.

Changes in your social circle may lead you to feel as if you have no anchor, no stable structure. Your friends and acquaintances have as much, if not more, emotional significance as your family. You recognize the losses you have recently faced, but you may have had a difficult time accessing any emotion around the events. You feel detached, maybe even unable to cry tears of joy or pain. This temporary shut-down is your way of coping with things that feel unmanageable. The past has a sneaky way of triggering thoughts and experiences in the present. To heal and clear old psychic injuries, you have to feel. You might consider taking a few days off during the New Moon on December 11 and read “The Smell of Rain on Dust: Grief and Praise” by Martín Prechtel to help bring yourself into the depth of the subconscious mind. From that space inside, you can begin to move through grief and encounter praise.

The movement of the body and that of the heart must work simultaneously this month, and you will discover that as you practice yoga or exercise. It would be great to work with a personal trainer this month before the holidays come and luscious food choices abound. Start early, and by the time we reach the Full Moon on December 25, you will feel dedicated to your health like never before.

In love, this month is smoky hot for you air signs with the right combination of dynamic attraction and passion. If you are single, friends (likely ones with whom you work) could connect you to a mysterious someone at a holiday gathering. Pay attention to the vibes this one is sending you. You could end up in an exciting fling. For those of you in relationships, let the tenderness of the season warm your hearts. Allow yourself to open to deeper intimacy. Lean back and trust your partner to support you in all ways.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

Congratulations on your recent achievements. New partnerships and relationships have formed for you, and you feel connected, even supported, by others and the Universe. As a result, you can see the horizon, once distant, drawing you closer. You are on the brink of change, suspended in present time with an expansive future toward which to step. With this positive energy, you need to discern which opportunities opening in your life best reflect your highest good. Fine-tune your intuition and then listen to that keen inner voice that nudges you gently away from danger or betrayal.

Right now, you might find it difficult to decipher truth from illusion. It all feels too good to be true. But what if it is true? What if you really can have what you want? Certainly, your hard work, focused effort and talents have led you to this point of success. Breathe. And then, trust.

Financial changes may lead to an unexpected windfall. Surprise opportunities seem to be popping up for you from out of the blue. Enjoy this period of abundance and save up for a big purchase that you’ll make in the springtime. Your conservative approach to finances will pay off significantly.

Your family may have shown more warmth and welcome lately. They are thrilled to hear of your new beginnings. Though they might express concern, let yourself focus on the positive. They are showing up for you in new ways. Their fears are remnants of outdated ideals they inherited and not reflective of their truth.

In love, you may feel some ups and downs. Flow with the subtle shifts happening in your relationships without leaning too far into any one outcome. You are changing, experiencing an energetic upgrade. As a result, your tastes feel unpredictable – mutable. What you desire and attract is also moving in new directions. Allow it to unfold. Welcome the magical sensation of your heart opening.

Aries (March 21 – April 19):

The devil on your shoulder has been stealing your attention lately, hasn’t it? The poor little angel on your opposite shoulder feels slightly ignored. With so many people vying for your attention, pulling you in different directions, you need a pressure valve. You might feel as if you cannot move forward in your life because so much of your attention is being drawn away from your interests and dedicated to those of others. The devil, if channeled in a healthy manner, can help you relieve a little stress. At times, that little inner rebel can get you into trouble. It can be a little mean. Work with it to find healthy ways to diffuse the pressure. Hear its snarky voice (and yes, it can be quite humorous), and then turn to the angel for balance.

This interplay can ensure you take care of yourself without hurting others or sabotaging your efforts. What does this look like? Shirk your responsibilities for an afternoon and give yourself an adventure. Visit a new restaurant. Take a day trip. Go on a shopping spree. Read a novel…for fun. A little self-care now will prevent any emotional explosion later.

You may feel inclined to make a move in the very near future. Follow the trail of breadcrumbs the Universe has set into place for you, and you will return home to yourself even if your physical location changes. You may even consider moving back to a place you have lived before to be closer to those who open your heart. Keep all possibilities in  play, and bounce ideas off of your closest advisors.

