Rachel Lang + The December Horoscopes


December is here and we get a preview of the month ahead from Astrologer and Blissen Up Radio Personality, Rachel Lang!

Will your holidays be naughty or nice? Read on and listen to Blissen Up on UBN Radio every Friday 12 PST.

About Rachel Lang:

Rachel is a professionally certified astrologer, Reiki Master, intuitive, and medium. She has an international client base comprised of individuals, small businesses, and corporations.  A nationally recognized speaker on spirituality, astrology and theology, her workshops, classes, retreats and meditation groups connect a diverse group of like-minded individuals. She loves participating in helping to build communities that foster spiritual growth and expansion.

Dedicated to social justice, she is pursuing her MA in Theology with an emphasis on ethics. 

Learn more about Rachel Lang and schedule a personal session here.


Happy birthday! Your birth month will be ushered in with a “POW” and a “BANG” with this month’s turbo-charged planetary influences. You are cocooned right now, safe and secure, but by the end of the month, you will emerge as the butterfly, ready to fly far enough away to view a new horizon line. For some of you, this may mean exploring distant lands or migrating south to warmer climates. For others, a rich expansion of your inner landscape urges you to dig deeper in self-exploration.

The Full Moon in Gemini on the 6th highlights your most intimate partnerships, both in business and in love. You have been afraid of losing your freedom; therefore, you make sure to keep an exit door within view at all times and cracked open for a quick escape. Your heart chakra wants to burst open, expand, and connect. Secure yourself to your present relationship and plant roots deeply so that you might be able to grow.

Luck follows you from December 4 all the way through the month. Each opportunity you entertain can turn to gold if you pay attention to your intuition and keep yourself in spiritual alignment. You may face the generous challenge of being presented with too many good choices. In that case, choose the one that pushes you into the positively uncomfortable. That discomfort fosters growth.

In work, you may make serious decisions in the beginning of the month that open up financial gains in the end of the month, after the 21st. Saturn moves into your sign on December 23, marking a two and a half year period in which you will ground your dreams and visions, stabilize your professional goals, and meet new challenges with a mixture of discipline and grace.

Finances have been a bit unpredictable, but that is about to change for you after March. For now, ride the wave, and trust the ebb and flow. If you are going to take a gamble or risk, wait until after the 14th to ensure success.

In love, this is going to be a hot month. Planetary influences suggest passion and deep connection. If you’re running away from something, make sure you’re not involved in a cycle of sabotage. Stand still and reap the rewards of true and lasting connection. For those of you who are single, it’s time to mingle…and maybe more!


Were you one of those children afraid of monsters under the bed? Did you jump into bed fast and pull the covers over your head so they didn’t have time to reach out from under the bed and grab you? You could spend your entire life running from fear to safety. However, when you empower yourself to face your deepest fears, you find that they’re mostly imaginary constructs. When you turn on the lights and look under the bed, you can see that there are no monsters. Likewise, when you look at your fear of being irrelevant or unimportant, you will see the many lives you touch on a daily basis. That fear is false. Furthermore, you can see that you have achieved significant goals just as you will continue to accomplish major success in conjunction with Divine Timing. Most importantly, you may not see it on a daily basis, but you can feel that you are loved and cared for by the Divine. This has been shown to you in miraculous, unprecedented ways. Center yourself completely in the present moment and welcome a feeling of joy.

The beginning of the month offers opportunities for a little soul-searching, leading up to the Winter Solstice. You are about to embark on a new beginning that will start on the 21st of this month. Up to that point, clear out clutter from the past, which may mean cleaning out closets or throwing away old holiday decorations that you no longer need. While you’re at it, why not comb through files on your computer and delete old photos. Letting go is a beautiful process that makes room for new beginnings.

On the 14th, Uranus and Pluto will form their second-to-last square in a series that began in 2012. Pluto has been in your sign, and Uranus in Aries is challenging your sign, urging you forward to your own personal revolution. You may be feeling called to speak out right now for a cause or defend your truth. Follow your passion in order to make real, lasting change for the planet or for your personal life. Between the 14th and the 21st, claim your power and take action.

