How to Detoxify Your Body Naturally

How to Detoxify the Body Naturally, LVBX Magazine
What if I told you that by adding just one new routine to your day, you could eliminate toxins, lower inflammation and physical stressors, and receive amazing health benefits? What if I told you it was practically free and took less than 5 minutes a day? You’d consider giving it a try, right?

In my recovery process from an autoimmune disease, I found not one, but five daily routines helped to lessen the toxic load while aiding in my recovery process. And I want to share them with you!

Drink Nettle Leaf Tea

We’ve all heard about the benefits of drinking Kombucha, but not all! I love nettle leaf tea as it aids in recovery from muscle soreness, injury and everyday aches and pains. You can thank its natural analgesic effects, and antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial compounds for that. There is even evidence to suggest that nettle leaves may help to lower blood sugar and blood pressure, heal the stomach lining from ulcers or irritation and even prevent cancer. For women, there are additional benefits for both menstrual cramps and pregnancy, as it supports kidney function and can prevent uncomfortable cramping.

Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is an amazingly simple process and let me tell you, it works. It’s an easy way to unclog pores and remove the toxins that get locked underneath the skin. Our skin is technically an organ, the largest organ in the human body, and it’s estimated that roughly one third of the body’s toxins are located inside the skin. By brushing your body with a dry brush before you shower, you exfoliate the surface layer of the skin that may be blocking toxins from exiting your system. I recommend starting at your feet and moving the brush upwards toward your heart in short sweeping motions. This provides a quick exfoliation and gets your circulation moving. After a minute or so, you can shower normally and wash all of those dead skin cells away.

Epsom Salt Bath

Soaking in an Epsom salt bath a few times a week is one of my absolute favorite ways to detoxify from both environmental and energetic stressors. The salt helps to draw out and purge those negative toxins, while clearing out any negative energy that you may have picked up throughout the day. You can even add different essential oils to your bath to bump up the healing benefits. For example, if you are particularly stressed out, lavender essential oil is great for calming and resetting your system.

Oil Pulling

Used for centuries as a way to purge bacteria and toxins, oil pulling is a quick and easy way to stay healthy. To do it yourself at home, take a spoonful of organic coconut oil (I love to add in one drop of organic peppermint essential oil as well) and swish it around in your mouth for 5-10 minutes. Do this a few times per week when you wake up in the morning. It will literally pull the toxins out of your mouth, helping to heal bad breath, prevent heart disease, prevent cavities, whiten teeth, and even heal acne.

Drinking Lemon Water

The liver is a powerhouse organ with a big job of flushing out unwanted toxins. There aren’t many of us who eat as cleanly as we’d like, so we could all use a little extra help when it comes to keeping our liver healthy! One of the easiest ways to detoxify your liver is by adding lemon juice to your water each morning. It’s an easy way to encourage your liver to flush out toxins before they are able to be absorbed into your body.

Simply cut a lemon in half, remove the seeds, and squeeze one half into a cup of warm water. You can even add a little honey if it’s too tart for you! If you drink it often enough, your pH will become more balanced and you may not experience the tart flavor in the same way. It seems like it’s almost too simple to work, but this is one of the easiest and most beneficial things you can do to support your body every day.

These are just a few of my favorite inexpensive, quick and simple ways to help your body detoxify naturally. I hope you start incorporating a few of these methods into your daily routine to help rid your body of inflammation, detoxify your system, and stay healthy!

Sarah LoreSarah Lore was destined to combine her passions for spiritual, holistic healing and the beauty industry from a young age. At just 4-years-old, she had a near death experience which exposed her to the metaphysical world, and as a result, shaped her beliefs and claircognizant and clairsentient abilities. But it wasn’t until much later, as an adult, that she realized just how to integrate her experiences with her love of beauty. Early in her career, Sarah gained invaluable business experience managing Neiman Marcus stores and later founding her own bridal boutique in 2008. Around this time, she also gained her aesthetician’s license and Herbalism and Ayurvedic skincare training. She went on to work at various salons throughout Denver for several years. She used this knowledge, coupled with her own healing of an auto-immune disease, to master the healing power of crystals, botanicals and essential oils, and founded Apothecary Co. in 2015. Since it’s launch, she has found true happiness in inspiring people to live their most magical lives and sharing the power of natural ingredients and crystals with others.



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