Your love life might receive a boost of energy this month, which means a lot more heat and passion. During the colder months, you’ll stay nice and warm with your special someone, even if that person is just a temporary fling. If you are single, find new venues to explore. Get out and play, Aries! If you are involved, make this a month for deeper commitment. Shower your special someone with gifts during this magical season. Though your aim in giving is not to receive, it could be a welcomed outcome.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20):

Deep beneath the surface, the soil has been prepped for planting the seeds you’ve been collecting. You are not quite ready for the next beginning, but you are in a fertile period, during which your intentions need to be carefully cultivated. Take time this month to dwell in possibility. Imagine your ideal, and feel the excitement of that manifesting for you. You are a magician. A co-creator. However, suppressed creative energy can be as toxic as still, contained water. Allow your creativity to flow this month, in whatever ways it wishes to move. If you need inspiration, consider taking a yoga class or dancing. This will help anchor your energy into your body, and help you strengthen your container for maximum energetic download speed!

You may have recently felt renewed vigor for your work. You have even found ways to practice more compassion for the clients or colleagues that once made you bite your tongue. Now, take that energy and move it outward. Expand your reach and build even more of an audience for your brand. If you need help, consult a professional to say what may make you feel awkward. Oh humble, steady, fixed sign, it is not like you to brag. So, have someone else do it for you. Form a solid plan after December 10, and then, launch it on December 22. Trust the timing…it truly is divine.

In financial matters, you may have recently questioned what changes to make as the year closes. Your charitable giving has increased as you’ve stretched your heart open even wider to help others. However, you might not be able to help the unsettled feeling inside your chest as you question the stability of your assets. We cannot control the ups and downs of the markets, but we can regulate our fears. If you are making fear-based financial decisions, I encourage you to stop taking action. Keep everything on hold until the fear subsides. You cannot listen to your intuition when fear escalates. You become closed off to your core truth. Therefore, take a break from the news for a while. Spend time in nature reconnecting to your spirituality. When you do this, you might find that you do not want to make any changes. Allow that to be a good enough answer, too.

Mark December 5 on your calendar because your love life could get more interesting after that date. Awkward meetings and glances leave you with more questions. Will he call if I give him my number? Should I ask her out? This revelry is charged with energy. Soak it up. Relish it. Holiday gatherings could connect you to a person from your past. Explore the possibilities, but remember what didn’t work before. If you are in a relationship, step away from the busyness of the season and take your special someone on a romantic getaway around December 17. Your true holiday gifts will be the closeness and connection you build together.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):

“Going to the chapel, and we’re going to get married…” Have juicy warm love songs been playing in your mind lately, Gemini? You have come to realize that running from commitment leaves you lonely and sad. Now is the time to say, “I do!” First, commit to yourself. Have you loved yourself unconditionally in good times and bad? In sickness and health? In abundance and poverty? It is easy to feel confident and attractive when things are going smoothly. A little more challenging when either free will or life circumstances have led you to dead ends or pitfalls. In those times, your inner critic can be stern and judgmental. Renew the spirit of the child who reaches out in faith, trusting that all he or she needs will become available. Then, let go. Commitment is a big word. If you can trust yourself to remain faithful to your needs, you can relax into the nurturing space of a deep, intimate partnership. Then, you can run to the chapel and state your vows!

While romance is a definite highlight for your month, so is your own creative expression. Show the world your brilliance this month, without fear or reservation. Use your voice to communicate your ideas. Draw or paint pictures. Step up on stage. In very practical terms you may consider writing a TED talk or joining an organization like Toastmasters. Your PR outreach efforts pay off significantly, and you can expect to build more of an audience. You are attracting the right kind of attention, and also meeting eclectic, interesting people in the process. If you are a performing artist, you might consider seeking representation at this time.

The little children in your life have extra needs because of the holidays and the time away from school. Fortunately, you have a little more energy to offer them this month. The Universe has provided you with a favorable Mars situation, invigorating you. Because of this, you will want to find ways to release some physical energy, whether through CrossFit, cycling, walks along the beach…or your other favorite physical activities. Allow the children to have space, and you will create more space for yourself.