In love, Capricorn, Venus, the planet of romance and relationships, moves into your sign on the 10th. This stellar influence urges you to consider commitment, which changes in various states of any relationship. For some, this may mean moving in with your special someone. For others, a fling may move into a monogamous thing. And others may decide to deepen a commitment to a spouse by investing in property or even welcoming a child. For you single Capricorns, this influence opens up real possibilities for love.


As the revolutionary of the Zodiac, you may have had a lot to say over these past three years as Uranus and Pluto danced discordantly in the Heavens. They are about to connect in another challenging square aspect on December 14, at which time, the political causes for which you stand affect your personal lives. It is time to gather your cohorts, step out into the streets and protest. Make waves in your communities, on social media, and in office buildings everywhere. You are a dynamic force for change. Your light needs to shine, not stay hidden beneath a bushel basket.

This same sentiment applies to your personal life. Are there unjust situations in your family or friendship groups? Have you experienced a power imbalance in your primary relationship? If so, draft a letter, rehearse a speech, or muster the courage to stand up boldly against oppressive forces. You need to shine.

To do that, you may need to get in touch with some deeply repressed anger. It’s just an emotion, and it won’t harm anyone. However, if you keep it stuffed in the depths of your psyche, like garbage that gets compacted instead of removed, it may start to emit fumes. Depression and frustration are other words for those fumes.

In work, Aquarius, this is a great month for networking to forge new, beneficial relationships. Jupiter is in Leo, your opposite sign, and some opportunities that seemed solid may not have materialized as you would have liked. Consider it divine protection and redirection. Things will change. Saturn, the planet of commitment and structure, moves into a complementary sign, signaling the end of that internal tension with which you have been wrestling for the past two and a half years. You finally feel as if all barriers to your success have been lifted. Boost your helpful connections, and get ready for new opportunities, especially after the 23rd.

One of the definite highlights of your month is the end of the month. If you celebrate Christmas, prepare to be amazed by the depth of connection with your loved ones. If you’re in a relationship, consider a romantic getaway at the end of the month to ring in the New Year. If you’re single, use this month to play.


You have been involved in a process of reinvention that has influenced every major area of your life. You have been divinely refined in preparation for the fulfillment of your sacred plan. You are just about ready to step up on stage, or step into a new role in your life, but you need to cross one more hurdle before the ultimate manifestation. The second-to-last square between Uranus and Pluto urges you to leap higher than you ever thought possible, to lift above any challenge. That means looking up to the Heavens and beyond. Rely on help from your sacred sources and closest allies, especially on the 14th of this month. Then, ask how you might give back. By the 21st, you will be ready to manifest the greatness you feel. Let your inner wisdom compel you forward. Then, shine, you bright one!

In business, opportunities abound. The beginning of the month is favorable for achieving recognition. The Full Moon on the 6th highlights some tension that you might feel between your home and professional lives. You may have to prioritize work so that you may take time off later to be with your family.

On the 21st, the New Moon in Capricorn suggests new relationships and professional contacts. After December 10, spark conversations with strangers, and reach beyond your comfort zone to connect with powerful people who can influence your career with just one simple phone call. Organize your calendar so that you have freedom in your schedule for last-minute power lunches or afternoon cocktails. Be seen.

Your love life has been eclipsed by career ambition. This month, open yourself to the possibility of passion. If you’re single, a new fling may surprise you. It could develop into something deeper. Just breathe and remain present. Consider your needs first. What do you want in a relationship? Are you getting it? If not, speak your truth. Then, let go. Surrender to the power of attraction.


Entire forests have been burned down by the spread of just a single spark. Fire has that power, to catch and consume anything in its path. You have that kind of force this month, Aries, and with your dynamism, you can inspire others and disturb the system. On a practical level, it’s a great time to market yourself, especially with the Full Moon in Gemini on the 6th. You have a gift for articulating what differentiates you from your competition. Own your uniqueness, and then spread the word. Set your words aflame.