Finally, your home may be in need of a makeover. Have you recently started a renovation project? Or perhaps you have priced it out and decided to start over with a move instead. Any investment you make in the improvement of your physical space will pay off significantly in the long term. Keep this perspective when the inconvenience of a move or redesign feels intense.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

When you expose your soft, squishy underbelly, you may feel a twinge of discomfort rising from your stomach to your chest. That is the sensation of vulnerability. If you allow yourself to trust, you can feel your heart opening. Now, that sensation feels a lot like love. You might consider reading “The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are” by Brené Brown this month for guidance on how to navigate your way from shame to empowerment. Making mistakes, changing your mind, or retracting a statement you made without the knowledge you now have. They help you grow, and they may even inspire compassion for others.

You have recently encountered major life challenges (and changes). A creature of habit, when you experience these turn of events, your inclination may be to hide your head in the sand and tuck yourself away. However, the Universe seems to keep pulling you out into the open. What are you to do? Flow with the changes happening right now. Move through them, embracing your uncertainty.

Work shifts at the beginning of the month stabilize after Venus moves into compatible Scorpio on December 5. When this occurs, you might expect a surge of creative energy coursing through you. Others will take notice of your inspiration, and though they may not stand behind all of your ideas, they will praise your efforts. These accolades come shortly after a time when you might have felt as if everyone turned against you. They just needed time to come around, and your former haters will be your biggest supporters after the Full Moon on December 25.

In love, expect passion almost all month long. Any affair starting at the beginning of the month could manifest into a deeper commitment after the 22nd. Because of this, why not hold out for the real thing? If you are in a relationship, tension can help you focus on what aspects of your partnership need redefinition. How are you and your partner communicating? Analyze your relational patterns, and seek guidance from a professional to make your bond even stronger. You truly can have the love you want. Commit to growing together.

Leo (July 23 – August 22):

If you play your cards right this month, Leo, a little luck might flow in your direction. Follow the signs: rainbows, four-leaf clovers, hummingbirds, butterflies, found money in your path, feathers on the sidewalk, etc. When you see one of these signs, trust that someone from the other side is trying to get your attention. Stop in those instances, say your thank-you’s, and check in with your intuition. This process can help you manifest more goodness in your life.

A creative endeavor offers excitement this month. You have bursts of inspiration leading up to the energetic shift happening with the Full Moon on December 25. Allow your imagination to lead you on a journey. For some of you, this may involve work opportunities in other cities. You might have offers to visit destinations with layered cityscapes where buildings reach up to the sky. In places like these, you feel charged, alive. Shake as many hands as possible and network. Doors have opened. You simply have to walk through to the other side.

Financial gains at the beginning of the month may inflate your budgetary sensibilities. Exercise caution until after December 11, when you have more certainty about what will unfold over the long term. Think about your future before taking a giant leap of faith. What is it you truly want to manifest? Pursue that, and allow your passion to drive your decisions. Your sign rules the heart, the seed of courage. It beats to a new rhythm, and you need to adjust accordingly.

Your love life has the intensity of a hot, spicy summer affair these days. If you are single, this is a perfect time to go out. Invite your friends out for a proper catch-up, and see what events transpire as the evening moves along. You need a good, trusted companion to serve as your wing man or woman. You never know when you might catch the eye of a stranger standing across a crowded room. If you are in a relationship, play with your partner this month. Do you remember how you felt in the beginning? Rekindle that fire, especially on December 7.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

Sunshine, daydreams, and lollipops. Pictures dance across your mind’s eye, and you float into space land to follow them. You understand these words, don’t you? Perhaps you have felt slightly stoned lately, following these pictures formed in your imagination. While quite a change from your usual precise, organized manner of being, this act of reaching out into the realm of possibility may result in success. Your expectations have heightened, and you are less willing to tolerate anything other than the utopian ideal established in your imagination. However, sometimes, reality needs tweaking. Shape your life experiences to create space for your dreams. Then, trust.

Now, I will offer practical guidance for you Mercury-ruled lovers of the to-do list. Step one. Up until the New Moon on December 11, spend your resources wisely. Honor your budget, and conserve your energy. You may be juggling many opportunities, and you will want to refrain from overextending yourself. A last-minute trip could come up for you on December 5, and this will present a major decision. Do you stay or go? Step two. Go. Move forward into your future.

Step three. Your words have power at this time, so use them wisely. You could be called up on stage to write, speak, and present your knowledge to an audience.You have extra charisma at this time, and you will convert the skeptics.