In business, this month highlights creativity and expansion. Dream and then build. You may even think of maintaining an international presence. Have you considered living overseas for part of the year? This is the time to seriously entertain that notion.

Likewise, your thoughts are richly imaginative. Write your ideas in a journal. You will read back through the pages at the end of the year and see truly inspired words that may be developed into essays, stories, or novels.

The 14th and 15th present just enough tension to propel change in your life. This may leave you with a sense of restlessness. Recognize those feelings as great teachers, and consider how you might begin to make literal and metaphoric moves. You may have to let go of the need for stasis, as friendships feel inconsistent and unpredictable. This is part of a greater shift happening in your life. You are evolving significantly. Continue moving forward without dwelling on the past.

In love, Aries, passion meets commitment as Saturn, the planet of discipline and responsibility, enters Sagittarius on the 23rd. This is a time for engagement rings and real estate. Though freedom may tug at your sleeve, you have the inner ingredients to take a stand for your future. Just say, yes!


December’s cool, crisp winter air invites emotional warmth, and the influences of this month signal deep connections, intimate conversations, and big love. Your generous spirit feels driven to give. Contribute to your community through volunteer or philanthropic efforts. You have so much to offer the world, and you have the opportunity to recognize new skills and talents. In giving, you receive this month.

You may experience a significant loss or revisit past grief that has not yet been fully integrated into your psyche. Allow emotions to arise, realizing that you embody both strength and grace at this time. After December 23, you will experience true and miraculous healing.

Familial relationships take center stage this month, and you may be considering expanding your family by welcoming a child or perhaps an in-law or two. Commit to a path of ease, and the expansion will bring tremendous joy. Resist the urge to micromanage the process. Just relax and breathe!

The holidays are a great time to put responsibilities on the backburner. However, your career gets a boost of energy after the 4th, and you may find yourself seizing opportunities that manifest fully after the 21st, when the New Moon in Capricorn sets a new path in motion. It could be time to build an international following for your work or forge relationships with contacts in other countries. If nothing else, it’s a great time to think about travel and make plans for the future.

In love, Taurus, Venus, the planet of romance, moves into compatible Capricorn, signaling stable, steady growth of your current relationship. If you’re single, surprise meetings could turn into deeper connections. Keep it light and playful to ensure longevity.


We fear our own divinity more than we fear any external force. You are powerful enough to manifest anything you want, and that can be a scary truth! I mean, let’s face it, you have wanted some strange things in the course of your life, right? Also, in the past, you may have manifested relationships or circumstances that seemed positive at the time only to prove destructive in the end. This month, you can grasp a sense of your power. Use it for good. Let love be the filter through which you release the energy of intention. The more love you live, the more you manifest in return. Start with your personal relationships and then spread the love outward to your family, community, and to the world. Then, you become the change agent you’ve been destined to be.

Professionally speaking, opportunities may feel as if they’re caught up in a nebula, spiraling through an interstellar cloud of stardust. Difficult to see, and impossible to grasp. You need a guide to help you navigate your way to success. For some of you, this may be a career counselor or life coach. For others, this could mean working with a hypnotherapist to clear blocks of fear that prevent you from seeing your true potential. And others of you may just need to spend a little time on LinkedIn or Twitter to form new connections. Each person in your circle can serve as a generous stepping-stone to help elevate you to your next step. Draw the courage to ask for what you need, especially with the Full Moon on the 6th in your sign.

On December 20, Uranus, the planet of surprises and sudden bursts of insight, stations direct, and it may signal new ideas that will spur success. Pay attention to your dreams, and journal for that entire week to make the most of this stellar influence.

At the end of the month, Saturn enters your opposite sign on the 23rd, and it will occupy your solar 7th house of partnerships until 2017. It’s time to define the relationship and consider commitment. If you’re a single Gemini, identify what you want in a partner and start the process of manifesting true love.


Lemons are bitter; yet the bitterness awakens liver enzymes, helping your digestive juices break down foods more efficiently. Likewise, anger is a human emotion we all experience. If you suppress your anger, your energetic system cannot work at its optimal level. You become energetically constipated (and maybe physically, too). If you feel the anger, you can uncover the root of it. Perhaps you are enraged at injustice. Great! Use that anger to fuel change. Maybe you are angry because you feel disempowered in your life. Fantastic! Draw from Eleanor Roosevelt and realize that “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” In other words, let anger be like a lemon. Taste it. Feel it. Process it.

I started with a conversation about anger because the holiday season can be a time of deep reflection. Realizations about familial patterns stir the subconscious mind to release old “stuff”. This may have health implications; so take good care of your bodies at this time. Exercise can help you release tension and stress, particularly in the first part of the month, around the 7th and 8th. If you are going back home for the holidays, be gentle with yourself and find ways to nurture YOU.

Career shifts are pronounced throughout the month, particularly with a significant Uranus/Pluto square on the 14th. This influence will affect you more than any other sign in the Zodiac, as your Sun is right in the middle of the square, receiving tension from both planetary forces. You have been in a major growth phase since 2012, when this series of challenging squares started. This influence will finalize in March. For now, use the tension to propel change. If you have been considering branching out on your own, professionally, this is your time. Conversely, if you have felt dissatisfied at work or overlooked in any way, speak your truth to affect change.

In love, the end of the month, after the 21st, marks a time of testing in even the most solid relationships. Your relationship will either grow significantly or fizzle out. For those of you in healthy, supportive relationships, open yourself to deeper connections with your special someone. Intimacy and love will flourish. For you single Cancers, take your time in finding a mate. Let him or her win you over.


Over the past several months, amazing opportunities appeared from out of thin air and disappeared before reaching fruition. You may have felt as if you were the subject of a smoke-and-mirrors magic show. What can you really believe? This is a time to adopt a radical notion of faith, Leo. Your dreams will reach fruition, and this month requires your participation. Focus on what you can control: Your attitude, thoughts, emotional responses, and actions. Start with positive affirmations and then make your actions a force for good in the world. The more you give, the more you will receive. Consequently, you always create your own luck…or lack thereof.

Your home life has been an area of focus. You have built a stable structure for yourself; perhaps you have invested in property or prepared for changes within your family. The period of building has reached its conclusion, and now you’re ready to reap the rewards of the effort. With the tasks checked off your list, you can start to focus on how you might express yourself. Creative works engage you. You have a voice and much to say. Let yourself shine!

After the New Moon on the 21st, you can ground your ideas and form solid plans for the future. You have professional pursuits that urge you to pursue new opportunities. These are different than anything you have experienced. Allow and receive.

In love, Leo, you’re like a giant magnet, attracting potential partners into your life. The activity in your love life is representative of changes to come. You’re about to manifest true love (you single Leos). Keep the faith, and call in the one! For those of you involved, romance may call you to take a New Year’s getaway with your special someone. Enjoy the fires of passion as you break away from the routine and connect with your love.


As one of the most giving signs of the Zodiac, the holidays warm your hearts. Realize that any anxiety you feel to find the perfect gifts for your loved ones is just a reflection of a deeper fear. Are you afraid of disappointing others? Of being unloved? Perhaps when you let go of anxiety, you will open yourself to receiving goodness and generosity from loved ones. This season, you may have unfinished chores or tasks. There may be cards you forget to send. Love yourself enough to accept your humanity. Practice radical acceptance, especially with the Full Moon on the 6th.

Loved ones feel tension from the Uranus/Pluto square on the 14th. You can mediate unpleasant circumstances by maintaining an objective view. Detach just enough to gain perspective, without losing heart. Tension is healthy because it encourages growth. It may feel uncomfortable in the moment, but any major transition requires growth beyond the comfort zone.