Step four. Call your mother. Seriously. Family matters require your committed attention, especially at the beginning of the month. By December 22, you will see the bigger picture and why events unfolded as they did. Then, forgiveness comes more easily. This is a time to heal from the past and create a new beginning. You are closing a major chapter with Saturn in your fourth house of home and family. Listen carefully to new information and love through dysfunction.

Within your relationship, put on the rose-colored glasses you had in the very beginning. You have no need to apply the critical lens at this time. In fact, it may be a coping mechanism leftover from past relationships. Allow love to build, swell, and grow. If you do, by December 25’s Full Moon, your heart will open to the possibility of more love in your life. One word of caution for you. Any hidden truth lying beneath the surface may rise to visibility this month. Be impeccable with your words and honest in your actions. There is no trait sexier than absolute authenticity.

Libra (September 23 – October 22):

Born under the sign of harmony and balance, you might find yourself hiding in the shadows when conflicts emerge in your life. That modus operandi has worked for you in the past, and though it helps you win popularity contests (who doesn’t like a Libra?), it has contributed to several of your current problems. That which you resist persists. The conflicts you have avoided have become internalized, and you have waged war with yourself though it is a definite Libra battle. The more subversive, yet ruthless, inner rebel has overtaken the higher self. It has left little land mines all over your body, home, and relationships. Bombs are dropping everywhere. Your sink backs up. Your car will not start. Your friend suddenly de-friends you on Facebook. What is happening? Turn inward. Will you surrender to the darkness or raise up into the light?

If this all sounds a bit dramatic, I can help break it down for you. Restlessness has started stirring within you, motivating you to make changes in your life. However, you are only partially ready to make the complete move. Therefore, you may feel stuck between the past and future, both in work as in your personal life. You need a bit of Saturn’s structure and discipline to carve a path for yourself. Move step by step. Check out Virgo’s horoscope for a little extra guidance.

You may need additional training to make your career more rewarding. This month offers you opportunities for workshops, retreats, and activities aimed to facilitate your professional growth. Learn now, and you can teach later. You might also invest time in writing though it will require your focused effort. Words are flowing more slowly than usual because you realize the significance of each one. You are developing the gift of rhetoric with your careful way of communicating.

In love, passion is your key word this month, with the fiery planet Mars occupying your sign. If you are single, consider expanding your social circle so you can meet new people. You might consider online dating for fun but try not to take it seriously. Look at it as a tool to help you reach out beyond the box of what seems familiar. Spice up your look in the first week of the month, and don’t be afraid to show off the hard work you’ve been up to in the gym. If you are in a relationship, deepen the level of intimacy with your special someone. Consider a spontaneous getaway around the New Moon on December 11. The holidays will be magical if you keep rekindling the flame all month long.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

When tragedy strikes, Scorpio moves into strategic action. You are always ready to avert a crisis or lead the recovery efforts. You offer as much attention to global or communal events as to those taking place within your own family. This month is full of potential joy as well as drama. To keep yourself focused on the positive, maintain a spiritual practice no matter what. Include in that practice a gratitude list. You might even do an art project out of the exercise. Add to it each day.

As we move closer toward the holidays, you might experience a juggling act as you attempt to manage the various personalities and preferences invited to share in the festivities. You do not have to take responsibility for the happiness (or lack thereof) of your friends and family members. Sure, you want to show them a good time, but you cannot control their responses to your warm hospitality. In fact, concern yourself with your fun and delight first. It will reverberate throughout the house.

Finances feel tight during this time of year, and your budget could use a little TLC. Practice discernment when it comes to your spending, honoring your own boundaries in the process. Professionally, you are in the process of building a new empire. This will require additional resources. Therefore, you need to plan accordingly. New opportunities for building wealth are on the not-too-distant horizon. Move carefully forward.

In love, recent changes in your personal life have allowed a bit more freedom. You have worked through some your personal issues, and now you are ready to step into a deeper commitment. If you are single, this means opening yourself to the possibility that someone special is about to join you on your path. Expect a little magic after December 5, when Venus makes her way into your sign. For those of you in relationships, take the time to nurture your love during the hectic holiday season.



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