In your professional life, express yourself! Your creative insights are stellar, and new ideas abound. These ideas will connect you to potential opportunities that open miraculously after the New Moon on the 21st in the simpatico sign of Capricorn.

When it comes to love, Virgo, Neptune is in your solar 7th house, clouding your vision of reality. Have you been dreaming of someone unavailable? Or hanging on to a relationship that will never last? If so, it is time to let go. Neptune hands you rose-colored glasses that make everything look possible. Compliment that tendency with some practical reason. Weigh the pros and cons of any romantic situation. If you’re happily involved, Neptune’s influence gives you the romantic urge to move the relationship forward, deepen intimacy, and engage in mystical union. Passion follows. For you single Virgos, Venus in Capricorn suggests the possibility of a new connection. Try online dating to expand your circle. You may be surprised!


You’re the people-pleasers of the Zodiac. Therefore, you are hypersensitive to the needs and wants of others, and you resist saying, “No.” The holidays exacerbate your sense of responsibility for the happiness of those you love. This season, try a new approach. Say, “I’ll have to think about that and get back to you.” Or consider something even more radical; say what you really mean, even at the risk of offending someone. Pretend you’re an Aries for the month. Play the Sara Bareilles song, “Brave” on repeat if you need help.

On the 6th, the Full Moon in Gemini inspires the writer inside of you. Express yourself! This is great if you are in the process of marketing yourself for a new job or recruiting new clients. Your mental acumen is highest in the beginning of the month, when you are both teacher and student. If you have considered learning a new skill or taking up a new hobby, this month offers the inspiration and the resources. You may also consider experiencing the performing and visual arts to enhance your vision for what beauty you might create in your own life.

The 14th and 15th offer opportunities for professional growth that surpass anything you thought possible. This may introduce a little healthy tension in your home life. Find balance by centering yourself, attending to your needs first, and then mediate any stress with playful, joyful banter. Lighten the mood with humor.

After the New Moon on the 21st, your family becomes top priority. Enjoy the holiday spirit with those you love. Just try to maintain balance.

In love, Libra, you are like a magnet for passionate encounters. Consider online dating if you’re single. This will help you expand your circle. He or she may not be Mr. or Ms. Right, but it could be fun to meet new people. Put yourself out there and connect! For those of you involved, this is a time to take it easy, consider an out-of-town adventure with your special someone to ring in the New Year. Travel first class and make it an elegant affair.


Your entire life is preparing for fast-forward motion. Delays on promotions, engagements, raises, or new job opportunities, are lifting as Saturn, the planet of limitation, restriction, control, and responsibility, enters Sagittarius on December 23, finalizing a two and a half year cycle for you. What might you do with all of the freedom into which you’re about to step? Make real some of the dreams you’ve had over the past few years. Buy a house. Get engaged. Look for a new job. Pursue the urges that tug at your heartstrings. Pay attention to your intuition and follow its lead.

In business, Scorpio, this is a time for personal recognition. You are on the precipice of change, about to receive visibility for your outstanding performance. You have worked hard for this, and now is the time. Shine on! You may receive good financial news in the beginning of the month, especially around the Full Moon on the 6th. Maintain balance in the midst of uncertainty, as cash flow levels out.

Travel plans may need revision, as you might not want to leave a destination to which you’ve traveled for the holiday. You may enjoy yourself so much that you decide to stay a little longer. Make all arrangements with refundable airfare just to be safe!

You may have lost someone close to you during the past month. Remember that grief is an ongoing process. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Allow yourself to feel the emotions that surface as you enter the holiday season. You are healing. Relax and allow.

In love, Scorpio, the end of the month bodes well for those of you considering a more formal deepening of your commitment. Love requires your participation. Remain positive and concentrate on the gift that your partner is to you in your life. This will keep you far from frustration or anxiety with the stresses of the season.

For those of you who are single, offer gratitude for your freedom, and trust that love is available when you’re ready. Have faith in the goodness of the Universe to bring “the one” into your life in perfect, divine timing





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